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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNope

  1. GreatWhiteNope

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    If the fetus is in there - I will mark so hard.
  2. GreatWhiteNope

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

  3. GreatWhiteNope

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    Why is Bischoff talking to the wall? edit: Nevermind, the wall has hands.
  4. GreatWhiteNope

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    (casting call) Lita: Snitsky is a dead. Man. Director: Get out of my sight.
  5. GreatWhiteNope

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    My baby takes the morning train! EVERYBODY SING!
  6. GreatWhiteNope

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    Kane: B-4 HBK: Shit, you sunk my battleship. Big Show: You sunk my battleship? We're playing Connect Four! HHH: But-uh...I am the Game! RVD: Where the fuck is your on button then? I wanna play me some Pac Man. Taker: I never lose at that game. RVD: You no-sold Pac-Man? Taker: Let me put it this way - the pizza parlor in my neighborhood owes me big time. RVD: I'd just take the money. Taker: But I can't sleep at night knowing those multi-colored ghosts are out there...somewhere...laughing at me...
  7. GreatWhiteNope

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    What? The Jakks toy ring now has a spring in it. And they promote the fact that it has a spring in it so the action figures bounce.
  8. GreatWhiteNope

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    Get your free sword catalog! Kurgan's SOWAAD!
  9. GreatWhiteNope

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    I wonder if we'll get to see the new and improved Highlight Reel... ...with the obscenely metrosexual Fagtron 5000.
  10. GreatWhiteNope

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    "16 year old kid still holds a grudge because his mom took a ride on space mountain 20 years ago" That didn't make sense, Hunter.
  11. GreatWhiteNope

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    "do you know how many virgins I have killed?" He was getting there.
  12. GreatWhiteNope

    The truth about "Friday Night Lights"

    You mean defensive line, right? That's pretty messed up. Chop-blocking is legal at the line of scrimmage. But it's used as more of a means to slow down a blitz. Legal chop-blocking doesn't involve persuing the back of the defender's legs. It's supposed to cause the defensive line to trip (if they don't see it coming).
  13. GreatWhiteNope

    Going to upgrade to broadband

    You have to check how many PCI slots you have free. Your 56k modem is a PCI card so you may be able to leave it assuming there's an available slot next to it. Otherwise you can just remove the 56k modem and pop in a new ethernet or wireless card. Usually the card will come with a disc/cd containing drivers. If not, you should be able to find the driver online. XP should autodetect it - but I'm assuming you're not running XP. Most wireless routers send out signals on the 802.11 frequency, which is the industry standard. As long as the wireless cards you buy (or any other wireless device for that matter) say "802.11 compatible" it should easily pick up the signal your router is broadcasting.
  14. GreatWhiteNope

    Going to upgrade to broadband

    You need ethernet cards on both computers (unless you want to go wireless). The person coming to install broadband will probably provide them for you, but you're better off buying 2 PCI ethernet cards yourself as the broadband installers tend to overcharge. Now if you want to go wireless (which is easier) you can just buy two 802.x wireless PCI cards for both systems. They're like $15 each online. Routers vary in price. My wireless ethernet hub cost like $35. I bought it refurbished from Half.com. Read reviews first and make sure everything's kosher. Also, your cable company will try to charge you a monthly fee for rental of their cable modem. This is unnecessary. Buy your own cable modem (usually your cable company's web page provides a list of preferred brands) and have it ready at the time of installation. This should save you a few bucks each month. So depending on your setup, this is what your connections will look like: Non-Wireless: Cable line goes into cable modem, cord connects from cable modem to router, ethernet cable #1 goes from router into PC #1 ethernet card, ethernet cable #2 goes from router into PC #2 ethernet card Wireless: Cable goes into cable modem, cord connects from cable modem to wireless router, signal picked up by PC#1 and PC#2 via their respective 802.x wireless cards 32 MB should be fine for web surfing. Like stated above, the 64 MB stick is most likely incompatible with your motherboard.
  15. GreatWhiteNope

    Help with DVD burner

    That refers to the type of disc you're trying to record to. What kind of disc do you have in the drive (DVD+R, DVD-R, DVD+RW, or DVD-RW)? Your drive may not be able to record to that format.
  16. GreatWhiteNope

    Bootleg DVD's

    I found a few bootleg DVD's listed on eBay. Mostly season sets of TV shows repackaged for the foreign market. Now, I'm not an advocate of stealing or anything - but paying upwards of $30 for a plastic disc is kind of insane. Does anyone know of sites where I can order, um, "backup" copies of popular DVD releases? The packaging means nothing to me - so long as the discs play in my Region 1 player.
  17. GreatWhiteNope

    Bootleg DVD's

    I'm not buying the overseas DVD's. But say if there's some guy online that burns discs and sells them for $5 a pop or something - that's what I'm looking for.
  18. GreatWhiteNope

    Is there a way to downgrade your AIM version?

  19. GreatWhiteNope

    Is there a way to downgrade your AIM version?

    Go to oldversion.com, download the previous version and install it over the newer one. Should work fine.
  20. GreatWhiteNope

    Velvet Revolver covers "Surrender"

    Download Good stuff.
  21. GreatWhiteNope

    I think I need a new signature

    Modified - Picture: Frank Sinatra with your old signature photoshopped over his cigarette. Caption: I hate sigs.
  22. GreatWhiteNope

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    Gee, and the left wonders why people don't tend to like them much. -=Mike I was part of the liberal bandwagon up until a few weeks ago. Then I realized Kerry hasn't proven anything to me as to why he should be president. You're not voting for John Kerry - you're voting for the Democrats' answer to Bush. And although he's the most qualified man to fill that role, he hasn't explained how he would perform better than Bush - other than saying he would have done things Bush did in the past better - which is irrelevent.
  23. GreatWhiteNope

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    I have CNN on as background noise, and I'm like "Ross Perot?" I turn around and Ann Richards is on the screen.
  24. GreatWhiteNope

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    According to ABC, who sampled 35 Republicans and 35 Democrats, Kerry DID do better than a tie. You said that already. I ignored it b/c it's ABC. Oh, and b/c you said it. Horse with blinders. See - this is why I'm in all likelyhood not voting. This election has created a legion of dolts who follow the media instead of doing their own research. Then they use that variety of skewed information to develop a skewed opinion on politics. If you cared. If you REALLY FUCKING CARED about what is going on in this country then you would base your opinion on fact instead of "Kerry is good, Bush is bad". WHY is Kerry good? WHY is Bush bad? WHO led you to believe that Kerry is good and Bush is bad? Think for yourself. Don't believe the hype.
  25. GreatWhiteNope

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    According to ABC, who sampled 35 Republicans and 35 Democrats, Kerry DID do better than a tie. It's 70 people. Who cares?