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Twisted Intestine

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Posts posted by Twisted Intestine

  1. I'd be awesome in the spot. Not because I know a ton about wrestling or am a good poster, but because I'd be a stickler for keeping everything neat, finding ways to improve the folders, and making sure people didn't fuck it up. It'd be more of a chore than anything, which is why I won't nominate myself, but will accept Bob Barron's nomination of me.

  2. Yeah, I'll be down for this. Just a suggestion, but maybe we should select books with a copy available to download over the internet? It'd just be cheaper and more accessable for people. Well, I would rather download books to read than go out and purchase physical copies anyways.

  3. Yeah, Jericho's marriage could have been breaking for a long time. I like how everyone's saying "leaving his wife and kids"... like his kids won't see him again. How do you know they won't be living at daddy's place whenever he's not on the road? How old are his kids, anyways?
