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Everything posted by what

  1. They should move the Cruisers to Raw and the Tag Teams from Raw to SmackDown. Thus creating a much better tag division. And it would create a fresh start for Rey Mysterio. He could do the "cruiserweight that doesn't want to be a cruiserweight" gimmick and become an IC title contender.
  2. what

    Orton is a ratings DRAW~!

    Why do people act as if DDP wasn't over at all whatsoever when he got the World title?
  3. what

    Stumbled Upon Smackdown!

    Vince probably hasn't had any black people besides The Rock who he thought could draw well as a champion.
  4. what

    Make a statement

    What have you elaborated on? You just stated that he's better than Orton and that's it. Benoit marks always say "oh, he's not THAT bad on the mic" when he actually is. He's terrible. I can't see how this can be disputed.
  5. what

    Stumbled Upon Smackdown!

    Yeah, the pictures of Vince McMahon and Martin Luther King on Teddy's GM wall signifies the plummeting of WWE television. Or maybe the booking is just horrible.
  6. what

    Make a statement

    I'm not saying that Orton's good on the mic but he's going to improve as time goes on. Just look at how he's improved in the ring recently. And yeah, Benoit sets himself apart from everybody else. When he talks, you cringe and think about how bad he is on the mic. Way to set yourself apart, Chris.
  7. what

    Make a statement

    Benoit is a mushmouth and I've never seen him cut a good promo. Don't give me this "intensity" bullshit. All he can say is "I am going to beat you in our next match." He can't get a storyline over or convey any emotions whatsoever.
  8. what

    Make a statement

    No, he doesn't. Benoit's mic skills are perhaps the worst in the company.
  9. what

    Make a statement

    As opposed to Chris Benoit's promos which set the world on fire!
  10. what

    What now for Nick Dinsmore?

    Vince Russo? That would suck badly.
  11. I liked Country Music Star Jeff Jarrett but ever since then, he's fucking sucked.
  12. Being out of touch has made him a billionaire then, I guess.
  13. It suits his monster persona. I don't think it'd be as good if Orton used it.
  14. what

    It's time for TNA to step it up

    No. Wrestling fans want wrestling. Otherwise they'd be watching Days of Our Lives. You need to realize this. And stop posting.
  15. what

    It's time for TNA to step it up

    Styles would at least be a new face to build around. If they truly want to be an alternative/competitor, they'd build around someone new. Why build around a guy nobody gives a shit about?
  16. what

    SD! Spoilers

    House shows mean jack shit. I don't mind Luther. He's the best OVW hoss they've brought up (not saying much). They should've given him Heidenreich's gimmick and thrown one of their shittier big men into the Angle's bodyguard role (and kept him out of the ring). Putting Guerrero in a feud with him though is dumb. Watching Eddie get buried is sickening. AS might've been right about Angle's influence. I can't recall the last time Eddie's won a high profile match.
  17. what

    Did WWE create a monster?

    You know this how? From some bullshit from the torch. Watch as Eddie takes two out of three vs. Angle next week. "Unstoppable Angle" what horseshit.
  18. what

    Did WWE create a monster?

    Boy do you ever jump to some conclusions. What exactly has he fucked up? Please go into detail.
  19. what

    Carlito Carribean Cool

    The Christian reign wasn't a cowardly champ run. He just bitched about being overlooked.
  20. what

    Smackdown spoilers for 8/26/04

    It also did nothing for ratings, buyrates or creating a new star. And I remember houseshow business waning towards the end of the reign, but I don't have stats in front of me either. And then they decided to the same thing to Jericho, getting the same results. Why does any. All it accomplished was shipping both guys off into the midcard (Jericho for a long time) Why would that change for Bradshaw? Bradshaw's ME push was a bad idea in the first place. His cowardly heel champion role is at least entertaining even though it might not have the longest shelf life. There was nothing wrong with Angle's first title reign, IMO. Jericho's title reign was hideous because he was booked to look like a piece of shit. Bradshaw's beaten Guerrero and held his own and won against Taker.
  21. what

    Smackdown spoilers for 8/26/04

    Jericho's title reign was shit because he was booked as an afterthought. And I liked Angle's first reign.
  22. what

    Smackdown spoilers for 8/26/04

    Bradshaw's a cowardly heel champion. He keeps his title via dubious means. Seems like you're just reaching for shit to bitch about. Sounds like a good Smackdown. Rey/Angle will be good. The Angle/Eddie feud isn't great but it should result in some good matches next week.