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Twisted Intestine

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Posts posted by Twisted Intestine

  1. Or I can wait until you create the thread and make the second post in it keeping a new randomized list and telling everyone they're picking out of turn when they follow your list. Everyone will get confused and leave the boards.


    Or I can flood the draft with sailor moon porn.


    Anyways, I'm just kidding, it's cool. I'm serious about not seeing the big deal in adding the extra 3 or 4 people though.

  2. I had a dream a few hours ago that I was editing all of Sideburnious' posts and highlighting the parts I thought were important. Only, the posts were on paper not a computer, so I was just highlighting them. I thought this was some kind of hilarious prank and woke up laughing.

  3. Let's give them points!




    Jericho - 5

    Christian - 4

    Edge - 3

    Matt - 2

    Jeff - 1




    Jericho - 5

    Edge - 4

    Jeff - 3

    Christian - 2

    Matt - 1




    Jeff - 5

    Edge - 4

    Jericho - 3

    Christian - 2

    Matt - 1




    Jeff - 5

    Jericho - 4

    Christian - 3

    Edge - 2

    Matt - 1


    Good Looks:


    Christian - 5

    Jericho - 4

    Jeff - 3

    Edge - 2

    Matt - 1




    Jericho - 21

    Jeff - 17

    Christian - 16

    Edge - 15

    Matt - 6

