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The Niggardly King

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Everything posted by The Niggardly King

  1. The Niggardly King

    In rememberance of Incandenza

    HE'S DEAD???!!!
  2. The Niggardly King

    On wildpegasus

  3. The Niggardly King

    On wildpegasus

    The guy needs to be planting his seed IN someone, not with them. I'm amazed he hasn't killed himself yet. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very rugged, wretched place... and no matter how tough you think you are, it'll always bring you to your knees and keep you there, permanently... if you let it. You or nobody ain't never gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit... it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward... how much you can take, and keep moving forward. If you know what you're worth. go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit My motto for life. I've taken a lot of hits but the biggest hit for me is rejection. That is the one hit I am petrified of. YOU'RE NOT ROCKY BALBOA!!!!!!!
  4. The Niggardly King

    On wildpegasus

    What has caused this?
  5. The Niggardly King

    I feel kind of bad now

    my friend just pranked called Phil Jackson's house. he found the number while at work. i feel really dirty now. "Hello?" "Jake there?" "Who's this??!!" "Shit, wrong number..." "OOOOO.......kay.... bye now" *click* Didn't mean to wake you coach... Oh god I feel guilty...
  6. The Niggardly King

    I feel kind of bad now

    No, he did volunteer work out of a hospital, and he now works there. That's how he got the #. I can do a hella Shaq. I can also do a great Magic.
  7. The Niggardly King

    I feel kind of bad now

    I just feel dirty on how my friend got the #
  8. The Niggardly King

    Guess who's doing a nude/sex scene.

    I know who will be seeing this.
  9. The Niggardly King

    You think ESPN sucks? Well, NFL Network is Worse?

    Who was released from prison Thursday?
  10. The Niggardly King

    Ain't That A Bitch

    There was this one girl who I was friends with since the 6th grade, but when I went to homeschool in the 11th grade, we had a falling out. Looked for her on myspace, and there she is... 2 kids later
  11. Nah, D'Lo got screwed because I think Russo was high on him, and Vince didn't really wanna push him that much. D'Lo signed a big contract extension right around the time Russo left for WCW, and if he didn't we probably would have had D'Lo Brown 3 time WCW Champion. You also have to remember Vince really liked Droz, and that's another reason why for the depush... I'm sure if he liked D'Lo as much as Droz, there wouldn't have been that much of a problem.
  12. Well, to be fair to him, he had a shitload of the crowd behind him. I guess to fool him though, Vince thought "bringing him out of my limo and introducing him" would get him over. I actually think Vince had the thought of pushing Matt... but Matt happened to cut one of the worst returning promos I've ever seen... by the end of it, he didn't even have half the crowd support from when he first made his entrance.
  13. The Niggardly King

    Pictures I Like

  14. The Niggardly King

    Important words

    What Head On does is it spreads through out you head and hits all the key points, basically if you're in any type of pain... the cream will work its magic to spread to that area... I know it sounds crazy, but it works!
  15. The Niggardly King

    Hey, Choken One.

    Can you just go the fuck away? He has a right to be here! A RIGHT!
  16. The Niggardly King

    TSM 2006 Death Pool

    Give me my points...
  17. The Niggardly King

    Lower-back / "Upper-ass?" exercises...

    tell him to fuck his weightbench
  18. The Niggardly King

    Some kid on Myspace kills his mom.

  19. The Niggardly King

    Some kid on Myspace kills his mom.

  20. The Niggardly King

    Songs that get you pumped up.

    Requeim for a Dream soundtrack.
  21. The Niggardly King

    64. Samoa Joe.

    Come on now... the guy can actually cut good promos now.
  22. The Niggardly King

    I'm depressed out my mind

  23. The Niggardly King


  24. The Niggardly King

    Songs that get you pumped up.

    Hearts on Fire Bring 'em Out JUMP! Rockstar Lapdance Touched Some techno remix of Cell's theme from DBZ The Kill