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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNope

  1. GreatWhiteNope

    Dating To Save People From Hell

    My friend had a girlfriend like that. She was hardcore baptist. Between fucking she would try to convert him.
  2. GreatWhiteNope

    The Underquaker!

    Someone notify Preparation H that their trademark is being infringed. If only to get that shirt off the market.
  3. GreatWhiteNope

    best PC microphone?

  4. GreatWhiteNope

    best PC microphone?

    I'm looking to make a demo on my computer and I need a decent microphone to record my vocals. Any recommendations?
  5. GreatWhiteNope

    Raw 9/6/04

  6. GreatWhiteNope

    Raw 9/6/04

    Where's our favorite Republican?
  7. GreatWhiteNope

    Raw 9/6/04

    Because it's "The Cage." "The Cage" has been involved in some of the greatest matches in wrestling history. But, who could forget "The Ropes," or "The Turnbuckle," or "The Mat?" That's not very sensible.
  8. GreatWhiteNope

    Raw 9/6/04

    and then he'll be called, "K3" K-Cube Rapping burn victims, represent!
  9. GreatWhiteNope

    Raw 9/6/04

    The cage gets a better entrance than Orton.
  10. GreatWhiteNope

    Raw 9/6/04

  11. GreatWhiteNope

    Raw 9/6/04

    "It's very likely Eugene's career is over" That would have been a cool way to kill him off.
  12. GreatWhiteNope

    Raw 9/6/04

    nah, MTV disowned WWE a while ago It's going to air as part of Smackdown every week.
  13. GreatWhiteNope

    Raw 9/6/04

    Ivory should come down and flick a match in that briefcase. "Your money was going to be burned either way, Vince!" I'd mark.
  14. GreatWhiteNope

    Raw 9/6/04

  15. GreatWhiteNope

    Raw 9/6/04

    Heh...Heh Heh... Are you comfy? Huh...Huh Huh...
  16. GreatWhiteNope

    Raw 9/6/04

    I'll say Kane cuts a promo on Lita explaining how he wants the baby for his own evil reasons. Then during the match Lita drives down in Angle's milkmobile and douses Kane while saying "THAT'S THE CLOSEST YOU'RE GONNA GET"!
  17. GreatWhiteNope

    Raw 9/6/04

    When the ramp is missing, something is usually driving into the arena and down the aisle or something similar. I was going to say HBK was going to drive down during the ME in the Popemobile but that wouldn't really make too much since. Maybe the short bus comes to pick up Eugene ...with Flair driving, and Scott Hall strapped in a seat for added effect.
  18. GreatWhiteNope

    Raw 9/6/04

    I thought Nidia was a heel. What happened?
  19. GreatWhiteNope

    Best 80's music

    I guess we're talking about pop bands here. Personally, I'm a fan of the early 80's New Romantic movement. Human League, Spandau Ballet, ABC and countless others resurrected meaningful sound from the ashes of disco. Tears For Fears is highly underrated in America. Their work progressed steadily through the 80's. "Seeds Of Love" is an absolutely beautiful album.
  20. GreatWhiteNope

    DVD (+/- R/RW)

  21. GreatWhiteNope

    "Masters Of The Ring" DVD

    Just found this review: http://www.dvdtalk.com/reviews/read.php?ID=12125 I hadn't heard anything about it. Are those matches any good? -Vampiro Vs. Pirata Morgan With Super Crazy -Eddie Guerrero and Art Barr Vs. Santo and Octagon -Terry Funk Vs. Doug Gilbert -Konnan Vs. Perro Aguayo -Chris Benoit Vs. Too Gold Scorpio -Liger Vs. Great Sasuke -Konnan Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. -Psicosis and Heavy Metal Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. and Ultimo Dragon -Sabu Vs. Al Snow Vs. Surprise Wrestler
  22. GreatWhiteNope

    PilotWings on the Super Nintendo

    The HangGliding is hard as fucking fuck. I don't think I hit the target once. I just ended up trying to get good scores on the other stunts. That worked until the later levels.
  23. GreatWhiteNope

    Assist me wiht drunken moderating

    Banky would be on this thread faster than Tammy on a crack pipe.
  24. GreatWhiteNope

    Assist me wiht drunken moderating

    Your sig should be Did I forget to mention you can preorder my new book at Amazon?