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Twisted Intestine

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Posts posted by Twisted Intestine

  1. Mom: I have lots of love for my mom, but a hard time showing it to her. I often act like a 12 year old brat around her, for reasons I don't know. She annoys me alot, trying to baby me and being stubborn as a brick. She does things that she knows annoy me, and I tell her not to do them every time, but she does them again and again. I'm closer to her in the way that I can talk to her about things I'd never talk to my dad about. We get along well for the most part.


    Dad: During my teen years we didn't get along so great. I was a rebel and he was the strict father who wouldn't let no shit fly. Now he's completely changed and chill all of the time and we get along much better. I think it's partly because I'm older and partly just because he's changed as a person.


    Step mom: Uptight. Religious. Anti-Fag. Close minded. Stressed. I can handle her in small doses, and don't have a grudge against her, but she just has everything I don't like in a person. When I'm living at home and she's around the tension in the house just seems to sky-rocket. I think she tries to be a good person though, so whatevs.


    Step dad: Chill guy, cool, easy to get along with. He married my mom just a few years ago, so I didn't grow up with him like I did with my step mom.

  2. Again, this is why I find the middle rounds (from about Round 4 to Round 12 or so) most fascinating. The last few rounds have been filled with a ton of steals and headscratchers (though not ones of Drury like proportions), sometimes one after another). Again, it's all so subjective.


    4 to 12 are the middle rounds? What's that make 12 to 40? Man, 40 rounds is alot!

  3. -Whenever someone wants to interrupt an interview, they must always have their music played. They wanna say something so badly that they first need to inform the sound guy to play their music before going to the ring.


    Like I already said, I imagine it as the entrance music guy sitting backstage and playing a wrestler's music as they pass him towards the stage (Unless they tell him not to), not the wrestlers asking for it to be played.


    What about when music plays and then the wrestler enters from a part of the arena nowhere near the entrance, coming through the crowd or something? Does he call the music guy's cell phone? And if he wants it to be a surprise, does he sit in a supply closet with his hand over the phone, talking really quietly saying, "Hey man, go ahead and play my music, but I'm gonna be entering from somewhere else. Don't tell anyone! Man, this is gonna be neat."




  4. More on entrance music:


    Somehow, the guys in the back know exactly which music to play at the end of a beatdown or heated confrontation. If you think about it, they're really forcing their will on the audience.


    For example: Legacy beats down Shane, HHH makes the save, agents including Rotunda and Malenko run in to help out, and HHH music places as he stands triumphant. Malenko's retired and he risked his health out there...ya ever think maybe he deserves to have his James Bond gimmick music played?!


    They're trained to know. I know who's music is going to play, and I don't even work there. It's not hard to assume they know who's music to play at what times. Besides, Malenko being retired = them not even having his music on hand to play if they wanted to.


    I don't care how deep you guys dig with this music stuff, it all makes perfect sense.


    -Whenever someone wants to interrupt an interview, they must always have their music played. They wanna say something so badly that they first need to inform the sound guy to play their music before going to the ring.


    Like I already said, I imagine it as the entrance music guy sitting backstage and playing a wrestler's music as they pass him towards the stage (Unless they tell him not to), not the wrestlers asking for it to be played.

  5. Whenever you want to run in to save someone, you MUST have your music blaring over the speakers.


    I've always assumed that there's somebody sitting backstage by the entrance with a computer, and whenever a wrestler walks/runs by them towards the stage, the person plays their music.


    At times when a different wrestler's music is played to "trick" the crowd or whatever, it's because the wrestler asked the music guy to do that.

  6. In Canada: Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia... Calgary Alberta was the shittiest. They have this little tower thing that's supposed to be like the CN Tower, but it's like half it's size. Fuck you EHME.


    I haven't been to the East Coast, but want to go there next.


    Outside of Canada: Florida, Jamaica... Jamaica rules.

  7. I can whistle, sometimes I can barely whistle and sometimes I can whistle the tune to a whole song. One time in high school gym I remember letting out a whistle so loud... I was fucking proud. Never emulated that pitch of a whistle again. I remember I time when I couldn't whistle. I first learnt to whistle by sucking the air in, and then later by blowing it out.


    I can't really snap my fingers that well.

  8. You can't pick your own crime, KOAB! Play the damn game right. I'd rather rob a bank and be rich, but I wouldn't have immunity for that crime.


    I would decline the opportunity. I've never hated anyone in my personal life enough to actually want to murder them, and I fail to see what would be accomplished by killing some entertainer for sucking or disappointing me.


    Lot of angry people around here. Love, guys. Don't hate. Love.


    This. Except I'd probably save my kill pass just in case I ever needed it. Then I'd end up using it on some bastard who fucks one of my future girlfriends in the heat of rage. It wouldn't make a difference in the long run.

