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Everything posted by TheInsane

  1. TheInsane

    Ugliest WWE Belt

    Womens. If they stick with Cenas WWE title belt I'd choose that one. The best looking belt WWE ever had (according to me) was the WWE title belt that were around beore Cena had the title. Its a shame if they never use it again.
  2. TheInsane

    Cool finisher, horrible name

    I never liked the name pedigree. I never really thought the move was that cool either to be honest. I also dont like F5. Sure it makes sense and they did explain the name on television but I just dont find the name good at all. It doesnt sound threatening the way it should.
  3. TheInsane

    Tim White's "Suicide" skit

    Seeing how WWE usually sell death angles and more brutal stuff Im surprised they never mentioned this suicide. And how come they even made that segment. Vince must be really losing it. His wrestlers have poor morals after the death of Eddie and yet they play up a low rider angle which "kills" Taker. Bad taste? Yes. And then they have a former referee commiting suicide on a PPV. Poor taste? yes. I cant even see what they want from this. The gay wedding was a publicity stunt but this is more a thing where people finally give up hope on WWE as I think it turns people away from the product.
  4. TheInsane

    Why X division is not good at all...

    I am all for making Joe a player in the heaveyweight division as well. But I have to say that even though I doubted the descicion to put him in the x-division initially it had been proven to be a huge success. He is now the X-division champion and I think he should be for several months. He really did start at the bottom and worked his way up to the title. I think he'll be a great champion and when the time comes he can move to the heavyweight rankings and be successful there as well.
  5. TheInsane

    Why X division is not good at all...

    Atleast Elix Skipper doesn't intentionally stiffs up his opponent. And since when is getting dropped on your neck/kicked in your head considered safe? Joe has three moves where his opponent can easily get crippled, Muscle Buster(Bentley), snap powerslam(Necro Butcher) and corner STO. BTW I like Joe's matches. But I think it's retarded when people say that Angle isn't as good as Joe because he does things like hitting the pop-up superplex when Joe is ignoring the first rule of pro-wrestling - protecting your opponent. And please don't give me the argument about Punk saying he is a safe worker. What else do you expect Joe's best friend to say? Well Elix is still more dangerous to his opponents than most wrestlers I watch on a regular basis. On the head dropping things. Look at AJPW ala 1993. The freakin company was built in head dropping moves. All suplexed were made so that the opponen lantet on his head. However these people are well trained and serioud injury didnt occul allt hat often. Lets look at WWE after the year 2000. How many wrestlers have been out with serious neck injuries. ALOT. There is something to this. First of all many people probably did to risky stuff and overall stuff that they really werent ready to do. Second, WWE wrestler bodies are less good from a injury perspective. Alot of show-off muscles and less where it counds. really big guys always suffers more injuries (and more easily as well). I think Joe does protect his opponents well. Ok so he had two failed moves that you can name. You know accidents happen. I think Joe is as safe as any other wrestler its just that he is stiffer than most (in the US). Stiffness does not equal more risk for big injuries you know.
  6. TheInsane

    Why X division is not good at all...

    The match vs AJ was bound for injury. Both men played up on the hatred and it was alot stiffer than the usual Joe match. You know Joe suffered injuries in that one as well. It was meant to be more dangerous. In other cases I havent heard that Joe hurts people more than othe rpeople do. Sure he is stiff but I'd like to quote William Regal here; "I hit hard in safe places". I dont think Joe is a danger to work with. Sure you're sore but most often its nothing dangerous. The most dangerous athlete in TNA today is probably Skipper who botch so much every time he is out there. I thin Joe can still be stiff in the heavyweight division in TNA. It wont work in WWE though since they have a certain policy regarding the style people should use in the ring.
  7. TheInsane

    TNA Year end Awards.

    Finisher of the year: Muscle buster I also like the gore actually. But this does finish it off and it looks painful. Knockout of the year: Traci I don like Jackie. Gail looks good but I have only seen her once in TNA I think. X-Division star of the year: Samoa Joe Easy choice. He has dominated the x-division and he is really over. Tag Team of the year: AMW Maybe Team 3-D takes their place next year but for now they are the best. The Naturals got a good push but I never enjoyed them at all. Who To Watch in 2006: Christian Cage I wanted to vote for Alex Shelley but I couldnt (no option to do that). We all know Christian will succeed in TNA so I feel a bit bad for picking something so obvious here. Memorable Moment of the year: Rhino wins world title I feel this was one of the best angles in wrestling 2005. Just that night at bound for glory Rhino was made to look so strong. Just brilliant execution. That they flushed it down the toilet the next Impact taping is another story though. Match of the year: AJ vs Joe (turning point) It was this or Iron man #1. I went with this one because I felt like it at the moment (maybe its because this match is more fresh in my mind). Feud of the year: AJ vs Daniels Couldnt really say because I almost never watch Impact. But I enjoyed the little I saw of this feud. Mr. TNA MVP 2005: Joe Unbeaten, alays top performance, ends the year as a champion + I enjoy his matches so much. It was either Joe or Daniels here and I went with Joe.
  8. TheInsane

    Why X division is not good at all...

    This is the most important point out of all I think. To really drag fans into what you're doing and making it realistic in the contex of things. Its like the "back to the future" movies being realistic in its own way. Sure you cant travel through time but if you could those movies could be very realistic. The same applies for wrestling. I think this is what alot of independent wrestling lacks. In the organisation we talk about here I think Sonjay Dutt is a good example on how to NOT perform as a pro-wrestler. He is awful. In ROH most of Special K were of this kind (in 03 and 04) etc. The X-division is of HUGE importance to TNA I think. However they need to train their wrestlers in the art of suspension of disbelief. With this being said I think the most important part of suspension of disbelief is to know when and how to sell a move or an injury. I really think that is the key to good wresling.
  9. TheInsane

    Why X division is not good at all...

    I only read the first post here and he does have good points I think. Some guys in the x-division are just terrible (Im looking at you Sonjay Dutt). Spot, spot, spot... Oh Im supposed to actually feel pain? Is this really a sport to resemble combat? He's awful in that aspect. This is also the problem with alot of undercard wrestlers in ROH when I used to watch tht (lat year and the year before). Guys like Special K were only glorified gymnasts not wrestlers. However the X-division is of extreme importance to TNA and they do have awesome wrestlers that I feel can tell a story. Joe of course but also Daniels, Sabin, Strong, Shelley and AJ. However I feel that some guys focus WAY to much time on just doing the high spots and not actually try to make it look like combat. Watch the Raven shoot interview and he explains the same thing but in a better way than I. Restholds arent fun if used to much. And there is a big difference between restholds and submissions. One awesome match I have seen from ROH is Low Ki vs Danielson. Its all based on submissions but its competative stuff. Its not holds they use to catch their breath or anything. They use it in a competative way and really try to end the match. Thats what some people seem to miss. Alot of people complain if a matchs has many submission attempts but there is a vast difference between submissions and rest holds. Another thing is no-selling. Its good if done right. I ahte it when guys forget that they need to sell (Mr Dutt) or when they no sell all the time (Undertaker in the early 90ies). However it can be very effective as well. Im a big fan of NOAH and they can really do it to perfection when a guy like Kobashi gets a second win and starts to no sell for a short while. Seemingly getting superman strength. It really adds to the drama and the audience goes wild. If its done all the time it loses its impact though and makes nothing count.
  10. TheInsane

    Best squash/one-sided matches

    Yes I remember that as being very brutal and bloody. And it was entertaining. Zach was totally destroyed. Im not sure that it was actually a match or not though.
  11. TheInsane

    Best squash/one-sided matches

    I remember a squash match (I actually have it on tape) from a episode of Superstars. It was Beverly Brothers vs two jobbers. One of them was called Pete Cristie (sp?). In any case the Beverlo Brothers totally killes Pete. A really nasty looking neck bump to end the match. That about the most memorable thing the Beverly Brothers did to me. The only other match I remember with them was when the Steiners got to beat them at the Royal Rumble 1993.
  12. TheInsane

    RAW Spoilers from Afghanistan

    I dont like the depush of Shelton at all. However I understand this. WWE is planning on a new gimmick for him and my guess is that he will supposedly sink to the bottom and then get help from his "Mama" in some way. Shitty angle? Maybe but thats what WWE are going for here. What is a boot camp match?
  13. Well I would do the same thing that WWE does right now. Granted I wouldnt have broken up the tag team so damn fast. Heck, I wouldnt even have two tag divisions but concentrate on making one good division on either brand. With that being said if I was to push either Cade or Murdoch it would most definately be Murdoch. I actually see potential in this guy. I like his body as well. It makes me think of the great puroresu wrestlers. besides he looks different from everyone else and I actually think he's a pretty good wrestler. Granted it hasnt been shown yet but if he really got the chance I could see him becoming pretty good. The IC title needs more people in its division as well. I'd like to see Murdoch getting a push.
  14. TheInsane

    Vote for a new Batista shirt design on WWE.com

    I agree. Even if I personally prefer wearing all black their non-black shirts ahve been good. I love the Chris Benoit shirt for example: http://wweeuroshop.com/product.asp?code=47104 But then again they tried the same concept for Eddie Guerrero with "I'm your papi". And we all know how great that shirt was/is
  15. TheInsane

    Vote for a new Batista shirt design on WWE.com

    Carlitos shirts wok because it fits his gimmick. The number 1 Batista shirt isnt a bad shirt its just a bad shirt for Batistas personality. Thats my opinion anyway.
  16. TheInsane

    Vote for a new Batista shirt design on WWE.com

    Carlitos shirts wok because it fits his gimmick. The number 1 Batista shirt isnt a bad shirt its just a bad shirt for Batistas personality. Thats my opinion anyway.
  17. TheInsane

    Vote for a new Batista shirt design on WWE.com

    The first one is hilarious. Did they actually think that was a good idea for a shirt to someone they call "the animal"? I like shirt number 2 actually. Its cool. I dont mind having a wrestler on a shirt. Shirt 3 looks kind of cheap according to me. Like it was done in "paint" or something. Shirt 4 was pretty good though.
  18. TheInsane

    Who came up with that gimmick/angle?

    Great topic. Sadly I dont really know alot of stories except that the Stone Cold gimmick was proposed by Steve Austins wife when his "ringmaster" thing failed. Dunno if his wife at that time was Debra though.
  19. TheInsane

    Joey Styles Signs 5-Year Deal With WWE

    I think they should make it a two man team. Styles is great and he seems to bring the best out of Lawler. When Coach is in there as well they all loose something I think. It just doesnt work as good as it should. Thats why I hope they get rid of the announce Coach because they also fired Bischoff (and of course The Coach had his head up Bischoffs ass for so long).
  20. TheInsane

    And the next piece of crap from WWEShopzone is...

    Wow!!! This is awesome and hilarious
  21. TheInsane

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    Its not like he never had any problems with his health but its still shocking to me. I can hardly believe it. RIP
  22. TheInsane

    New Japan to withdraw from Dome Shows after 1/4

    Im not sure but isnt it a bigger threat to the promotion if they had continued to do Dome shows? I mean it must cost a great deal of money do have the place and when you cant fill it up you have to loose money on that.
  23. TheInsane

    New Japan to withdraw from Dome Shows after 1/4

    This might be sad news in a way but it was the right decision to make. THey cant even fill half of the Dome so why continue to have shows there? When/if they gain more popularity again they can always do a Dome show then. Right now I think they need to focus on whats working for them and to get the company back on its feet again.
  24. TheInsane

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    Samoa Joe vs. Jushin Liger: Nice touch with Joes dance as well as the great reception Liger got. And then they book the match to go 6-7 minutes. That was an awful descision. This was one of the big things on the PPV. They should have scrapped something else and given this at elast 15 minutes. Huge dissapointment in regards of the booking here. The Diamonds In The Rough (Diamond, Primetime, Young) vs. Apolo, Sonny Siaki, and Shark Boy: See, the perfect match to put in the trash can to give Joe vs Liger more time. This didnt do anything for the people involved that couldnt have been done on a Impact instead. Lance Hoyt vs. Monty Brown: I dislike Hoyt. Brown is ok in the ring but I cant stand his stupid "pounceeeeeee" screams. This was ok but nothing more. They could have easily removed this match from the card as well. 3 Live Crew vs. Team Canada : I like 3LC more than I should. They are the perfect opening act. Team Canada can be entertaining at times. Nothing special here though. They have to pull the trigger on the Kip James thing soon though. Its been going on for far to long even though it has developed somewhat (with Kip playing 3LC's friend now). Ultimate X match – Petey Williams vs. Chris Sabin vs. Michael Shane: This was ok but nothing special either. I expected more from all men. And then the X fell down. Didnt they learn anything from that first Ultimate X match they had which Michael Shane won? It cant be that hard to secure a X so that it doesnt fall down when you shake the ropes but is still easily taken down if a wrestler actually grabs it. This being said if the X hadnt fallen down the first time I would have loved the ending (if thats was the planned ending) how Williams just stood under the X and begged for it to fall down. Maybe its a violation of the rules of the match but I like it. NWA Tag Title Match – AMW vs. The Naturals: I dislike the scills of The Naturals so Im happy they dont have the belts. This was ok though but nothing special. Monster's Ball – Abyss vs. Sabu vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Rhino: This started on a bad note. No one did sell the fact that they had been locked in total darkness for 24 hours. No one was bothered by the bright lights. Rhino was even out on the pre-show thing for a promo. However as a regular hardcore match/streetfight this was great accordning to me. The spots were pretty good and even the washed up Sabu and Hardy didnt miss that much at all this time around. Everyone did a great job. I would have made Abyss throw some more power moves through tables though. Good match. 30 minute Iron Man Match for the X Title – AJ Styles vs. Chris Daniels©: I liked this as well. Its nice to actually see some psychology put in there. TNA usually have to much "big spot - stand up - big spot - run around - big spot - bounce up on the ropes - big spot" etc. The same desceace that ROH suffers from. So this was a welcome change. I feel that they would have needed to do more in the last 5-10 minutes though to make it great. Now I'll settle for a good match. 10 Man Gauntlet – Royal Rumble Style: Ok but nothing special. But then it was planned on short notice. NWA Title Match - Rhino vs. Jeff Jarrett© guest ref Tito Ortiz: I think this played out very well. Rhino sold his injuries well and Jarred did his usual main event match with the guitar shots and run-ins. But what was great was that when Rhino got the pin I felt it actually was believable. It was Rhinos night and he took the chance when he had it. He is a credible world champion to me. Maybe even more so that the lates AJ title-run or the long awaited Raven title-run. This felt more genuine. Rhino overcame 3 matches basically and that amde him look really strong. However the PPV wasnt that good when I look back on it. Especially since it was supposed to be the WrestleMania of TNA. The biggest dissapointment was of course Joe vs Liger (the booking). I was glad that I didnt have to see Nash fight and glad that they put Rhino in his place and that he convincingly ran with the ball. Great with the surprise ending. I sure as hell didnt expect it. My prediction after the gountlet was that Jarret would win via interference and that Team 3-D would save Rhino to end the show on a high note without a title change. Two crowd related things: * It damn annoying when the crowd is split in two in every match (except Rhino vs Jarret). I can understand it for special occations like Joe vs Liger or Cena vs Angle in WWE. It makes for a great change. But every damn match with dueling chants. The audience should care who wins. TNA might want to really create strong heels that the fanbase really hates. It would improve things so much. * Throw out that ringside dance guy. The one who practically wants to dance and bounce to anything. He's annoying so get him off my screen. Send him to the local disco but just dont let him think he's hip and cool when dancing in the front row at wrestling shows. Thats all....
  25. TheInsane

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    Shirtless? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm guessing pantless