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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Angel was thinking that he might not come back, so is tone was correct. But I thought that he was talking to Buffy at first also.
  2. Mole

    HHH featured on AMIANNOYING.COM

    This site is dumb for a few reasons. Why he is annoying 1. Despite being from Hew Hampshire, his character is from Connecticut. - How is that annoying? And great editor they got there. 2. He married Stephanie McMahon. - Since when is marrying a pretty woman annoying? 3. He has a big nose. - How is that annoying? If anything, it makes him ugly, not annoying. Why he isn't annoying 1. He was the WWF Champion four times. - I am not going to look it up, but he was champion a lot more than that. And how does that make him not annoying? If anything, it would make him annoying. 2. He injured his quadriceps in a match keeping him out of action for almost eight months (May, 2001). - How does this make him not annoying? And if they included that he continued the match even though he tore it, then I wouldn't have put this here. 3. His return boosted the WWF's ratings. - I know he boosted their ratings for a few weeks, but not in the long run. This is uber-dumb. When did it become cool to hate Triple-H?
  3. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The thing that bugs me about "Just Rewards" is that Spike looses his English accent at some points.
  4. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I always thought there are rules that even the PTB can't break.
  5. Mole

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 12/2/04

    The Miz rules.
  6. Mole

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 12/2/04

  7. Mole

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 12/2/04

    Even if I wasn't biased about the Miz, I'd vote for him tonight because he is into his character WAY TOO much.
  8. Mole

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 12/2/04

    Since he looks white and all...
  9. Mole

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 12/2/04

    HAHAHA, this is what you get for beating someone.
  10. Mole

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 12/2/04

    The Miz is getting way too much into this.
  11. Mole

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 12/2/04

    Good God.
  12. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I was a bit confused about what you said, so I went to Buffyworld.com to see check out the transript from "Becoming Pt 2." It was Buffy who said I have nothing left to lose and Whistler said "Wrong, kid. You got one more thing." So what are you talking about exactly? And thanks Brian for having me watch "Dead End." Since I watched "Dead End," I had to watch the rest of season 2. NOW, I have to watch season 3 now. I am going to fail school. And it is "Belonging," not "Becoming."
  13. Mole

    Raw Rating

    I don't think Battle Royal's are that big of a draw. I think Triple H getting his ass handed to him by every wrestler on RAW would have been a draw. Or, the World Title changing hands during that type of match. I don't remember which year it was, but the year that the winner of the Royal Rumble won the WWF Title was one of the highest draws for that PPV's history. If you mean draw, I am guessing you mean buyrate. The RR in which the winner got the title was 92, with Flair. 90 - 2.0 91 - 3.1 92 - 1.8 93 - 1.25 94 - 0.9 95 - 1.0 96 - 1.10 97 - .70 98 - .97 99 - 1.88 00 - 1.6 01 - 1.35 02 - 1.6 03 - .95 04 - .90 Nope, 4th highest RR buyrate ever.
  14. Mole

    Raw Rating

    I don't think Battle Royal's are that big of a draw.
  15. Mole

    Three Film studios snub Sonys Blu-Ray

    Isn't PS3 coming out in a few years? I thought that BluRay wouldn't be out until 2009 or whatever.
  16. Mole

    I'm still online after signing off???

    This is only a tease because I am sure it won't last long.
  17. Mole

    Three Film studios snub Sonys Blu-Ray

    Will HD-DVDs catch on though? Just about everyone has bought DVDs and when 2010 comes around, their collections are going to be huge. I'm not going to want to get everything again.
  18. Mole

    Smackdown spoilers for 12/2/04

    Of course it will be Puder and the Miz in the finals. And if Puder never punked out Angle, then the Miz would win by a mile.
  19. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    That was before I saw the whole season.
  20. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Please show me where this hate came from.
  21. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Oh and there is a big mistake in "Belonging." I think it is a mistake atleast. When Cordy is reading from the book that Fred last read from, Landok comes from a portal. Now, wasn't it Prof. Sydale(sp) that brought Fred to Pylea? She just happened to read from the same book that caused her to go there? EDIT: Well I am silly. Seconds after I posted this, I realized that Prof. Sydale made her read from the book that caused her to go to Pylea. Well I think.
  22. Mole


    Since I still smoke and everything.
  23. Mole


    Sells And I thought WWE.com made mistakes.