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Twisted Intestine

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Posts posted by Twisted Intestine

  1. This won't be the exact words, as it was a couple hours ago I watched the show.. but it went something like this;


    King: "Did you know I go out with Trish every night JR?"


    JR: "No I didn't know that. That hasn't been around on the internet"


    I don't know.. it kind of sounded like another shot at internet fans to me..


    Anyone else hear it?

  2. I challenge you to name three...no, one way to save the Lita angle. I'm really interested in hearing it. How do you take an angle that started with Lita basically getting sexually harrassed and later raped to get Kane from beating Matt up, then have Lita getting knocked up, and turn it into anything watchable?

    Don't you see? It's already set up with Jeff Hardy's time traveller gimmick. Jeff travels to the past and stops Kane from sleeping with Lita.












    Yeah, just kidding. The angle sucks. I know that WWE has alot of shitty angles.. all I was really trying to say is I don't see how Matt's 'bashing' internet fans. All he's really doing is telling us to be positive about things (as hard is that is with WWE throwing us crap). I just don't think Matt should be turned into a bad guy over this.. it seems like he's only attempting to make piece.

  3. I think you're all just proving what Matt said in his article.


    All he was basically saying is that instead of bashing everything the WWE does and saying it sucks, we should give constructive critisism on how to make it better. He wasn't saying "You must think everything is good, and if you say otherwise you're stupid". He even said the WWE aren't perfect. He said you can think something is no good, but look for the positives and think of ways to improve on it instead of just saying "That sucks" and leaving it at that. I totally agree with him.


    Now, not everyone, but by alot of you just bashing what he had to say and calling him another one of Vince McMahon's goons, you're proving what he said about the internet fanbase being negative. He didn't bash internet fans, he simply asked us to try and make it a more positive environment. So how do we respond? With a bunch of negative feedback to what he said. Oye.

  4. So? TNA 'stole' "The Truth" from me. ;) [only my guy was Latino from East LA] {if you want more details, I can provide them}

    Actually.. apparently there's an indy wrestler named "Truth Martini" (I think.. something like that anyways) with the same gimmick and he's been around for quite awhile..


    Anyways, point is, I HIGHLY doubt WWE, or TNA, steal gimmicks/angles from anyone. It's not rare for people to have the same idea. Besides, WWE has a good creative team (Ha!), why would they need to steal ideas from anyone?
