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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNope

  1. GreatWhiteNope

    Vince McMahon Not Happy With Joey Styles

    The 3-man announce team doesn't work with Styles. Him and Coach try to steal each other's lines every week and it gets old really fast. I think it has to do with Joey not being used to competing with other announcers live. One of the Dudleyz said in an interview a month or so ago that Styles was the master of knowing when not to talk. That doesn't work when you have Lawler interrupting that silence with throwaway comments. I was hoping Coach would be phased out a few weeks after Styles joined on. I don't see Joey lasting much longer in the current arrangement. One Night Stand was probably one of the best calls I've ever heard - but you don't know how much Heyman was feeding to him. Sad situation.
  2. GreatWhiteNope

    TSM 2005 Death Pool

    I thought we could try this. You pick 10 famous names who you think will die in 2005 and list them in this thread. Then for every one that dies, you're awarded points. Points system is as follows: 10 points - Person on your list dies on or between 1/1/05 and 4/1/05 20 points - Person on your list dies on or between 4/1/05 and 7/1/05 30 points - Person on your list dies on or between 7/1/05 and 10/1/05 40 points - Person on your list dies on or between 10/1/05 and 12/31/05 50 points - BONUS for "Best Bet" The "Best Bet" is the one famous name on your list you designate as a "Best Bet" to die. If they die, you get the points for both the date of death and also the 50 BONUS points. You can designate only one "Best Bet". Deadline for submissions in this thread is next Monday (December 27th). Good luck!
  3. GreatWhiteNope

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Here's the Mark Henry segment from the satellite feed of the taping: click here
  4. GreatWhiteNope

    TSM 2006 Death Pool

    Boobie - you can play with the stipulation that you can keep only one Best Bet (Gerald Ford). None of us were able to take into consideration Dick Clark's New Year's Eve apparance, and therefore it would be unfair to let you pick him as a Best Bet. NO MORE SUBMISSIONS - IT'S OVAH! And by the way, Ariel Sharon just had a massive stroke: http://www.nbr.co.nz/home/column_article.a...id=5&cname=Asia
  5. GreatWhiteNope

    My WCW Theme Library

    Nice post - all my WCW themes got deleted years ago. This was released CDQ in one of the Legends of Wrestling games. Big Van Vader 3rd is currently being hoarded for whatever reason. Supposedly the same guy that released the Ricky Steamboat 4th arena tape has it.
  6. GreatWhiteNope

    Death List 2006 closed???

    Cool - thanks.
  7. GreatWhiteNope

    TSM 2005 Death Pool

    3-Way Tie! Yeah, I didn't expect that to happen and there's no tiebreaker.
  8. GreatWhiteNope

    WWE 24/7 Online listings for January

    Ah, ok. Question to those with 24/7 or those who have seen it - are theme songs edited out of the ECW matches? If not, are they redubbed?
  9. GreatWhiteNope

    WWE 24/7 Online listings for January

  10. GreatWhiteNope

    I have the Wrestlemania Anthology Collection

    ah man that was a funny moment too. i can care less about sponsors as they have been doing that for awhile anyhow. oh well I would still like to get my hands on an original x-7 disc, to have no blurring issues but whatever. on wm 20 at the start of victoria-molly they edited out the on screen ad for tix still aviable for raw tom night and the king and jr discussing that. they just are silent for a minute and teh ad doesnt appear on screen wm 21 3 disc set this year edited the messed up "two count" during trish-christy (christy pinned trish and she was supposed to kick out at 2, but didnt, but the ref stopped counting anyhow), on the dvd, they cut to a reverse angle and make it looked like she kicked out at 2, it's really noticeable and annoying.I have the backlash 2000 video but dont know if they edited Eddys match, as I never saw it live on ppv in my wm legacy set theres a few edits, like in wm6 they eidted out demolitions interview after their match, and on wm 7, they dont show either demos or kitao/tenryus prematch promos with trebek or whoever it was. Flair's second WWF theme, which was used for the majority of his 1991-1993 run, was produced by Jimmy Hart. Apparently most of Hart's themes were edited on the Antholgy Collection. But yeah, as of a year ago, WWE was replacing Flair's last WCW theme, which he also used in WWE from 2001-2004, with the 1991-1993 Jimmy Hart theme on DVD releases.
  11. GreatWhiteNope

    Death List 2006 closed???

    Seconding the "what the hell?" reaction. As of last year, I just told anyone posting picks after the cutoff date that they weren't eligible - so I don't know why a mod closed the thread. If someone reopens the thread, could you pin it at the top of General Chat in place of the 2005 contest.
  12. There was an episode of WCW Saturday Night in 1995 or 1996 that was held outdoors. The episode was devoted to a tournament that, if I recall correctly, ended up with Randy Savage defeating Paul Orndorff in the finals. The ring posts had Slim Jim advertising wrappers on them. Can anyone give me a date for when this happened? Was it a King of Cable Tournament or something to that effect?
  13. GreatWhiteNope

    Moderator change. Part 3.

    I want King Koopa removed from power. He has no sense of responsibility or regard for others. I nominate Koopa Troopa to take over his position. But we better run a background check on him first. I know he claimed he wasn't part of the infamous Koopa family, but can we trust a porn star's word nowadays?
  14. GreatWhiteNope

    Most forgettable stint in a promotion

  15. GreatWhiteNope

    Someone give me a date for this WCW Saturday Night episode

  16. GreatWhiteNope

    Wrestling Underground PPV

    The taping was this past August. Apparently the men's matches were after a Women's Extreme Wrestling taping, so the fans were pissed after having to sit through 2 hours of crappy women's wrestling.
  17. GreatWhiteNope

    WON Notes for Dec 27th

    So Tatanka lost weight, eh? edit: wow, just dawned on me that it's been 5 months since he's been on RAW.
  18. GreatWhiteNope

    TSM 2006 Death Pool

    Might as well get my picks in - Abe Vigoda Andy Rooney B.B. King - BEST BET Bob Barker Charles Grodin Charlton Heston Christopher Lloyd Clint Eastwood Dick Clark Elizabeth Taylor Fidel Castro Gerald Ford - BEST BET Hugh Hefner Jake Roberts Jimmy Carter Larry Flynt Marty Jannetty Muhammad Ali Queen Elizabeth II Zsa Zsa Gabor
  19. GreatWhiteNope

    I have the Wrestlemania Anthology Collection

    As a fellow Beavis and Butthead fan, I agree completely.
  20. GreatWhiteNope

    I have the Wrestlemania Anthology Collection

    It's a production song called "Rockhouse" that both WCW and WWE licensed for a period of time.
  21. GreatWhiteNope

    I have the Wrestlemania Anthology Collection

    Stock music is often mistaken as being in the public domain, and therefore free of licensing. Stock music = production music = not produced by a wrestling company. For example, Jericho's WCW themes were both songs that were licensed from a production company's library. That's why you can find CD quality MP3's of those songs online - fans bought the same songs through the production companies, ripped the tracks, and posted them online.
  22. GreatWhiteNope

    Bloodsport: ECW's Most Extreme Matches

    Um, if your referring to the Match from Heatwave 96, then have a look at the list of matches, cause that one is there He meant the Jericho DVD.
  23. GreatWhiteNope

    Bloodsport: ECW's Most Extreme Matches

    I would have liked Dudleyz vs. Dreamer/Raven from the first episode of ECW on TNN where Raven returned and they won the titles.
  24. GreatWhiteNope

    More bad news alert

    At least the asshole would be objective.