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Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

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Everything posted by Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

  1. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye


    The Upright Man and Dave O'Neill
  2. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Some of the most important stuff you'll ever learn about

    yes sir, it does suck. Mightily. Replace it with Averse Sefira Tetragrammatical Astygmata
  3. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Some of the most important stuff you'll ever learn about

    I'm not all fanatical about it, and I hope I never am, I just feel it would be in "our" best interest if some of the fun was taken out of it until such time that the quality artists can come out of the woodwork and shine again. Being a lazy prick at 3:40 am, I'll just quote from the Dark Legions Archive, who have basically influenced my thinking on this. Speed Metal: Thrash Metal: http://anus.com/metal/about/genre/ Most people have the same idea about Thrash and Speed as earlier mentioned in the thread, simply because it's been represented that way in the media for so long.
  4. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Some of the most important stuff you'll ever learn about

    Being so inclusive creates a problem of allowing more people into the Metal Clubhouse ie: emo bands and thusly bringing down the overall quality to an even lower level and drowning the greats in even more obscurity. But this, like much of my ranting in this thread I see, is getting a little tangential(almost edit: this whole post is tangential. rock out!) Thrash: Formed from a hybrid of speed metal and hardcore punk, thrash was metal riffs in punk song structures and rhythms. Thrash songs were short, furious bursts of energy that took either political topics or a political look at everyday life, asking why it was so empty and threatening. Where speed metal put punk tempos into metal riffs, and borrowed structure from both prog and heavy metal, thrash structure was almost improvisational. It was also more literal, eschewing entirely the metaphorical (hobbits, wizards, occult) side of metal for the day-to-day life descriptions and metapolitical social critique of hardcore bands. At first, it was avoided by most metalheads and punks alike for not fitting enough to either genre, but eventually someone came up with the word "crossover" to describe it. While many metal writers tend to lump it in with speed metal, or some media creation like "thrash metal," it is a distinct genre, and foreshadowed both the metalcore of the 1990s and the abstract critique of modern mortality denial found in grindcore and death metal. However, its popularity among those who liked realistic and assertive music was such that, despite poor recording quality and songs too explosive for radio play, most thrash bands made it onto labels of a respectable size before being absorbed by either metal or hardcore in the late 1980s. DRI = Thrash Slayer = Speed/Proto-Death I've begun to realize the importance of putting more limits on what is and what isn't good or metal and the genres they fit into etc, simply to do my small part to reduce the amount of truly lousy crap that's spewing out of the heavy metal universe.
  5. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Some of the most important stuff you'll ever learn about

    Sepultura became less good, is all. As far as Cannibal Corpse and Nile go, this list is for bands that are better than fucking terrible, juvenile, horseshit bands (Cannibal Corpse), and bands that, as a rule, are generally not one trick ponies (Nile) Amend that to read "Looks like the first half of the 90's was the peak for metal too." and you'd be closer. Once the doors opened on Death Metal (especially with the Swedish style bands mostly giving up their art and selling out), the clone bands came in looking for either: a) To be part of a clubhouse by having yet another band/zine/distro etc etc b ) To imitate their heros while showing half the ability and none of the leadership required to actually create something new If this was my list, Suffocation would have everything listed, starting from the Human Waste demo on up. It's not my list so I'll just have to add that after the fact here. As far as Morbid Angel (Suffocation can realistically be in this point as well for their omissions), this list is meant to be a 'best of the best' listing, so it's entirely reasonable that Altars of Madness or Blessed Are The Sick get on, but other albums don't. In the small: Swamp Scene(as I understand it) = another clubhouse mentality after the more innovative and innocently creative musicians left, died, or sold out after being sick of being able to afford lousy smack. Definitely overhyped niche market, with some very interesting moments. I wouldn't list it as part of a discussion of the most important elements of Extreme Metal history. Grindcore died when Carcass released Heartwork and the other leaders of the genre simplified their anti society ideals to simple liberal meandering. You need Godflesh Streetcleaner like yesterday Please make that list, sir. I'd like to kill it, and learn some 1980's bands that I have criminally overlooked. I get the feeling that most things that people would list from the 80's(myself included) would be hard to judge fairly because they would have a nice sheen of nostalgia covering them. Reign In Blood is really the only album of that short list that I'd claim to be truly timeless and meaningful as a genre leader and representation of what Heavy Metal can accomplish in the right hands, even though I prefer Master... because I have 'share more happy times' with it.
  6. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    The Best Album of 2005.

    It'd be hard to explain Opeth as a metal band anymore, let alone a good band. Album of the year is Averse Sefira - Tetragramatical Astygmata Everything else this year is riddled with AIDS
  7. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    TSM's Holiday Whoring Thread 2005

    Song: Dethrone The Son Of God Artist: Havohej Rip the sacred flesh Sodomize the holy asshole Drink the red blood of the mother of earth Masturbation on the dead body of christ The king of Jews is dead and so are the lies Vomit on the host of Heaven Masturbate on the throne of God Break the seals of angels Drink the sweet blood of Christ Taste the flesh of the priest Sodomize holy nuns The king of Jews is a liar The Heavens will burn Dethrone the son of God God is dead Holyness is gone Purity is gone Prayers are burned Covered in black shit Rape the holy ghost Unclean birth of Jesus Christ Heaven will fall fuck the church fuck Christ fuck the Virgin fuck the gods of Heaven fuck the name of Jesus
  8. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Red vs. Blue

    Our political system works backwards. A sensible form of leadership would look at the situation at hand, formulate a plan, and then explain it to the people. Instead, we ask the people what should be done; there is no premium placed on expertise, or even study of the problem as a whole. We let the popularity of ideas lead us farther from solutions, because solutions require sacrifice, and that is never popular. In order to keep from losing the show, we collectively indulge in a number of denial-behaviors, including limiting our focus to issues that pale in comparison to the significance of what we do not mention. The distractions that are presented to us are legion. For example, there is abortion, which although an important issue, generates interest nowhere near in proportion to its actual relevance to our future. It is a classic scenario of focusing on details while the big picture runs away from us. Another case in point, and one most germane to this article, is the divisions of our country into right and left, and "red" and "blue" states. This obsolete distinction is no longer a positive correlation between individuals and beliefs, but a silly form of identity politics which divides us and thus distracts us from the issues to which attention should be paid. Look at the situation objectively: what, besides token "hot button" issues, really divides the right and the left? The right seems unlikely to bring about traditional values, and the left is content to fight for the underdog without winning. What changes between rightist and leftist administrations in America? The answer: nothing of a structural nature. Each side throws in its pet programs when it gains power, and will sabotage the other, but the basics of government do not change. We can have a highly contested election in which both sides accuse the other of cheating, but nowhere do we hear calls for election reform. The voices are too busy screaming about which side was wrong, and how their own side is better. Even further, with the rise of neo-conservatism, is there even a conservative voice in the United States? Our "conservatives" today argue for more immigration, more benefit-related programs and further distant ideological wars in the name of justice. Neoconservatives are not conservatives. They are a hybrid between conservatives and liberals, which is only possible when there is no actual underlying belief: there is only a desire to manipulate. Similarly, most of today's genteel liberals will vote for exactly the same programs, make some inconsequential noise about the environment or civil rights, and then go back to the real process of government: making profit for those behind the scenes. "Red" and "blue" states are part of this illusion. Thanks to a massive media campaign, we are expected to believe that some states are inherently liberal and educated, and the rest are down to earth rural types who favor conventional, masculine approaches to government. Neither side of the political equation contests these blatant stereotypes. As it turns out, they're convenient, because they give each state an identity and a reason to feel itself superior to its supposed opposite. But, given that both "sides" are very close in actual belief, how real is this enmity? The answer is unsurprisingly that it is about as real as anything else you see in the media. It starts from a grain of truth, and then expands into a Broadway production which carries us all away from reality toward a stylized, marketable vision of our future. Among those who are not professional politicians, it is common to find a mixture of beliefs which are confused further by notions of how they should be carried out. For example, it's not uncommon to find concern about the environment in Republican-voting homes, although those voters will not endorse environmental action through another sterile, industry-hampering federal agency. They agree on the value (protect environment) but not the method (bureaucracy). Further, many who have been voting democratic have a predilection toward traditional values, but refuse to endorse the Republican party because they see it as too much of a servant of big business. And what does the two-party identity political systems really do? It splits their vote, and ensures that nothing gets done. It is more accurate, instead of dividing America into "left" and "right," to divide it into two basic impulses: traditional values and cosmopolitan values. Those who are traditional value family, local community, and social systems that reward the best among us so that we're always improving. They recognize that a community has to pick a values system, and that multiple value systems cannot exist in the same place. Traditional values reflect the suburbs and countryside of America, where survival requires keeping one's wits about and nature is a constant companion. Cosmopolitan values reflect the makeup of the city. They favor including disparate people into a culture formed from the transactions of the city, and de-emphasize family and community in favor of the individual and a cult of its comfort and desires. Given this division instead of our current narrow political outlook, we can see that "red" and "blue" states don't exist; values follow the type of society in which one lives. Traditional society favors survival outside of the city, and the cities recognize their own law. It is unlikely that the values of either type would work well in the territory of the other. When we see the political system this way, we can recognize the truth: large industry and the media industry and the popular vote of many newly-enfranchised groups, together, hold the average person hostage to their agenda. The traditional outlook finds favor in the voters, but the right has abandoned it; the left is healthier, but instead of endorsing cosmopolitan values for the cities, hopes to impose it upon all of us equally. The result is an empire of confusion which prevents us from addressing the actual problems of society, namely the cultural and ethnic suicide of the West, the destruction of our natural habitat, overpopulation and a soon-to-be-bankrupt economy based on easy growth from fossil fuels. Those serious issues mentioned above receive little coverage in our press and politics. They are destined to be forever unpopular, and unprofitable, and therefore are ignored as much as possible. As traditional values disappear from politics, those who hold such beliefs are forced to vote for the "next best thing," the Republican Party, but as we have seen in the last election, that party espouses tradition only as a justification and operates for its own wealth. At this point, our rightists are closer than ever before to their theoretical opposite - the cosmopolitan worldview. Recognizing this cosmopolitan drift empowers us to see a final division in American politics. Where we once saw two sides, based on territory, we can now see two societies, namely an older traditional one and a newer, metropolitan one. The newer society has only come to exist thanks to cheap fossil fuels and reckless growth in our cities and it aims to perpetuate itself by importing more people and continuing the denial of serious problems which face us as a species. If anything will reverse our decline, it is a restoration of the traditional view, as it is the only values system that recognizes the real problems which face humanity. Those real problems determine our survival. To address them requires we reverse our broken leadership, and instead of trying to be popular, focus on reality. http://www.nationalistpartyusa.com/VP/RedVBlue.htm
  9. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Proposed Main Page Relaunch

    You could also have featured articles show up on the main page, then on the left(or wherever) have a button that is a "Writers" link. Behind that link you'd have just a list of the names of the people that write for the site. For example: KingPK - Wrestling, Wrestling Round Table Kotzenjunge - Wrestling, Pop Culture, Wrestling Round Table I Drink Rats Milk - Religion etc etc etc. That way you you have a featured article (or a few) on the front page for immediate content to hook the viewer right away, and gives an easy navigation option to get them into all the content. or.... [Wrestling] - Why WWE will suck in 2006 - [article author] (Read More) [Politics] - Why Canada must annex Peru IMMEDIATELY~! - [author] - (Read More) [Pop Culture] - Who is Jack Bauer? - [author] (Read More) The second example I personally find a lot easier to look at and decide my intentions for.
  10. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Proposed Main Page Relaunch

    Will this site be staying in the realm of Pop Culture/Wrestling, or will the main page be branching out into other fields also? Perhaps into the realm of politics or philosophy...?
  11. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    How to be a Black Metal fan in 2005

    Black metal as a community has grown exponentially since it emerged as a musical style in its own right in the early 1990s. Like a new civilization, it grew from a small group of innovators who were disgusted by the "jogging suit" mentality: people who were essentially products of a modern time, who blindly bleated its ideas, figuring out how to play death metal and becoming popular in the genre by making their music more like what audiences accustomed to rock music expected. In essence, the crowd had infested death metal as it had speed metal before that, and black metal was a response to this. Recognizing that no matter how they dressed up the music as something "new," appearances could be cloned, black metal musicians decided to go where the crowd could not follow: they would write music that expressed a grandeur of nature and feral amorality, hearkening more to the values of Samurai or European knights than to the disposable ideals of modern time. Since such a topic requires music that infuses the listener with a sense of awe and beauty in the cycle of destruction and creation that renders our world, they could no longer rely on "three chords and the truth," but had to actually put the truth in the music, and write more poetic and complex songs. "Complexity" is a difficult term here, because it can be made into aesthetic as well; almost every failed progressive rock band in the universe has done this, by adding fills and "technical" parts that contribute little to the music as a whole. "Truth" is a difficult term because Ani DiFranco thinks she has truth and that it's in her lyrics, which she puts over entirely forgettable lyrics - don't mention to her that, to a philosopher, the ideals she espouses are no different than what George Bush rants about in his spacy speeches. Black metal took a new direction and put the truth into the music, independent of lyrics, making sweeping mini-symphonies which covered a range of emotions and brought the listener from alienation to a unity with nature. An alert reader might note that almost all poetry does the same, by finding mundane details and abstracting them to higher principles, then translating them into an experience which narrates the reader from an initial position to a sense of having learned something and, more importantly, having learned to appreciate it. "Political" music like Ani DiFranco and Napalm Death can't do that for you. The small civilization within civilization that was black metal was united more by ideals than by aesthetic or musical tenets, although all of its music by aiming to express the same kind of idea had similarities, mainly in its use of poetic complexity and truth within the music (and not necessarily the lyrics; you listen to black metal, and because of its intense artistry, find truth there). Because even educated and thoughtful people are brick-stupid these days, since they're surrounded by infinite voices repeating the same few ideas in many different forms, here are the basic ideas of black metal: 1. Nature as supreme order, where nature like thought is a process of evolution whereby a proliferation of ideas are filtered down by their adaptation to reality as a whole. Many potential designs start out, and those that match their surroundings the best persist. 2. Thought and ideal as more important than physicality. Like the values of knights, of Mahatma Gandhi and Jesus Christ as well as Adolf Hitler, black metal musicians saw it as more important that a functional order geared toward higher evolution persist on earth. They cared at a distant second place how many lives were lost, or what pains were endured, and were primarily concerned that better ideas - forms of organization, designs, personal ideals - endured over the lesser ideas, generally construed as materialism and Judeo-Christian morality, in which loss of life is terrible no matter what is achieved. 3. Introspection. In black metal lore, the only meaning comes from what the individual can interpret; there are no boundaries between individuals and the world (nature) as whole, but the individual can only perceive what he or she can through natural abilities and learning from experience. Not everyone can see all of the truth; we all get it in degrees, but what is most important in black metal is the individual inspecting him or herself for internal values and finding a way to connect these to the world. It's the exact opposite of "if it feels good, do it" rhetoric from the rock-n-roll crowd and American politicians. 4. Morbidity as not only important, but essential, and a giver of meaning. Where most view death paranoiacally, and see it as a great entropy removing all value, black metal musicians viewed it as something giving meaning to life. That we die means we must find value in life (see point 3) and must do that which is rewarding not just to our physical selves, but to our unique and ephemeral souls (see point 2). 5. Nationalism. Racism is a preference for one race above all others, worldwide. Nationalism is pride in one's country, and its native ethnicity, language and culture. Nationalism is a subset of naturalism because, much as one appreciates the diversity of species on earth, one appreciates the diversity of humans and wishes to preserve that by isolating nations from one another. Some black metal musicians are racist, and others not, but all agreed that ethnic separation was necessary for the preservation of their native lands. 6. Holistic morality and spirituality. In Judeo-Christian spirituality, the center of belief is the relationship between the individual and God, and anyone can have it. In ancient faiths, the gods were impersonal and nonjudgmental, and the individual forged a path through life based on the upholding of higher ideals and understanding nature. Judeo-Christian spirituality is a product; ancient faiths are esoteric and little more than elaborate forms of philosophical learning and martial discipline. Occultist, Satanist, Hindu, Nordic and Greco-Roman mythological references abound in black metal. To any student of European history or art, these values are not new; they are traditional to all Romantic forms of art, whether literature or visual art or symphonies, and were upheld by artists as disparate as William Wordsworth, Anton Bruckner, John Keats, Ludwig van Beethoven, Richard Wagner, Lord Byron and William Shakespeare. For all of these artists, nature was a higher form of order than the rules of civilization, and civilization had become decadent by praising its own "equal" order more than the "unequal" order of nature. Many philosophers, including the celebrated F.W. Nietzsche and Arthur Schopenhauer, explicated these sentiments in their own work. Black metal's ideology is nothing new. What was new was an expression of these ideas in popular music, because rock music and blues and all of the associated disposable art has always been a manifestation of the crowd revolt mentality: simple music so that everyone in a room could get it, diametrically opposed to the grand works of classical music which were too complex and emotionally involved for a crowd to appreciate (or even to have the attention span to endure). Rock music focuses on one emotion per song, bangs it out in riff and chorus, and makes it very simple by using a relatively fixed number of scales and chord progressions. Rock music is the perfect product because it's easy to make, is appreciated by customers of all ages and not limited by intelligence, and is inoffensive on a certain level in that it has nothing to say that will disturb. The basic message of rock music is to include everyone equally, to appreciate them for being alive and not for their inherent traits, and to come together on simple human values and not higher ideals; rock is inclusivity. Black metal is not. The "jogging suit" people who infested death metal, a genre devoted to the nihilism of recognizing that death alone is predominant so we, and not our products or warm fuzzy feelings, must define the meaning of life for our mortal selves, were an offshoot of this inclusive impulse of modern music. When death metal was new (1983-1987) it was exclusively an embrace of the light to be found at the other side of this dark tunnel, which is that when one gets over the fear of death that unites modern society, one can return to that which is more important than material comfort or popularity: ideals, nature and real experience. Where black metal was pure Romanticism, death metal was a form of scientific existentialism bonded to a brawler's resentment of those given positions because of their obsequious acceptance of the moronic logic that is popular. When black metal emerged, it was ridiculed, mocked, hated, and excluded from popularity in metal circles. From 1990-1993, it was hard to find anyone who even thought it had artistic merit: it was simply unpopular, in part because it did not embrace the root of all popularity from movie stars to politicians to drug dealers, which is an inclusiveness that says anyone who comes in the door and appreciates a simple experience is one of the crowd, one of the in-group that then defines itself as important to civilization. After the events in Norway, involving burning churches and murders, black metal was suddenly popular because it suggested there was an "other side" and, the crowd reasoned, by buying CDs they could be part of it. Much as civilizations are started by a brave few and later, when following generations lose their sense of ruthless struggle against disorder so that civilization can be created, degenerate into societies where popularity and luxury are more important than truth, black metal fell apart shortly after that because of the invasion of the crowd. Suddenly a band like Cradle of Filth, who are basically a bad Iron Maiden cover band playing fast heavy metal with black metal vocals, could be vastly popular and introduce hundreds of thousands of people to the new genre. And they came, expecting more bands like Cradle of Filth, and buying them, and thus drowning out the few bands of merit. If you became a black metal musician, there was no longer safe haven from the crowd, and thus you had a choice between making traditional black metal and being ignored, or making Cradle of Filth style heavy rock and getting rich. The original bands cracked under the pressure, and broke up or sold out, and the newcomers came in. The average black metal fan today has not heard the formative works of the genre: Immortal, Emperor, Burzum, Gorgoroth, Enslaved, Darkthrone, Beherit and Varathron when they were making essential, complex, beautiful music. All they've heard are the newcomers, both of the blatantly commercial Cradle of Filth variety, and the scene whore "loud, fast and antisocial" type of band that Black Witchery represents. The newcomers are uniformly worthless, as they express nothing that rock music does not, and by giving it an extreme aesthetic, allow their fans to convince themselves that they are "part of" some movement against the dominant trend of society, even though much like Democrats and Republicans in America agree on the same core values, newcomer "black metal" repeats the same empty rhetoric that rock music has been feeding us for fifty years. Newcomer black metal is black metal only in the world of appearance; in terms of musical and artistic structure, it's closer to punk rock or even Dave Matthews Band. It's rock music. The aesthetic of black metal is easy to clone. Put screeching vocals, midtone guitars, fast drums and heavy distortion on top of fast rock music, and it "sounds like" black metal, even if the dumbest fan can see that somehow it misses the vastness and emotional depth of Det Som Engang Var or In the Nightside Eclipse. The structure of art - its Romanticism, its poetry, its depth - eludes those who clone black metal. And, as we see in hindsight, the original black metal bands like the original death metal bands were not a natural thing, but an aberration in a steady stream of bands that have been cloning the same ideas since early rock'n'roll. Black metal and early death metal were the exception, not the rule. What we have now is not black metal, although it calls itself "black metal," in the same way that rock music will never be a symphony even if it calls itself so. I tend to refer to the mainstream stuff like Six Feet Under or Cradle of Filth as "heavy metal," since musically it's closer to Motorhead and Led Zeppelin than death or black metal; I tend to refer to the "underground" black metal like Black Witchery or Velvet Caccoon as "black hardcore," since musically it resembles late model hardcore music with black metal aesthetics. None of this is black metal. Ideals of black metal clones: 1. Everyone must get it. It must be simple, not challenging, and most of all not have any poetic essence to its soul, as most fans can't get that and thus will not buy it. 2. Appearance over structure. It must have a unique appearance, but say the same old things philosophically and use familiar musical ideas so that even the dumbest fans can understand it and buy it. Even more, it must be upheld as dogma truth that adding a flute or screeching spotted owl to the same old music somehow makes it "unique" and worth owning. 3. Simplistic emotions are important. Forget the depth of "Inno A Satana"; blindly praise Satan with roaring, consistent anger, because that way every fan, even the ones with Down's Syndrome, can get what it's about and get into it. Start a big singular emotion party, and make it simple so everyone can buy the CD and come along. 4. Everyone can get it. Black metal clones are not specific to a certain land or belief system, as they are essentially musically the same and are designed so that even a retarded outer space alien could "get it" and start tapping its feet and wearing Darkthrone-brand jogging suits immediately. Nationalism, even elitism, eugenics or belief in anything at all is out; what's in is having some music that sounds angry, is written like punk rock, and can be appreciated by everyone so they can buy the CDs or praise the "underground" scene queens who created it. The problem with black metal now is that fans, out of a desire to have something contemporary, are buying and praising the mediocre music of right now and thus are diluting any distinctiveness black metal ever had, slowly turning the genre as a community and art form into the same ol' rock music. They are misinformed, or uniformed, and therefore buy the best of what they can find and try to pretend they like it, but even a crowd of uneducated fans can sense that it is empty, so they try buying more and more of it, and going for novelty factors like location or obscurity, but still cannot find the essence of black metal and what made it great. That is because quite simply it is not made anymore; a musician looking at today's black metal scene will recognize quickly that the competition is for novelty and not for quality art, and thus will take his or her skills elsewhere. Black metal is now a trend. My suggestion to all those who love black metal is simple: stop supporting band that are OK instead of great. If that means there's no black metal that's new to listen to, then accept that like a warrior, and listen to the older stuff or branch out into different genres. Uphold black metal in spirit and not by buying mediocre products that are a cancer eating away at whatever legitimacy the genre once had. If you really care about black metal, you care more about its ideas than your own comfortable existence of buying lots of little CDs so you have something to gossip about with your little friends. To want to understand and care about black metal is to care about its spirit, not the disposable art that now dresses itself up in black metal's appearance. You might even explore other Romantic art instead. The path is clear: you either support black metal's "life" as a mediocre rock genre, or you encourage the mediocre music to die so black metal can be reborn from within, when the intangible elements such as poetry and musical quality once again predominate. Until that happens, black metal will continue to be absorbed the same generic stuff that its creators hated. http://www.anus.com/metal/about/metal/blackmetal/
  12. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    How to be a Black Metal fan in 2005

    It seems you've been a little misinformed about the nature of the (admittedly juvenile) nature of their protesting, and the "scene" murders. The case of Varg killing Euronymous was a lot deeper than how True he was.
  13. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Wikipedia is garbage

    Online Encyclopedia is a Gathering for Internet Predators WHO IS EDITING THE INTERNET'S ENCYCLOPEDIA? by the Parents for the Online Safety of Children (POSC) 12-12-05 Wikipedia.com: you can find links to it everywhere. Online forums, scholarly journals, blogs, high school research papers. Wikipedia is an "open source" encyclopedia with the philosophy of democratic contribution. This encyclopedia differs from other more established encyclopedias by its editors; Wikipedia is composed of anonymous people contributing, deleting, and voting on various aspects of articles. Wikipedia is the frontier of online information distribution, with over 830,000 articles in the English language. It does have many criticisms, but there is one very important question that goes ignored by the mainstream media and wikifans alike. Who, exactly, edits wikipedia? It has come to the attention of the Parents for the Online Safety of Children (POSC) that there is a underground cabal of pedophiles who edit wikipedia, trying to make wikipedia a distribution center for pedophile propaganda. One user, who goes by the name of Zanthalon, writes on his profile, "Many of you have commented that the majority of my edits are on pedophilia-related articles. This is an area of interest for me since I am myself a pedophile, a girllover to be specific." He then goes on to add the standard disclaimer that is echoed by many convicted child molestors, "I would stress, however, that, I am not a child molester, having never broken the law or engaged in any intimate physical activities with any persons under the statutory age of consent". Zanthalon is a frequent editor of the Pedophilia article, ensuring it is written from a pro-pedophile standpoint. It seems that wikipedia's administration supports what he is doing. One wikipedia admin, by the name of Ta bu shi da yu*, who is a self-described liberal marxist, goes on to commend Zanthalon's contributions.* Another wikipedia admin, by the name of Schissel, thanks Zanthalon for uploading an image.* Schissel also has a curious looking red star on his wikipedia profile.* Zanthalon is not without fellow pedophiles at wikipedia. LuxOfTKGL shares pleasantries with his friend Zanthalon, and says that it is "nice to see you here." You see, Zanthalon and LuxOfTKGL keep in touch on a frequent basis outside of wikipedia, as they're quite familiar with each other. They're part of the pedophile underground that has infiltrated wikipedia. LuxOfTKGL is a self-admitted "girl-oriented childover" and a "born-again Christian." Quite clearly one can see the recent scandals of pedophiles infiltrating the Catholic church for easy access to children, and there is no doubt that LuxofTKGL is following the same pattern. Especially when one reads what LuxOfTKGL has to write about sexual relations with children. Keep in mind he is a friend of Zanthalon, who claims to not have had any sexual relationship with children: "I would like to see child-orientated pedophiles, openly allowed to be around children, without having to keep the issue of their sexuality a secret. I would like to see the public, come to accept that such peoples are not dangerous, and that having them around children, or even trusting them with the care of a child, is not a risk. "We have a long way to go before such goals can be achieved, but I try as I may, whenever I can, to open the eyes of the ignorant on this matter, and ask for their understanding. "I live as a GOD worshipping, child-lover, Blessed as long as I long as I put him first". But I put children second." LuxOfTKGL is also the administrator of a community of pedophiles. Once we visit Zanthalon's discussion page, we see one user asking Zanthalon to vote for a user named "Lucky69*" to the admin team. This example of pedophile nepotism shows that a vulgar name of "Lucky69*" does not deter pedophiles from putting sexual degenerates on the wikipedia staff. Lucky69* is now an admin at wikipedia thanks to the efforts of the pedophile underground at wikipedia. Clayboy, an exposed boylover, says that, "There is no conspiracy to enslave your children. There is no attempt to sweet-talk our way into your hearts and homes. We are simply social outcasts because a part of what we are triggers a moral outrage. Yet we have never violated neither laws nor children. We hide that part of us all our lives, many living in shame and isolation, many in complex webs of lies and half-truths and secret despair." Such sentiments were echoed by Joseph Duncan, a convicted pedophile and murderer. According to Joseph Duncan's blog, sex offenders are deserving of forgiveness and deserving of compassion.=20 He said this before he kidnapped two children of 8 and 9 years of age, and murdered their mother. A user named "Klaive" on wikipedia roots for Zanthalon's struggle to plant pedophilia in wikipedia. Klaive also admits to viewing cartoon child pornography on a frequent basis. Clayboy's talk page shows us a fellow pedophile telling us that children need protection from society, and that there is nothing wrong with adult men having sex with children. Rookiee, a boylover, says, "I'm an activist in the Childlove Community. I am a pedosexual and boylover. I host a podcast titled Pedologues which aims to objectively look at the issue of multi-generational relationships and how it relates to child sexuality, western society and law. I'm a self-admitted pedant." He then goes on to add, "I do not plan on 'spreading propaganda' as many claim our side of the issue likes to do." Of course you wouldn't, Rookiee. Of course you wouldn't. On the pedophilia talk page, we find a probable pedophile named "Rainbird" defending pedophilia and complaining about sex offender registries. Bias works its way in from the pedophile community; one admitted supporter of pedophilia by the name of 24ip is a constant contributor to the Childlover page, and enjoys changing semantics to portray pedophilia in a desirable light. A pervert named Sweetfreek complains about the "western" attitudes towards child molestation, and dismissed a murder-rape case of a seven year old girl as only a murder. Neural, a supporter of pedophilia, complains that the treatment of pedophiles mirrors that of the treatment of Jews in nazi germany. Neural has an admitted interest in "erotica", but avoids specifying the type and form of erotica. Perhaps the most disturbing element is that wikipedia allows anyone, provided they have an IP address, to edit and change an article without registering. This means that wikipedia does not check for credentials at all. Any pedophile can edit any page to promote a deviant agenda, and-- as the talk and history pages for the pedophilia pages show--such is the case, with IP addresses of random visitors strewn everywhere. The Parents for the Online Safety of Children (POSC) organization is worried about parents letting their children into a website that is a known gathering for pedophiles. Any pedophile can easily obtain a child's IP address and use it to locate the child's place of residence outside of the internet. Pedophiles may also solicit children for sex or attempt to contact them through using wikipedia as a medium, or even find out their e-mail address or instant messenger screen name. Since wikipedia allows pedophiles to edit wikipedia pages and view the IP addresses of children freely, we recommend that you use filtering software to block wikipedia from access in your household or school. The internet is already a dangerous lurking ground for pedophiles; statistics show that about 1 in 5 children are solicited for sex online, and with the growth of the unregulated wikipedia, that number can only skyrocket. Pedophiles are dangerous people who constantly insist that they are no harm for children, despite the overwhelming evidence against such claims. They tell us there is nothing to worry, that western attitudes are incorrect, and that there is nothing wrong with having sex with children. Such stratified claims show us that the pedophiles are too impulsive, and attempt to promote pedophilia in various contradictory ways, doing so to parrot out whatever argument will further pedophilia at the given point in time. Since wikipedia refuses to address the issue of pedophiles within its ranks and the allowance of random editing to pages, we can only recommend parents to withhold access to wikipedia.com for the time being. About the Parents for the Online Safety for Children The Parents for the Online Safety for Children (POSC) was created in 1997 by an organization of concerned citizens who felt that enough was not done to stop online pedophilia by the mainstream media and politicians. The POSC currently holds weekly meetings in three states and actively campaigns politicians for action regarding the Internet and pedophilia.
  14. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    How to be a Black Metal fan in 2005

    If you listen to Cradle Of Filth and then listen to Iron Maiden, or indeed most "standard" Heavy Metal bands, you'll see that the structure of their music is basically the same. The difference, as noted by the writer, is that the music is played faster with slightly more distortion and screamed vocals. It's somewhat unfair to compare this opinion with that of someone who hasn't had a long term indepth view of the musical style. It has nothing to do with the fact that Dani is a ...ugh...sex symbol for silly fat goth girls, although that is indeed a symptom of the greater disease.
  15. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    It Was 1 Year Ago Today

    Well I'm lazy right now, so I just googled the solo. To my eyes it just looks like basic scaling that eleventy billion other people have done. Nothing too interesting or innovative. Basically these men are idolized because they simply added a new special effect to their Blues/Rock guitar style? It seems to me analogous to an average Hollywood movie suddenly becoming great because a 200 million dollar special effects budget was given. Influencing a million people means nothing the next generation doesn't improve the design.
  16. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    It Was 1 Year Ago Today

    0---0--1(b)--0 WALK 0---0--1(b)--0 WALK 0---0--1(b)--0 WALK 0---0--1(b)--0 DON'T RUN 0---0--1(b)--0 RE 0---0--1(b)--0 SPECT 0---0--1(b)--0 WAALK ARE YOU TALKING TO ME. ARE YOU TALKING TO ME. NOOOOOOO WAAAAAAAY PUNK!
  17. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye


    exponentiation zine [issue: 2.0] OUT NOW For a belief higher than material comfort, one must turn both to the ancients and to the future. A traditionalist ezine, exponentiation [2.0] explores idealism, nihilism and realism in the arts, philosophy and culture. Visit now and read our free online version of the latest issue, released November 5, 2005. NEWS al-Qaeda and Marijuana CEOs and Rape ART Karjalan Sissit, VNV Nation, My Bloody Valentine Tom Wolfe, John Le Carre FOOD Gnocchi, Garlic Chicken, Arugula FEATURES German Impressionistic Cinema Averse Sefira Globalization LITERATURE John Frostwood, Skeeze Whitlow, Steve Cynical issue [2.0]: OUT NOW http://www.anus.com/zine/
  18. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    It Was 1 Year Ago Today

    Far Beyond Driven debuted at number one on Billboard, and they have sold millions of albums worldwide.
  19. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    It Was 1 Year Ago Today

    Honest question: what is it that he did that was new?
  20. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Why was the fascist regime guy banned

    I'm the only fascist poster allowed on this board.
  21. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    It Was 1 Year Ago Today

    Dime a dozen guitarist of a washed up metal band. It really was no big loss. I will always treasure my nostalgia for the first 3 albums from the 90's, however.
  22. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    So I got myself a job

    No synagogues, sadly. Trying to fry your brain enough that you slow down to the peons' pace in a kitchen is the worst. Especially when they start to give you flak like "why you going to so hard?" or "why are you working? It's break time!" Just another small commentary on the state of the western working class.
  23. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    How warned are you.

    I'm not the one who's going to be faggy. POPICK IS GOING TO SPUNK ON YOUR PRONE BODY! I'll only be diddling my asshole at the time.
  24. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Oh, Canada

    During this election period for Canada there will be more usefull discussion and idea presentation that what we'd see in the paranoid and insane American political system. I fear, however, that since people nowadays have a need for Left or Right politics to build our identities around, a lot of the potentially usefull thought and change will be lost inside that black hole of misdirection. I still trust my fellow Canadians enough to not let this insanity escalate to the levels seen in the Liberal Democratic system of America, but i fear that many will miss out on the great possibilities for thought provided by the seeming re-emergence of the separatists, and renewed attention for a "third way" group (not that it's a really large difference). I'll likely be keeping my tv off during this ordeal, other than the great 5 hour block of Star Trek eps that Spike shows each day. All in all...embrace pessimism and vote green.
  25. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    How warned are you.

    I'm going to murder you while popick stands beside you and jacks off on your head.