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Everything posted by mike546

  1. Wait, is the Red Sox/Yankee series next year the first games of the year? Or is it the Sox home opener? I'd think it'd be their home opener, unless MLB is starting the season late.
  2. mike546

    And So it Begins

    Could you post a list of that Al?
  3. mike546

    And So it Begins

    As Al has said before, Beltran could save a LOT of runs in CF.
  4. mike546

    And So it Begins

    How can the short porch in right NOT be in Beltran's mind?
  5. And what happens if both teams, *gasp* don't play each other in the playoffs, and don't make it to the WS?
  6. mike546

    World Series 2004

    This just isn't right. This can't happen. It just can't.
  7. mike546

    World Series 2004

    I can't believe I'd be alive to see this. Never. Amen Chong, amen.
  8. mike546

    World Series 2004

    I'm a huge Knick fan. What your doing right now, would basically mean that I would have rooted for the Nets after they swept us last year. I just don't think its possible to like two teams equal. No matter how much a team sucks, or puts you through torture, deep in your heart, no matter what, you always have a FAVORITE team.
  9. mike546

    World Series 2004

    The fuck? How Yankee fans haven't killed those Sox fans in the NY bar yet, I have no clue.
  10. mike546

    World Series 2004

    True, but there not even hitting the ball hard. They look like the Yankees right now when their not trying.
  11. mike546

    World Series 2004

    Honestly, did these guys forget how to hit?
  12. mike546

    World Series 2004

    NOW they start bunting.
  13. mike546

    World Series 2004

    Just a warning to you Sox fans. If you lose tonight, it could get bad. It just might be me, but I got really paranoid about winning the series after we lost game four. Maybe thats because Pedro and Schilling were pitching next, or just because we were three outs away. When we got up 3-0, I kept thinking it was over, but then I think how we still have to win one more game. Maybe thats because I'm a lot more scared of the Sox then any other team, who knows.
  14. mike546

    World Series 2004

    Why haven't I heard anything about Timlin being a FA after the season? He had a good year, but he'll be 39 next year.
  15. mike546

    World Series 2004

    Man, playing at Fenway is going to SUCK next year.
  16. mike546

    World Series 2004

    If Boston wins the WS, does that mean they can start chanting "2000" to the Yankees? Yankee fans can reply by saying ... "Twenty Six to five" *CLAP CLAP CLAP*
  17. mike546

    World Series 2004

    This sure doesn't look like an 105 win team.
  18. mike546

    World Series 2004

    I don't see how "picking a team" can make it interesting. This is the only WS I have ever cared for at all that didn't involve the Yankees.
  19. mike546

    Bored's End of the Year MLB Player Rankings

    120. Brian Anderson, Royals That kinda blows knowing he shut us down once this season.
  20. mike546

    World Series 2004

    Do the Cards want to lose this series?!?
  21. mike546

    The Countdown to Beltran with Yankees Topic

    That's quite odd though. Jeter had his best Defensive year ever. A-Rod had a great year at 3rd. Olerud and Clark are both great at 1st, and Cairo is great at 2nd. I'd guess most of it comes from the outfield, where Bernie had no range, Matsui and Lofton couldn't co-exist, and Sheff couldn't bring his shoulder above his head.
  22. mike546

    The Countdown to Beltran with Yankees Topic

    Just out of curiosity, do gutless pussies usually pitch with badly broken hands? No. But retarded pitchers break that hand by punching a wall in the clubhouse.
  23. mike546

    World Series 2004

    This Cardinals frustrate me more than the Yankees.
  24. mike546

    The Countdown to Beltran with Yankees Topic

    According to ESPN Insider, Brown wants out of NY.
  25. mike546

    The Countdown to Beltran with Yankees Topic

    Wasn't Alvarez injured near the end of the year? I remember watching Cards/Dodgers, and he couldn't start due to a bad arm or something. I think there going to keep Flathery for the fact he jelled with the pitchers (only catcher Conteras pitched well with).