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Everything posted by Vigo

  1. Vigo

    SNL Review

    It wouldn't surprise me if they have a whole sketch based around it.
  2. Vigo

    SNL Review

    Nonetheless, Richie coked out of her mind is still a hell of a lot more entertaining then Hilton's monotonous voice and shitty acting.
  3. Vigo

    SNL Review

    They should have gotten Nicole Richie instead of Hilton. From what I've seen from Conan and MAD TV last night, Richie seems to be a lot funnier then Hilton. If I had to choose between the two I'd let Richie host.
  4. Vigo

    Colin Farrell

    Exactly, a prostitute is a professional. He pays for the sex and gets what he wants no strings attached. I mean the worst thing he'd have to deal with is the prostitute selling the story to the tabloids but Farrell is the kind of guy who doesn't seem to give two shits about what the tabloids print about him. A college girl just comes with too much baggage.
  5. Vigo

    Randy Moss to the Raiders

    Moss would look great in silver and black plus he'll fit in perfectly with the rest of the Raiders. As much as I love them, the Raiders are one fucked up team right now.
  6. Vigo

    Would a 30-Team Stanley Cup Tournament work?

    If the NHL hypes it up enough as something to see then they'll attract some viewers.
  7. I believe nothing happens, we just cease to be and that's it.
  8. Vigo

    Aaron Carter almost killed by flying mattress

    Yeah, wishing death is a little extreme. Besides, if he did die you know the media would be riding his nuts proclaiming him as some pop prodigy or some other bullshit like that. He'd be more famous dead than he will be ever be alive.
  9. Vigo

    Chain saw suicide goes wrong

    There's got to be an easier way to kill yourself. Why didn't he just jump of a bridge or something. Cheap and effective.
  10. Vigo

    Check this dude out !

    That is some crazy shit. I'm surprised the guy doesn't blow out his knees with some of the jumps he does.
  11. Vigo

    EMO music: love it, hate it?

    You need to sign up for Yahoo's Launchcast Radio. Create your own station with the genres you like. If you don't like a band that's played simply mark them as 'never play again' and you won't hear them again. I've discovered a lot of bands that I normally wouldn't have using Launchcast Radio.
  12. Vigo

    Ashlee Simpson......

    Surely there must be a better source of boobies than Ashlee Simpson.
  13. Vigo

    2005 World Junior Hockey Championship Thread

    I've watched the Juniors and is it just me or is Pierre Maguire one of the weirdest commentators ever? Gord Miller does play by play and you occasionally would hear Maguire mumbling about something, which you couldn't hear cause he talks too quietly.
  14. Vigo

    Ashlee Simpson......

    Why do they get these pop acts to perform during football events? Wouldn't it make much more sense to get someone like Metallica to perform? The majority of football fans are males, who aren't exactly Ashlee Simpson's target market.
  15. Vigo

    Movies that killed a career

    Yeah, I agree. Nothing really killed Emilio's career he just got old and faded off. He is coming back though in Mighty Ducks 4.
  16. Vigo

    Movies that killed a career

    "Showgirls" pretty much killed any chance that Elizabeth Berkley had in mainstream cinema.
  17. Vigo

    2004: The Year in Guilty Pleasures

    I like Yellowcard for some reason.
  18. Vigo

    Things you dont find funny

    I find Seinfeld the show funny but I don't find Jerry Seinfeld the comedian funny.
  19. Vigo

    Apprentice 2

    That reunion special was lame. Horrible production, blatant pimping, and not enough face time for the contestants equals a shitty finish.
  20. Vigo

    NHL Rejects Union Proposal

    How did something like that happen where two teams had almost identical names? How does something like that happen in a league where there are only like eight teams?
  21. Vigo

    NHL Rejects Union Proposal

    The Wild need to change their name to the North Stars and go back to those sweet looking green jerseys they had. I'm sure there won't be any confusion with the Stars, I mean if the CFL can have two teams called the Roughriders why can't we have the Stars and the North Stars?
  22. Vigo

    Songs about drinking.

    Lets Get Fucked Up by Start Trouble Let's get fucked up - Gimme a cup I'll drink till I throw up Let's get fucked up - Alcohol my only friend Licking my lips 'cause I got the craving Saturday night and I've been saving My appetite for alcohol Give my motherfucking peeps a call Where can we do this? It really dont matter Let's get drunk, no let's get plastered I ain't got shit to do in the morning Fuck the surgeon general's warning Let's get fucked up - Gimme a cup I'll drink till I throw up Let's get fucked up - Alcohol my only friend Let's get fucked up - Gimme a cup I'll drink till I throw up Let's get fucked up - Alcohol my only friend Let's do shots of tequilla Tomorrow there's gonna be spots on the rug Chug that glass of bourbon sour I'll be puking in about an hour B-A-C is 12 point 0 dude Gimme the keys I'm ready to go I ain't got shit to do in the morning Fuck the surgeon general's warning Let's get fucked up - Gimme a cup I'll drink till I throw up Let's get fucked up - Alcohol my only friend Let's get fucked up - Gimme a cup I'll drink till I throw up Let's get fucked up - Alcohol my only friend Driving around and I'm far from sober Looking for a ho that I can bend over My friends say I'm going nowhere fast But when I'm fucked up, I need some ass Boo boo booty call, let me inside some sugar walls I ain't got shit to do in the morning Fuck the surgeon general's warning Let's get fucked up - Gimme a cup I'll drink till I throw up Let's get fucked up - Alcohol my only friend Let's get fucked up - Gimme a cup I'll drink till I throw up Let's get fucked up - Alcohol my only friend Let's get fucked up - Gimme a cup I'll drink till I throw up Let's get fucked up - Alcohol my only friend Alcohol my only freind Alcohol my only friend
  23. Vigo

    Need PS2 games for girls

    From my experiences with girls and games I've noticed that quite a number of them like "The Sims". There's a PS2 version of this game so you could get that but if they've got a computer than spring for the PC version that way they can download skins, furniture etc.
  24. Vigo

    Hours of fun

    "kick" also is quite amusing.
  25. Vigo

    Jerry Rice Traded

    Williams would be an upgrade, but that all depends on how Ricky feels. When he wants to play he's pretty good and definitely better than what the Raiders got. Porter isn't the problem, Collins is. The Raiders better draft a quarterback this year cause Gannon ain't coming back and Collins isn't the answer.