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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Yes, which is slated for 2006 release. Baz Luhrmann is directing it, Moulin Rouge and Romeo and Juliet. And Nicole Kidman is Olympias. He has been working on the film ever since Rouge was completed. I remember reading that in EW a while back.
  2. Well from somebody who saw it today, let me fill in some light. It didn't suck. It just wasn't good. First off, I am not a big fan of Oliver Stone. He hasn't done anything that really impressed me (I think Scarface is overrated, but that is something different). The way he shot the film was pretty blah, the camera angles weren't all that good and at one point the film was colored red, which I really didn't like. The movie itself DRAGGGGGED forever. It felt like I was taking a 3 hour class about Alexander with pictures to help me through it. I was completely lost after the first few scenes because there was SO much information to take in. I should have take notebook with me so I could pass the test following week. The story itself was so-so. I'm not a big history buff, so I don't know that much about Alexander than the basics. So half of the movie I was asking my Pops, who knows a lot about history, who half of the people were or if something was true or not. Then there was Colin himself. He wasn't a very believable "epic hero" like Mel Gibson was as William Wallace. I like him as an actor, but I didn't take him seriously as Alexander the Great. But what he did do, when it came to him acting some parts out, he did a good job at it. Basically, I couldn't take him seriously as a king. The few things that I liked were Angelina Jolie, the fight scenes and Dawson being nude. Other than that, it was so-so. Like I said, the movie didn't suck. But it wasn't good. It was an above average film, but NO WHERE near the caliber it should be. B-, but that is being very generous. Since the fight scenes were good and Jolie did an awesome job, it gets the B-. Without Jolie though, it drops to a C, even a C-.
  3. Mole

    Why can't I get college basketball on GC?

    The ESPN games didn't sell at all for GC, so they decided not to make games for them anymore.
  4. Alexander - B- The movie just DRAGGED for ever and I'm not the biggest fan of Stone's directing.
  5. Mole

    Anybody have any holiday blowouts?

    If a fight happened, I didn't know about it since I passed out on the couch for most of the time.
  6. Mole

    ? for you fools

    I call my friends marks a lot and they have no idea what I am talking about.
  7. Mole

    Firefly on DVD

    SEPTEMBER??? That is the WRONG MONTH for a movie like this. September is the month with the lowest box-office numbers. Crap.
  8. Mole

    This Monday's Battle Royal...

    There is a battle royal this Monday?
  9. Mole

    Widescreen vs. Fullscreen

    Most marks seem to like Fullscreen, for some reason. The only movie I have seen lately that was "meant to be shown" in fullscreen was Elephant.
  10. Mole

    WWE News and Notes from 11/29 Observer

    How the hell are they supposed to build to HHH vs. Orton at WrestleMania if HHH is off filming a movie? At least Hogan always knew to wait until after Mania to film a movie. Knowing the sort of piece of crap the movie will be, and the low budget, it shouldn't take long. If Corman was able to film a good bit of his movies in less than a week, maybe they'd only need a month for that one. Nonono. Triple-H is so over, he doesn't even need to be there for his match with Orton.
  11. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I saw a Target bag today and since I told my step-mom about the price, I think she got it.
  12. Mole

    Fox TV on DVD deal at Buy.com

    I told my step-mom about the deal with Buffy at Target last night, since it is on the top of my X-Mas list. And I saw some Target bags today, so that is good.
  13. Mole

    WWE News and Notes from 11/29 Observer

    Woah, I am older than Dupree? I had no idea he was that young.
  14. Mole

    OAO Thanksgiving Smackdown thread

    Fuck no, this shit is retarded. You call TE stuff stupid when this clown is on TV? His WRESTLING LICENSE? Wow, SD is horrible, horrible, horrible.
  15. Mole

    OAO Thanksgiving Smackdown thread

    Time to vote for the Miz.
  16. Mole

    OAO Thanksgiving Smackdown thread

    How often do they actually train to wrestle?
  17. Mole

    OAO Thanksgiving Smackdown thread

    Fuck no, this shit is retarded. Yeah, since SD is so damn good. And that was dumb. The Miz is lefty man!
  18. Mole

    OAO Thanksgiving Smackdown thread

    After the TE segment, the channel will be changed. Do any of you actually vote for the TE?
  19. Mole

    OAO Thanksgiving Smackdown thread

    Aww, shouldn't this be at the OAO site? Or is that just for Raw? And damn, Holly did a number to Rene.
  20. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    That bummed me out...I just paid $40 for mine. And you did read that right., we have them stocked to hell at the Target I work at. Wait, you work there and you didn't get that deal? Or did they say it after your bought it?
  21. Mole

    Raw rating holds steady

    The head writer for most of 2000 was a guy called Chris Kreski. He was the guy who planned things out on boards, and actually had flow charts setting out who was feuding with who, who could team with who without it not making sense, etc. The "This Is Your Life, Rock" segment got a high rating purely due to the 'car crash' effect. And he quit because the schedule was too tough for him. I believe he is the head writer for the Daily Show now.
  22. Mole

    Raw rating holds steady

    They were just as good during 2000.
  23. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Speaking of Buffy on Thanksgiving, where's is my Buffy marathon?
  24. Mole

    Thanksgiving Smackdown spoilers

    Looks like Puder is going to win TE. The Miz should come in second though.
  25. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Damn with you guys getting a chub about season 2, just wait till season 3 kicks in.