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The Niggardly King

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Everything posted by The Niggardly King

  1. The Niggardly King

    RE: Hey Mike

  2. The Niggardly King

    NFL Week 9

    Raiders win by 13... just another stop on the way to the Playoffs. Joe Harrington shreds Chicago's defense. Chargers shutout the Browns 35 to nothing. Colts by a last minute Manning touchdown.
  3. The Niggardly King

    So, Princess Leena is back. For good.

    Leena posted something and people responded. She argued with some people. I posted song lyrics, and snuffbox insulted me. Cheesala said I'm a decent human being or something, which kind of scares me. So basically, nothing new. Okay...
  4. The Niggardly King

    So, Princess Leena is back. For good.

    What the hell happened here?
  5. The Niggardly King

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Because people like one of my friends who casually follow wrestling look at him and get all impressed. You should see some of my dumb friends who think he's awesome just because of how he looks. Daliph can draw interest. Plus, he's just going to be Daivari's bodyguard. Daivari gets to play the great chickenshit heel of ECW now... I'm loving it.
  6. The Niggardly King

    NFL Week 8

    The Raiders are going to the playoffs this year.
  7. The Niggardly King

    NFL Week 8

    The Raiders are going to the playoffs this year.
  8. The Niggardly King

    Rush Limbaugh vs Michael J Fox

    Did you people not watch this? Its not that I don't tend to blindly believe everything everyone on the internet says, but I'd like a source on this. It's in his book. There is no real way to prescribe the right amount of medicine, because the disease changes so rapidly. One checkup, the doctor may tell you to take 6 5/325's a day, the next he may cut that down to 2. Parkinsons is a disease that changes sometimes on a daily basis... there's a reason why the shows he was on recently work around him so much... you never know when he'll break out with the shakes.
  9. The Niggardly King

    Rush Limbaugh vs Michael J Fox

    A few years ago Michael J. Fox addressed a congressional hearing about Parkinson's and he admitted to not taking his meds so that he would get his tremors and shakes during the testimony to drive home his point. Anyways... why is this Canuck interfering in our elections? He should go back to his country and encourage his government to cure the sick. wow
  10. The Niggardly King

    Painted Marvin Showdown Halloween '06

    It is clear that I have won
  11. The Niggardly King

    World Series: Tigers vs. Cardinals

    As an Angels fan, it hurts to see Eckstein get another ring... but not with the right team. Happy for the Cardinals, as I was one of the many who made fun of there recent playoff runs, and LaRussa. This is a good win for them, and I hope the Tigers will bounce back.
  12. The Niggardly King

    Tiki Barber

    I think most of you would be better off not watching so much ESPN... really guys. As far as this whole situation... I do think Tiki will retire after this year, unless if the Giants make it to the Super Bowl, and lose in a blowout... or if they make it to the NFC Championship game, and lose a close game. I do like Tiki and I think he's a Hall Of Famer later on down the road, how many years does he have, until he cannot be voted in? I say he gets it about 3 or 4 years before that deadline. He'll more than likely end up being a great guy in the booth... since he's a gracious and humble individual, who doesn't sound like a moron whenever he opens his mouth.
  13. The Niggardly King

    My Chemical Romance

    So, who's more ridiculous with their look... The Killers or My Chemical Romance?
  14. The Niggardly King

    ding dong the bitch is dead

    This killed about 8 minutes... it was worth it for Marvin Hogan.
  15. The Niggardly King

    David Taylor Injured...

    Dude, guys like Taylor need fucking time to get over. The crowd didn't give a shit about Finlay for his first few months. You can't expect someone who the WWE audience has no fucking clue about, didn't get any hype videos, and just got a little introduction from Regal to get heat while squashing Funaki and Scotty 2 Hotty.
  16. The Niggardly King

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Smackdown, so they can hide his weaknesses. It also gives him some better wrestlers to work with.
  17. The Niggardly King


    How does it have 1001 posts??!! Back in my days... we actually had to earn are post count, boy.
  18. The Niggardly King

    Hey, What's New In Music Folder?

    Hey, I forgot all about Zappa... now I have to look around for some songs... lost the few I had when my computer fucked up.
  19. The Niggardly King

    World Series: Tigers vs. Cardinals

    Tigers in 4, La Russa gets swept once again in the World Series.
  20. The Niggardly King

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Arli$$ happens to be a timeless classic.
  21. The Niggardly King

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I'm saying Balls
  22. The Niggardly King

    The Nine...

    I watched it... this might be the first new drama this year that doesn't have a true weak link in the cast... everyone has been playing their roles well so far.
  23. The Niggardly King

    NFL Week 7

    Raiders will make the impressive comeback in the second half, after being down by 17. They will send it into overtime, and win the game in the final seconds with a 35 yard field goal. Raiders 27-24