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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNope

  1. GreatWhiteNope

    KaZaA Lite no more?

    Uh - right now Kazaa Lite Resurrection has over 3 million users on my node and they're sharing 668,117,458 files. I wouldn't consider that "dead". About 2 years ago K++ was said to be "shut down" for legal reasons, when in fact the developers were just forced not to make any new versions of the program. So other developers kept updating the program and started releasing it as "Kazaa Lite Resurrection". The network never went anywhere.
  2. GreatWhiteNope

    KaZaA Lite no more?

    K++ was discontinued - Resurrection is the continuation of K++, but under a different name for legal reasons.
  3. GreatWhiteNope

    KaZaA Lite no more?

  4. GreatWhiteNope

    Hmm, odd news about Google

    Does it really matter? It's not like you have to use Google.
  5. GreatWhiteNope

    Interesting Newsbits Angle/Lita/Kane/Trish

    Where would she creatively, and literally, be able to fit into the company?
  6. GreatWhiteNope

    Link to RAW Thread

  7. GreatWhiteNope

    Link to RAW Thread

    For those out of the loop - we have RAW threads at this board: http://www.hosted-forum.com/index.php?boar...wn&showtopic=38 Just a reminder.
  8. GreatWhiteNope

    One Night Stand To Receive Little Promotion by WWE

    The number should be Jim Cornette's cell. Just because.
  9. GreatWhiteNope

    WWE "Greatest Stars of the 80's" DVD

    $34.95 is the SRP, so it will probably be $20 - $25 during the first week of release. Unless you get your DVDs at a place like Suncoast, you shouldn't have to pay more than $30. Preorder at DeepDiscountDVD - $18.88 with free shipping: http://www.deepdiscountdvd.com/dvd.cfm?itemID=WWE093885
  10. GreatWhiteNope

    DOI reporting that Chris Candido has died...

    I just saw this on another board. What the fucking fuck.
  11. GreatWhiteNope

    Quantum Leap

    When I was younger, I would stay up every night during the summer and watch it at 1:00 AM on Sci-Fi. Pretty sure I've seen every episode. Definitely a great show.
  12. GreatWhiteNope

    I made a mix CD for a girl.

    I can also testify to this. What did he put on your CD?
  13. GreatWhiteNope

    Google Maps

    http://maps.google.com/ Go there and click "Satellite" in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Twin Pines Mall from "Back To The Future"
  14. Aren't you like 26? That makes him a child-man.
  15. Since we're doing crossovers... You shut the fuck up.
  16. GreatWhiteNope

    Joy to the world

    That's where he went. He went to Chuck E. Cheese's?
  17. GreatWhiteNope

    Any Good Freeware Video Editing Programs?

  18. GreatWhiteNope

    New WWE DVD's available for preorder

    WWE-ECW ONE NIGHT STAND (7/12) WWE-ECW (CE) (7/12) WWE-ROAD WARRIORS-LIFE & DEATH OF (6/14) WWE-GREATEST WRESTLING STARS OF TH (6/14) I wonder if the ECW (CE) title is the bundle of One Night Stand and Rise and Fall that was mentioned a while back, or if it's the ECW's Greatest Matches set that was said to be in development. The $34.95 retail price means it's 3 discs. Perhaps it's a bundle of the Greatest Matches set and One Night Stand?
  19. GreatWhiteNope

    I'm deeply depressed...

    And her big fat ass.
  20. GreatWhiteNope

    Question about black people...

    I saw a movie while still in middle school (probably Friday or something) and the next day I was talking to a black kid in my class. For whatever reason, I let something along the lines of "stop it negro" out of my mouth. Took me a few hours to realize what I had said - got alot of dirty looks from other black kids in the hallway. And I never apologized - which is something I still regret. I wasn't racist, just a fat white kid with poor social skills who watched too much TV.
  21. GreatWhiteNope

    WWE Carlito Shirt Poll

    First one.
  22. GreatWhiteNope

    Old TV shows you want back on TV

    I think Nickelodeon should make its GAS digital cable channel into a Classic Nickelodeon channel. Never thought I'd say this but - I'm sick of watching the old Nick game show reruns. When I first got digital cable I watched it every day, though.
  23. GreatWhiteNope

    Link to RAW Thread

  24. GreatWhiteNope

    Warrior to sue somethingawful.com

    Indeed: http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=2790
  25. GreatWhiteNope

    Guns N Roses song leaked

    Here's the full demo