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Posts posted by Vigo

  1. well how about that, so Jack didn't want to save child Ben because of the man that he turns into, but it's Jack's refusal to save him that leads him to being made that way, gotta love it, heh


    Jack can't win, can he? I really hope they take him down a more villainous path as I don't care much for him as the "good guy".


  2. Is there any way to figure out what planets you have already explored in this game? I haven't played it in awhile and the loading times just killed it for me.


    No, I just did things old school and kept track with a pen and paper, hopefully, they improve this in the next game. And yes, the load times suck especially the long boring elevator rides, Citadel ain't too bad because at least you get those news updates but the rest suck.


  3. So I picked this game up and loved it. Played it through twice. I've seen people bitch about the Mako but I had no problems with it. My main problems came from planets that had giant mountain ranges as that's where it got annoying due to having to find alternate paths as the Mako couldn't climb them all. I agree with Hawkius the ending was lame compared to the amount of time spent playing the game, it's like the credits were longer than it. For those of you who haven't played it I'd recommend picking it up as it's fairly cheap now, which really was my sole motivation for buying it as a sort of impulse buy. It was a good choice.

  4. Watching that Rumble made me think about something. Say if you're Animal and you're in the Rumble, now when Hawk comes in it should realize that you guys are tag team partners and thus the computer Hawk shouldn't be going after you but instead working with you.

  5. Probably pre-paid for by the Company?


    Does anyone wish they would just get rid of Claire at this point?


    Yeah, I do. She's not interesting at all and honestly gets way too much time devoted to her by the show.


  6. The greatest movie cast of the 1980's is finally coming together today: (From the WON)


    Speaking of The Expendables, Arnold Schwarzenegger just signed on this week to do a cameo. The movie is about a team of mercenaries going to South America to overthrow a dictator and besides Couture, signed up for the cast are Stallone, Mickey Rourke, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Forest Whitaker and All Japan Pro Wrestling’s Aaron Aguilera (Zodiac). They are also in talks with Ben Kingsley and Sandra Bullock.



    This needs Van Damme.

  7. Well my issue with that is that the Hiro/Ando storyline in the last episode made NO sense and then we don't find out a damn thing about what's going on with them next week? That was pretty strange.


    It was probably filler and nothing more. Hiro is a popular character on the show so naturally they need him to do something before they bring him back to the main storyline.


  8. Really, the only categories that matter.


    Best Picture

    Slumdog Millionaire - Christian Colson


    Best Director

    Danny Boyle – Slumdog Millionaire


    Best Actor

    Mickey Rourke – The Wrestler


    Best Actress

    Kate Winslet – The Reader


    Best Supporting Actor

    Heath Ledger – The Dark Knight


    Best Supporting Actress

    Penélope Cruz – Vicky Cristina Barcelona


    Best Original Screenplay

    Milk - Dustin Lance Black


    Best Adapted Screenplay

    Slumdog Millionaire - Simon Beaufoy


    Best Animated Feature

    WALL-E – Andrew Stanton


  9. I wonder how Nancy Grace will cover this? He went from main eventing Super Brawl to hitting woman. Were steroids involved? Marc Mero will on to discuss this...


    Oh, Mero would be easy to deal with just run that angle he had with Sable back in the day where he was total dick to her and then ask him how could he be a part of that. Or since apparently dumbasses think wrestling is real than they'll think he's a real life wife beater.


  10. They didn't promote ECW, but damn if they didn't promote the shit out of Roller Jam


    Paul Heyman believes that's where a lot of the bitterness for ECW from TNN came from. They spent $3 million promoting Roller Jam and nothing to promote ECW, yet ECW was doing 3x the rating of that show and none of the people who watched ECW wanted to watch Roller Jam. It became clear soon that TNN had no vision of ECW being anything beyond a lead-in for Roller Jam.


    I enjoyed Roller Jam until they started running really bad storylines i.e. about when Kenneth Loge appeared. Amy Craig :wub:


  11. You know what sucks about this game? It takes a commitment. All my playing was done in 2 days' time. I haven't played since Christmas Eve, acquiring Dogmeat about 8 hours in, since i can't just play for 30-60 minutes. I feel the need to devote at least a couple hours to exploring, but I always get sidetracked by non-gaming stuff, or I end up playing NHL 09 or something else online with friends for hours.


    I'm in the same boat with GTA IV. I at least an hour to be able to play it. If I have only 30 minutes or so to kill, NHL 09 gets popped into the PS3.


    The problem I have with GTA IV is that it takes forever to get anywhere and so going from mission to mission becomes tedious.


  12. From the Torch Website



    Trish Stratus Open to Returning:



    Trish Stratus retired from WWE at the Unforgiven PPV on September 17, 2006 to pursue life outside of wrestling. Now, she might be eyeing a return to the ring two years later.


    I've heard that Beth Phoenix and this new Diva Natalya have talked [trash] about me," Stratus said coyly in an interview on WWE's website. "I've said it before, but if they ever decided to call me out, I wouldn't hesitate to step into the ring."


    Stratus recently completed filming for her reality TV travel show, "Stratusphere," which currently airs in Canada on the Travel + Escape channel. The show runs on Monday nights at 9:00 p.m. EST.


    I guess her career after the WWE didn't go too well. I kind of figured that the acting thing wasn't going to happen for her.


  13. The secret to the fire ants mission? A hunting rifle. You'll want a longer range weapon that keeps you away from the fire breath (or at least on the edge so you don't take massive damage) and that is the best one since it is accurate and fairly powerful. Most Super Mutants have them. Also, if there are a bunch surrounding you, use VATS to shoot one or two in the antennae to make them frenzied, which causes them to attack the other ants so you can stand back and watch them charbroil each other.


    I made my way to Rivet City and wandered around the area for a good 10 minutes trying to figure out how to get on the ship before I saw the intercom box. I'm an idiot.


    I ran out of ammo during the fire ant mission and I beat it by pulling out the trusty old baseball bat and bashed their brains in. I had two left to kill so I lured the one out away from the other and just hopped over it before it could project any fire at me and started wailing away at it. It seems that if you stay pretty much on top of it then it won't release any fire, I assume it's because it doesn't want to kill itself.


  14. As long as guys aren't high on weed when they're actually "on duty" - ie: in a match or at an appearance - then it really shouldn't be that big of an issue. I'd think that there are bigger drug issues that they should be tackling other than recreational cannabis.

    WWE can't be seen to have a lax attitude towards an illegal drug, especially after their previous version of the Wellness Policy was publicly revealed to be a joke. There are bigger drug issues to be tackled, but WWE have to be seen to be strongly against all illegal drugs. Now, whether they let some guys slide when it comes to using those drugs is another issue.


    Yeah, but when the media gets on the WWE's case about illegal drugs it's usually in regards to stuff like steroids. Wrestlers smoking weed? Who gives a shit? That won't sell you newspapers or bring in the TV ratings.

