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The Niggardly King

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Everything posted by The Niggardly King

  1. The Niggardly King

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    The problem is Edge is just a guy who can't get bigger... he was on roids before, and there was no change. He has the same body type as DDP.
  2. The Niggardly King

    Super Bowl XLI

    Lovie Smith and staff do not like changing anything, or adjusting to what's going on. It's horrible to watch when someone is so damn stubborn. Like last year with the whole, "We will not switch the gameplan just because of Steve Smith!". This year was nothing but, "Rex Grossman is OUR guy." Decent enough gameplan, that once the Colts picked up on it... they never made the basic adjustments to stop them... they somehow got even more conservative. It's frighteningly retarded to see a staff Adelman themselves in the game of football.
  3. The Niggardly King

    Biggest Train Wreck of a Life

    I'm sure I'll be considered for this in a few years.
  4. The Niggardly King

    Ghost Ridin Da Whip

    I am disturbed that there are tags on youtube for stupid black people nuggaz
  5. The Niggardly King

    I am starting a TSM Wiki

  6. The Niggardly King

    Super Bowl XLI

    I just have to say that I should have stuck to my earlier prediction of the Bears just making the Super Bowl. Rex will be back, and will be one of the top QBs in the league within 3 years. Guy just has all the wrong types of people fucking with him and he's a young idiot. He'll grow out of that. Glad to see Dungy finally get that ring.
  7. The Niggardly King

    Super Bowl XLI

    I expect a big drunken argument by half time between my brother and myself.
  8. The Niggardly King

    Super Bowl XLI

    Bears 41 Colts 28
  9. The Niggardly King

    American Idol

    the crazy part about it is, he wasn't that bad! Certainly not right for the show, but stick that guy in a lounge or some Vegas show covering old tunes and he'd be a hit. They need to start Senior Citizen Idol... I mean they had one for kids.
  10. The Niggardly King

    Smackdown Spoilers to be aired Feb. 2/07

    I was hoping they would find some way to do a quick Batista/Benoit title match at No Way Out, along with Finlay/Taker... but the tag match should be good.
  11. The Niggardly King

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    I just got to know who lays out the Cena/Umaga matches. They have been the best story type brawls that the WWE have done in a long time.
  12. The Niggardly King

    Super Bowl XLI

    It would be great if Rex breaks records in the Super Bowl, and has the best Super Bowl game of all time. Just imagine if he gets 6 or 7 straight completions to within the first 5 minutes of the game.
  13. The Niggardly King

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-1/29/2007

    Oh god Cena heel turn and joins McMahon against Hogan and Trump~!
  14. The Niggardly King

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    I think they'll just keep the streak for when Taker decides to have his one or two money matches after he retires.
  15. The Niggardly King

    Hey, look what I found

    The hat + glasses + facial hair = AA pitcher.
  16. The Niggardly King

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    Cena and Umaga had another good match. I don't see why anyone is complaining about elevating new talent... look at all the three title matches. That's fresh post brand split talent (excluding Test). What else do you want? Kenny winning the Royal Rumble?
  17. The Niggardly King

    Box Office Report...

    See, people were complaining about the shitty black movie was #1 again, when an even shittier movie has to come along and knock it off.
  18. The Niggardly King

    Smackdown Spoilers for the 1/26 Airing

    Man, MVPs booking has been great and it's nice to see him improving so quickly. It also helps to be a part in a decent feud with a re-motivated Kane.
  19. The Niggardly King

    The Best Picture Ever

    mark that down as FUCKING INTENSE~!
  20. The Niggardly King

    WON News + Notes, 29th January Issue

    Yea, Finlay worked his way up with the women division, and being a yes man... now he's considered almost a main event level heel on Smackdown.
  21. The Niggardly King

    Nancy Pelosi is driving me up a wall

    His name is really Rico Ricardo Rivera
  22. The Niggardly King

    Nancy Pelosi is driving me up a wall

    His name is really Rico Ricardo Rivera
  23. The Niggardly King

    Nancy Pelosi is driving me up a wall

    His name is really Rico Ricardo Rivera
  24. The Niggardly King

    Gay Bands

  25. The Niggardly King

    Have you ever got so frustrated with a game that you...

    On one of the old Tecmo Football games for the Super Nintendo... I always coached the Eagles, and we would always end up getting our ass handed to us by Steve Fucking Young and the 49ers in the playoffs.