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Everything posted by Vigo

  1. Vigo

    Pictures I Like

    That's great. It looks so innocent at first. Who knew that a bunny with a pancake on his head could be so perverse.
  2. Vigo

    Pictures I Like

    I'll settle this. You both look photoshopped.
  3. Vigo

    Lyrics that came true

    2pac and all his songs where he sings about his death.
  4. Vigo

    Survivor : Palau

    Just a reminder that Survivor is on tonight instead of its usual Thursday spot.
  5. Vigo

    The Lurker Call-out Thread

    Maybe they just like to watch.
  6. Vigo

    Full House

    Wait, what? It's true You know somehow that doesn't really surprise me.
  7. Vigo

    NHL to experiment with blue ice...

    Blue ice, green ice, who gives a shit? The NHL has bigger problems to worry about then what color its ice should be.
  8. Vigo

    Some Rumors/News

    Word from Meltzer is the Undertaker is threatened by his gimmick I honestly don't know if that's sarcasm or not. I don't either. Is Undertaker planning on bringing a steel chair to the ring and dancing on it?
  9. Vigo

    Some Rumors/News

    Those guys are fine but they should really bring in La Parka. I guarantee you that he'd get over with the fans and he's a merchandising gold mine.
  10. Vigo

    Will Smith disses Eminem

    This has got to be a joke cause if it ain't then Eminem's just going to destroy him. This is just horrible and looks like a fourteen year old wrote it.
  11. Vigo

    Survivor : Palau

    What I meant by it is that if the team loses next week then they'll probably vote off Kim. Angie wasn't in any danger of being voted off this week. If Kim was voted off this week instead of Jeff then the chance of Angie going next would be huge if they lost again. I believe they would have still kept the injured Jeff over Angie if it came down to the two of them.
  12. Vigo

    Madden 2006

    If they're gonna charge that much they better add a shitload of new features as well as improve on the old ones. People won't settle paying that much for a game with updated rosters and some fluff like that radio show they did this year.
  13. Vigo

    Survivor : Palau

    What I can't believe that after 9 seasons of Survivor there are still people who think they can win by doing nothing. These people rarely survive to the merge yet there are still people like Kim who do this. It's stupid, I mean this is your shot at a million dollars and you're going to blow it because you're to lazy to do any work at the camp site? I don't know what some of these people are thinking when they sign up for this show. Angie played it smart by voting for Jeff this week. She bought herself another week by letting Kim hang around. Smart move.
  14. Vigo

    The Apprentice 3

    Chris also would have been a good choice cause the chance of him blowing up and saying something stupid is extremely high. The guy's done it before and I look forward to when he's the project manager. Audrey was just plain dumb with her strategy in the board room.
  15. Vigo

    The Apprentice 3

    John has this one in the bag I think barring a major screw up it's over. Now is it just me or does anyone else pick up a Vince Vaughn like vibe from John?
  16. Vigo

    Press Conference in Calgary

    If that's the announcement then most people in Calgary already know this as they ran an advertisement for it during Raw.
  17. Vigo

    Lip Syncing

    I have no problems with people like Britney Spears lip syncing. I mean it's Britney for one so I don't expect too much in the first place. Secondly, people who dance around and try to sing generally sound horrible as they'll be trying to catch their breath. Sure, you can be in great shape but three minutes of dance moves will mess with you.
  18. Vigo

    Mark Henry tore his Quad

    The WWE should just buyout the rest of his contract and release him. I mean they'll be wasting there money whether he stays on or whether he goes. Releasing him will make sure that no one ever has to worry about how to bring Mark Henry back into storylines only for those plans to be blown when Henry pulls a tendon while lifting a Big Mac.
  19. Vigo

    Hey look! It's Rookie Diva Rochelle!

    They stand around and look hot.
  20. Vigo

    Press Conference in Calgary

  21. Vigo

    Madden 2005 Question

    Anyone know how many teams you can create in this game? Like can I create enough teams to replace all the NFL teams in franchise mode?
  22. Vigo

    My friend found sand in his vagina.

    That made me laugh. Good job clown.
  23. Vigo

    The future of cheating in sports...

    So with this gene thing are they saying anybody can be a world class athlete?
  24. Vigo

    Where do the wrestlers buy their clothes?

    I've always wondered where Jericho gets his shiny shirts. Some of them look pretty pimp.