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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNope

  1. Bitch in front row: "RUN LITA RUN!"
  2. First thing that came to mind: Gay Regis Philbin
  4. Kane is the product of Paul Bearer and a midget?
  5. Are they playing "Lean On Me"? WTF
  6. So place your bet on who's singing "Together". I predict a heel chorus. Which would be awesome.
  7. Whoa - I thought Luther Reigns was Droz for a second.
  8. Reverend: Anyone who objects speak now... (Matt comes out) (Kane kills Matt with fire) Reverend: Anyone ELSE who objects, speak now... (HBK comes out) Reverend: Why do you believe these two should not be wed? Shawn: Cause I hate skanky bitches more than anything. (Superkick to Lita) JR: H-B-KANE! H-B-KANE! BAH GAWD!
  9. Join Hurricane and Rosey to form the "Super Best Friends".
  10. Victoria speaks for sane people everywhere.
  11. Uh-oh - here comes the "I am Evolution" promo.
  12. Oh that was a classic, wasn't it. The RNN theme? I loved that.
  13. He could just actually like make mention of his music..stating that he IS Evolution.. of course I'm probaly about to be proved wrong because he'll come out to something else. "Don't Go Messin' With A Country Boy".
  14. RAW's in limbo. :: dances ::
  15. Question - when Goldust successfully performed Shattered Dreams on an opponent, was he DQ'd?
  16. He just quoted White Wedding at Lita in a backstage bit. HE didn't sing it. Though that would rule. Or if he sang "Dancin' With Myself." Will Matt run out with a boombox blaring "Shock the Monkey" to profess his undying love for Lita? Is/was that a reference to a movie? South Park episode ...or South Park.
  17. He just quoted White Wedding at Lita in a backstage bit. HE didn't sing it. Though that would rule. Or if he sang "Dancin' With Myself." Will Matt run out with a boombox blaring "Shock the Monkey" to profess his undying love for Lita? Is/was that a reference to a movie? Reference to a scene in "Say Anything" where Cusack holds up a boombox and plays "Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel. In either Simpsons or Family Guy (I forget) they parodied it and had a character holding up a boombox and playing "Shock The Monkey".