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Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

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Everything posted by Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

  1. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Max Headroom Incident from WTTW Chicago

    textfiles.com is a veritable goldmine of the old bbs communities. Interesting postings to be found there.
  2. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    You especially need Gorguts
  3. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    I don't think the writer is grouping them more than he's adding them almost as sidenotes in the metal realm since neither of them have had the impact on the music as a whole compared to the other genres. There is a little bit of comparison to be made between each style and fan. "Influenced in part by Celtic Frost and other classic metal and punk bands, Nirvana burst onto the mainstream radio with a new style called "grunge" that was part metal and punk, but mostly mournful, out-of-the-closet angsty rock which featured droning vocals and simple punklike riffs. Other interesting acts were Mudhoney and Alice in Chains; both enjoyed popularity with metalheads, with the most crossover being with doom audiences. This is in part because musically, these two genres were the most similar, and aesthetically, they both addressed a fatalism which some overcame and others (Goodbye Mr. Cobain) did not. Fatalism is the belief that one can do nothing about one's fate but mourn it as a means of accepting it; it is easily confused with nihilism, or a belief in nothing but the inherent value of ultimate reality, and general negativity, which can be either a form of aggression or passive self-pity like fatalism. Doom metal explored these areas, but what pleased the crowd most were bands that did not escape their fatalism, thus soon the genre shot its wad and died. Grunge suffered a similar fate, modulating gradually into pop-punk which was musically like grunge infused with candy rock and energetic punk rhythms, giving people on the radio a break from the grim as the Clinton administration (counterculture liberalism triumphing over "the establishment") and the Internet boom (newfound wealth, a new frontier) developed. Yes, Venom invented the term. As far as descibing the music, as far as the music itself, it's fucking hard to do because when you listen to Burzum's 'Det Som Engang Var' and Emperor's 'In The Nightside Eclipse' or Summoning's "Dol Guldur', you're listening to black metal, but all the bands are vastly different in aesthetic and music. I had a great article on this computer about the conceptualizers of the genre (Immortal, Burzum, Darkthrone, Emperor, Enslaved, etc) and some feelings about what they were doing, but I can't find it. "Black metal is dark and fast music using melodic development to express its themes. Of all the metals, this is the most communicative with the modern listener, expressing nihilism and a heroic anti-social assertion of the self. Evolving simultaneously with death metal, this genre includes all of the technique and rhythmic intensity of the former with more emotive and comprehensible poetic communication within the music." It might be best to say that you Just Know when you're hearing it. Whether you understand it beyond that is another story completely. Goth example: Type O were never gothic, not even close. Heavily made up kids with blogs and scars of manic depression and attention whoring say they are, but they are simply a speed metal band who turned tongue in ass doom metal band to pop metal continuation of the beatles and Black Sabbath. Good Metal band, not goth. Generally, the average for doom metal band's conversion to straight up metal or more pop styling is about 3 albums and 2 demos. Even bands like My Dying Bride have incorporated some more accessible styles to go with their clinging to their doom metal.
  4. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    The TSM Folder Subtitle Submission Contest

    Don't worry Piss, that joker was just joking. It's what he does.
  5. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Do you smoke?

    Either you smoke, or you don't. Pick one. Fuck.
  6. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Things that annoy the shit out of you

    I would change the cd in Agent's cd player without fear
  7. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    The TSM Folder Subtitle Submission Contest

    Can I fuck your waist asshole? - LSD
  8. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Auschwitz was a nice place

    You haven't been around long enough to rebel like this.
  9. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Since the mods have gone crazy

    I don't think I can function here without the forum descriptions intact.
  10. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Things that annoy the shit out of you

    That's just a sympton of a strong need for an attention grabbing gimmick, false individuality, and double dipping at the snack table.
  11. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    HOT 97 under heavy fire for tsunami song...

    Upon further reflection, I should say that the reaction of people getting all up in arms and such is what's funny about it.
  12. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Looking for a cheap or free music composition

    I believe that these are the things you're looking for http://www.fruityloops.com/English/frames.html http://www.cakewalk.com/ A much more fun and likely rewarding method would be to find 2 or three other guys to fuck around on instruments and see what happens.
  13. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    The Mods are reproducing

    Why are you so grouchy? Can't you see that Banky is reaching out to you?
  14. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    HOT 97 under heavy fire for tsunami song...

    Pretty funny clip/song.
  15. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    I don't know where to post this so...

    Fuck you, that stuff was great
  16. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    I don't know where to post this so...

    The biggest problem is that he switched his writing style after the first paragraph. Convinces me that he doesn't actually talk the way he writes it in the following paragraphs, and it would be awesome if he actually talked that way. I'm dissapointed. But not too much
  17. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    The Mods are reproducing

    Make me a moderator of something. I do quite deserve it.
  18. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    Top 100 Drummers

    He actually isn't that great.
  19. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye


    Kotzenjunge to Meatwad Meatwad replies Nuh-uh. Kotz, are you gonna just sit there and take that?
  20. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    What would you do?

    Ok, Piss has just covered my birthday present. What are the rest of you getting me?
  21. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye


    Meatwad Not bad.
  22. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye


    What are you implying?
  23. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye


    Agent Of Oblivion, where's my fucking gore???
  24. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    You know what makes me really happy?

    you'd like that, wouldn't you?
  25. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

    You know what makes me really happy?

    At least Banky understands.