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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNope

  1. GreatWhiteNope

    Alan Keyes wants to lose his race I guess..

    I'm shocked nobody's posted this here: Maya, daughter of Alan Keyes, is a lesbian
  2. GreatWhiteNope

    Major Miscommunications With RAW

    I wouldn't blame the writers as they honestly didn't know about Owen. Now whoever didn't clue them in that death references would be in bad taste - blame them.
  3. How do we vote for Taboo Tuesday again?
  4. Saw that coming from a mile away.
  5. Car commercial Father: Son, here's all you need to know. (pops trunk, revealing Christy's dead body) Father: Son, can you say "Hemme"? Son: Hemme! Father: That's my boy.
  6. "2004 Gooker Nominee" sign.
  7. JR: I'm a big fantasy gaming fan - I know you are! Scott Keith: He can see me!
  8. There was like a 6-year old kid in the front row. I found that hilarious.
  9. Didn't that guy used to play Brian on Wings?
  10. Yes - we want to see Uncle Eric's roots. Not really.
  11. Did JR just say "X-Division"?
  12. Jericho: The name's... (looks at tights) ...Y2J. Mrs. McFly: Aye, what does it stand for? Jericho: Ya...um...Yanni Jr. II Mrs. McFly: Well it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Yanni!
  13. Yeah. It freaked me out too.
  14. Eric Stoltz? Marty McFly #1?
  15. Jericho actually brought his head up and looked over for him. While he was supposed to be down for the 3-count.
  16. Exactly. Bret Hart said "if you've seen one Flair match, you've seen them all" or something to that effect. Well yeah - and they're damn entertaining.
  17. Ric Flair one-night face turn to challenge HHH...again?
  18. "I would sneak into my parents' bathroom and slip on their bathrobe...you know..."
  19. Flair's convinced he's the best - and everyone else can go fuck themselves. I love it.
  20. Orton should retire Flair tonight. It would make sense. Otherwise I don't know why JR brought up Flair starting out in Kansas City.
  21. He strikes a close resemblance to Test as well... ...If Test was roided up and made faces to the camera during restholds.
  22. Snitsky stole Test's moveset!