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The Niggardly King

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Everything posted by The Niggardly King

  1. The Niggardly King

    Royal Rumble Commercial Online

    When you first see Luther Reigns...he looks depressed to be there
  2. The Niggardly King


    It could work...like if Edge gets screwed in the Elimnation Chamber and is the first person elimnated. I just really wanna see Edge/Benoit be the Main Event for Wrestlemania, with Edge going over, and having his boyhood dream fufilled.
  3. The Niggardly King


    There is only really one way for a good payoff, and that's if he faces Benoit at Wrestlemania for the title. It makes a good story since Benoit has always gotten the better of Edge. I never cared for Edge up until now...and they could seriously have something with this guy.
  4. The Niggardly King

    Final Tough Enough Spoiler

    He's gonna be in the RUMBLE??!!
  5. The Niggardly King

    the Rise and fall of the Smark Champions

    I'd like to see Eddie beat Bradshaw for the belt at Wrestlemania, and finally put a proper ending to that feud.
  6. The Niggardly King

    Flaws in WWE logic

    I would of ran with RVD, and given him a title run. He was in the top 5 for being over with the fans(even during his heel run), and some of my friends quit watching around when Kurt Angle tuned in and thought of Rob to be the next big thing. He doesn't have the mic skills, but you book to someone's strength's...not their weakness. It wouldn't have hurt to see what would have happened.
  7. The Niggardly King

    NYRevolution, Royal Rumble posters inside

    Isn't that dragon Batista's back tattoo?
  8. The Niggardly King

    Comments we weren't supposed to hear

    I can remember one Thunder where Sid is getting ready to Chokeslam somebody, and the camera zooms in on his face and he asks the dude if he was ready. I remember Angle telling Kane on a Smackdown to roll thru his ankle lock after a few seconds. Last one I remember is Christian/RVD match, and Christian is on the barricade waiting for Rob's legdrop from the apron. Rob just taunts for a while, and then decides to enter the ring. The ref bitched at him to do his spot, and about five seconds later Rob thinks it's a good idea.
  9. The Niggardly King

    Down to three in Tough Enough...

    Wow...the only ones I can see ever doing anything from this whole thing is Puder, Miz, Rodimer, and Justice.
  10. The Niggardly King

    Down to three in Tough Enough...

    My real question is how many people from this will end up in OVW?
  11. The Niggardly King

    Flaws in WWE logic

    How involved was Patterson in deciding how a match should end? It has really seemed to even get worse now that he's gone.
  12. The Niggardly King

    Flaws in WWE logic

    The one that I bolded bothered me the most, because right after the Royal, Orton wants Vince's opinoin what he would do in that situation. Vince just says that his opinoin does not matter, and it's Orton's night to run things.
  13. The Niggardly King

    Flaws in WWE logic

    Most of the Angle/Guerrero feud fits into this category.
  14. The Niggardly King

    The answer to the Battle Royal dilemma

    Doesn't it just make the faces look bad that they couldn't get a nearly 60 year old man out of the Battle Royal? I would consider this worse than Triple H winning the Battle Royal.
  15. The Niggardly King

    Royal Rumble 2005 winner: Cena or Orton?

    Batista would be a nice surprise
  16. The Niggardly King

    Wrestlers who never lived up to their potential

    Jake Roberts Owen Hart Scott Hall Curt Hennig Tazz Val Venis
  17. The Niggardly King

    Thanksgiving Smackdown spoilers

    You can't beat a guy name Justice. Now I'm hoping anyone wins over Ryan Reeves...the guy has no charisma, and sucks on all levels.
  18. The Niggardly King

    WWE RAW Live, House Show Results Nov. 20, 2004.

    Why? Maven hasn't been over for a good year now, and it doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon. Why he won't get a push? He looked like shit on Monday. Buried, completely. He looked like an incompetent loser. I still don't get how so...I mean, for one...'Its Maven.' he's expected to look like shit anyways, but rather then that, one, he's in a PPV main event, and two, he's getting a shot at the World title the next night, that for some could leave the whole 'Woa...maybe he's not as shit as we thought'. (Yea, I know, but just go along) And as for the actual match, I thought it was the opposite...Maven actually did pretty good during the match, and well...almost won pretty much if it wasn't for Snitsky. Some might say, because even with the help of Benoit and Jericho he lost, but that wasn't the whole story, when you factor in...that he had the match won in the last few seconds. (from a mark perspective) But Snitsky cheap shotted him for the lost. In any case, HHH was made to look weak, because he needed GENE SNITSKY a guy who debuted a month or two ago to keep his title. (And Evolution too)...and not only that, but it was against....Maven... Actually to me...Trips looked like the most powerful out of everyone coming out of the match. He kicked out of Jericho's finisher, Benoit's Swandive Headbutt, and a belt shot from Orton. Plus Snistky has been booked strong within his short time of being here...the man made Kane his bitch.
  19. The Niggardly King

    So can we tell who the future of the WWE is yet?

    Benjamin can look like a legit badass at times, something that I have never seen from Orton, and I've only seen it a few times from Cena. Shelton needs someone to help him out with his mic skills. I can see him being bigger than Cena and Orton. Don't forget about this guy either.
  20. The Niggardly King

    Biggest announcer overreaction ever

    Isn't there one, when the WWE/F are in Madison Square Garden, and Shawn Michaels comes out to a lukewarm reaction. But JR sells it like the crowd has just seen Hulk Hogan and Lex Luger give stereo Bodyslams to Andre and Yokozuna?
  21. The Niggardly King

    Favorite Underused WWE Wrestler?

  22. The Niggardly King

    Ever been chased by a wild animal?

    A goose when I was 14. It was during their mating season, and I was walking around in the park, and got in its area. Fucker tryed to destroy my nuts.
  23. The Niggardly King

    OAO Raw is Radno Thread

    Couldn't Evolution just stay in their hotel rooms, out of sight, till everyone has their turn to control RAW?
  24. The Niggardly King

    Papparazi beaten

    Sorry to be off-topic, but to anybody whose seen it, was Papparazi any good? It was an awful piece of crap that was basically a ripoff of Death Wish, but more stupid and absurd. Yeah, I know that a lot of paparazzi are scum, but they're not the amoral scumbags portrayed in the movie, such that killing them is no big deal. It's just another example of how Mel Gibson is becoming more insane with each new project. It was so horrible--and the studio knew it--that they unloaded it on Labor Day weekend. That's pretty much a sure sign that the movie sucks and the studios had zero faith in it. That said, I think there definitely needs to be clear-cut laws about just what paparazzi can and can't do. But it had Tom Sizemore in it
  25. The Niggardly King

    The OAO Survivor Series 2004 Thread

    Was this a Faliure, a Success, a Surprise, or a Huge Letdown?