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Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

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Everything posted by Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

  1. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Ban this racist (link inside)

    fuck you. That's fantastic!
  2. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Voodo Doll

    It's ok, he just doesn't understand the outside-the-box concepts presented here. News TV is LIFE!
  3. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Hello, TSM.

    Inc went to the one wrestling webiste that has all the spyware and ads and shit.
  4. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Word on the street is I don't contribute.

    I love it when i don't have to starve them first!
  5. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Voodo Doll

    Hey, while I go into remedial spelling classes, can a mod fix the title to say "Voodoo" please?
  6. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Environmental Terrorism

    Every bit helps. These people are heros.
  7. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Word on the street is I don't contribute.

    This has nothing to do with my recruiting of nazi trolls. I request that you immediately step into the nearest walk-in furnace for about 8 to 10 minutes per pound.
  8. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Word on the street is I don't contribute.

    If I don't come back full time, someone should take up arms as the resident CE nazi troll.
  9. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye


    Did you ever get a real internet connection? I can post a song and show you what you're in for.
  10. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Children of Bodom

    I'd be satisfied if they picked up fashion tips from Dead.
  11. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Cam'ron sh'ot

    Good grief.
  12. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Children of Bodom

    COB = pop trash for undermen.
  13. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye


    Jesus fuck what a night. Despised Icon was rubbish. Why use two vocalists, when neither can do their job well anyway?(in this case screams for one and death growl for another), and the music was very vanilla. Great stage presence and energy helped their cause. boring. Unfortunately I missed most of local heros Thorazine's set due to the long walk from the train to the venue and the fact that we spent entirely too much time harassing cracked out hookers when we should have been making our way to the club (The Warehouse in Calgary). I hadn't heard Thorazine before, but was impressed by their melodic death dealings despite the somewhat sloppy nature of playing (they were added to the bill long after having broken up and had two days to prepare a set). I feel bad that I couldn't catch their shows during their prime. The locals were ga ga over the chance to say a last goodbye to them and Thorazine definitely felt the same about having that chance, especially on this night. I didn't give Aborted enough attention to really 'rate' them or offer any real insight into their work, but from what I did closely watch, they were perfectly competent in their older style melodic death and very happy with the responce they got during their first show in Calgary, and the chance to come from France and Belgium to play on this tour. Up next was Cryptopsy, to the biggest responce of the night, complete with new members. Of course, most everybody was ape shit for their show, despite some parts coming up a little flat to these ears. The new stuff came off with little of the energy that monumental songs like Cold Hate, Warm Blood and Open Face Surgery had, but they were perfect fine mid set pieces to keep the energy high. Surely we all know what to expect from a Cryptopsy show, so I'll just leave it there. The mighty Suffocation came out next, and laid total waste with a shockwave of tight, disciplined, and fast New York Death Metal that they invented. In a contrast to Cryptopsy getting the crowd going with sheer frantic speed, Suffocation showed that their sewer dwelling hardcore elements are a dish best served live by highly skilled and disciplined players to inject the will to move into those lucky enough to be in attendance. All songs came off at near album quality with material ranging from Souls To Deny all the way back to demo material with no songs bringing the energy down or coming off as lethargic. Pit ettiquete was excellent with nobody out to intentionally injure anyone else and I didn't see any intervention from club staff all night. Near the end of the show, Frank Mullen promised a new album and another stop in Calgary next year. I'm there. ps: You haven't lived until you've bumped and grinded with a chick during Pierced From Within who karate chopped your throat and kicked your dick in the pit just one song before.
  14. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye


    It's stuffed with Nu Metal riffing, there's no focus at all, and Lord Worm is shit on vocals. However, your head will twist clean off the first time you hear the new Northern Hyperblast from Flo. It's not all terrible, but after you've heard Whisper Supremacy or None So Vile, it's a severe dissapointment even if you understand that it'd be hard to match up to those milestones. And I've kinda softened up on Cephalic a bit since I came to the conclusion that I can just chill and have fun listening to their stuff. The record is still pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Since when do you like Pierced From Within so much?
  15. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye


    Fuck Cryptopsy. Their new album is inexcusable.
  16. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye


    3 fucking days away.
  17. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Who else LOVES JEWS???

    The Holocaust didn't happen. but it should have.
  18. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Hurricane Katrina

    Government Study: Poor Blacks Attract Hurricanes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON, DC — A secret Bush Administration study claims that Hurricanes Katrina and Rita were drawn to the Gulf Coast by the large number of poor African-Americans living there. The Texas Policy Interest Group (TEXPIG), a neo-conservative "think tank," produced the report at the request of Vice President Dick Cheney's, office according to a highly placed source. "Hurricanes are made by warm water, black people have darker skin so they're hotter, and poor people can't afford air conditioning," the six page report reads. "Therefore, it's pretty obvious to us that hurricanes go to where poor black people live." The report was critical of the effort to evacuate residents of the Gulf Coast before Hurricane Katrina hit the area two weeks ago, saying the policy of moving families together was ill-conceived. "We all know that when those people get together in one place, trouble starts. Next time you should use the sense your momma gave you and separate the races. Send some of them up to Massachusetts, them liberals like 'em so much. Keep like with like and don't ever mix the races!! Praise Jesus!" TEXPIG's staff consists of three oil executives, the head of the state's death row program, and fourteen Baptist ministers. The organization produced the 2002 report "Overseas And At Home: A Guide to Killing Muslim Terrorists and Other Pagans" http://www.bongonews.com/layout4.php?event...opic=hurricanes
  19. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Recommend Rush...

    2112 A Passage To Bangkok The Twilight Zone Lessons Tears Something For Nothing
  20. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Help Please!

    Nationial Socialism www.Anus.com - (American Nihilist Underground Society) - Traditionalist view. Non Racist. Also a great site for Heavy Metal related cultural information. www.nazi.org - Also traditionalist view. Non Racist. www.Overthrow.com www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com - The blockhead racists that inevitably infect thraditionalist thought. Only included for completion of study. If you happen to research and use this topical field (with an open mind), you'll undoubtedly get confused looks and accusations, and the brilliant assertion that "you have the freedom to speak about these things" while being put under much closer scrutiny.
  21. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Hurricane Katrina

    New Orleans: Choose your own adventure! You are an African-American living in a crack house in a New Orleans slum. You decided to stay and weather out Hurricane Katrina since you were not sure if you could score crack at any of the evacuation centers. The windows of the crack house were already boarded up, you had a couple days worth of rocks and some Fiddy Cent CDs to listen to on a portable boom box. In addition, most of your fellow crack heads had abandoned the house, leaving you to rummage through their stuff for stray crack rocks. You find a couple. When the worst seems to be over, the levee breaks and water floods into your crack house. That's okay. You grab your boom box and crack pipe and run up to the attic. You are lucky and water doesn't reach to the roof like it does the houses down the block. http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2005/9/6/34041/87727
  22. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    MIA Posters

    Cricket is fucking awesome.
  23. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    MIA Posters

    You've hurt me today, Incandenza...more than you'll ever know
  24. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    MIA Posters

  25. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Hurricane Katrina

    No need to be defensive. I just see so many people wasting talent by creating an identity based on what political side they choose for themselves. This is terribly counterproductive and does no good for anyone. They're pretty much the same team nowadays anyway, only difference is which talking points are printed in bold in their speeches. And I am above a lot of people.