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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    But change can be a good thing. Look at Dawson's Creek's 5th season; they went to college and it got better. Season 4 of Buffy just wasn't as good as the other seasons. I like the season, don't get me wrong, but there are other seasons that are stronger.
  2. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Bah, the only good thing about season 4 was the comedy. Other than that, there is nothing there for me.
  3. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Oh and about the VCDs; my burner is being a bitch right now. Until I get it fixed, I can't do it. It will be soon though.
  4. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The apacolypse was starting, that is why the building was falling.
  5. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I'm too sleepy right now to get into detail, but season 3 was family and season 4 was free choice. Simple as that.
  6. Mole

    Real World 15...

    Yeah, this season sucks. But after San Diego, which was awesome, it is hard to top it.
  7. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    You mean when Angelus hear's a Slayer is in town, calls Dawn to see if Buffy is home, hangs up and figure's out it's Faith? I was wondering if that'd be acknowledged on Buffy, as I've only seen the finale of Season 7.. If I remember correctly, Dawn mentions something about it, but doesn't elaborate. Probably due to teh fact taht the WB and UPN aired the episodes at different times, so for instance Willow had already come on Angel and left again with Faith by the time Fred called Willow on Buffy. Nope, Dawn doesn't say anything about it.
  8. Graduation Day, Part 2 (3.22) Spin the Bottle* (4.06) Hush (4.10) Becoming, Part 1 (2.21) Bracket B: Not Fade Away* (5.22) Shells* (5.16) Becoming, Part 2 (2.22) Origin* (5.18) Bracket C: You’re Welcome* (5.12) Innocence, Part 2 (2.14) - What are the chances that the two episodes that feature Angel loosing his soul would match up with eachother? Innocence gets the nod because we see the birth of Angelus. Apocalypse Nowish* (4.07) Fool For Love (5.07) Bracket D: Orpheus* (4.15) Passion (2.17) The Wish (3.09) This Years Girl, Part 1 (4.15)
  9. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    You mean when Angelus hear's a Slayer is in town, calls Dawn to see if Buffy is home, hangs up and figure's out it's Faith? I was wondering if that'd be acknowledged on Buffy, as I've only seen the finale of Season 7.. That was the best thing ever.
  10. I'll be there because I love her sad writing.
  11. Yeah yeah yeah, this has been done before but whatever. My computer was fucked up for a few days so I had to take back the one I gave to my nephew for his room. Anytime I had a chance to come here, I just went to the Angel thread because that is what I do best. Anyway, anything interesting happen in the past few days?
  12. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    And that they were both dark. Other than "Tabula Rasa" and the Geek Trio, what was funny? That is why I LOVE season 4, the big story arc. Which doesn't get boring at all, atleast to me. Good God, "OMWF" is overrated. Plus the HUGE plothole in the story, Xander knowing it all along but being all stupid about it makes zero sense. And don't give me that "who cares about the story, the plot is the music" because the music is the gimmick, not the story. Eh, "TR" memory loss isn't as long as "STB." But the ending of "TR" is sooo damn sad, I love it. How? Warren is just a guy who needed a GUN to kill someone. Jasmine was basically a God! How can a regular guy be better than a God? Yes, I'll give you that one.
  13. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Angel is not as watchable as Buffy. It's not as funny and charming. Also, I just saw the whole season about 2 months ago. That is why I LOVE Angel season 4 and Buffy season 6; it is soo damn dark. I am a BIG fan when a show gets all dark and different.
  14. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    And why is this the case?
  15. Mole

    Street Racers

    The loud bikes makes up for their small dicks.
  16. Mole

    I was gone for a few days...

    You're the king of snide.
  17. Mole

    So... Zsasz was banned

    I never ever ever liked the guy. The fact that he would never listen to other people's opinions and that "James Bond is the best thing ever in this whole world" crap was annoying.
  18. Mole

    Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked

    What was her role? I don't remember her at all. She was also on Dawson's Creek as "Nikki." She's a horrible actress to boot.
  19. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Just another reason why season 4 of Angel is the best season in the Buffyverse.
  20. Mole

    The Killers...

    The Killers, a band out of Las Vegas, is this alt-rock/funk/80's dance type of band. The song, "Somebody Told Me," which is out on the radio right now, is an awesome song. I haven't heard any other songs by them, but what songs are good that they have done.
  21. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I think that it was just cheaper for them to use old SE.
  22. Once More, With Feeling (6.07) Graduation Day, Part 2 (3.22) Sleep Tight* (3.16) Spin the Bottle* (4.06) Tabula Rasa (6.08) Lies My Parents Told Me (7.17) Lover’s Walk (3.08) Becoming, Part 1 (2.21) Bracket B: Not Fade Away* (5.22) There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb* (2.22) Doppelgangland (3.16) Shells* (5.16) Angel (1.07) Becoming, Part 2 (2.22) Amends (3.10) Graduation Day, Part 1 (3.21) Bracket C: You’re Welcome* (5.12) Grave, Part 2 (6.22) Innocence, Part 2 (2.14) Awakening* (4.10) A Hole in the World* (5.15) - BAHHHHHHHHH Apocalypse Nowish* (4.07) Fool For Love (5.07) The Gift* (5.22) Bracket D: Home* (4.22) Prophecy Girl (1.12) Halloween (2.06) Passion (2.17) The Wish (3.09) Salvage* (4.13) Release* (4.14) Smile Time* (5.14)
  23. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, "Spin the Bottle" commentary was awesome. However "AN" is my favorite episode, you know that Brian, so listening them talk about it is awesome. Epsecially hearing them rant about how amazing the episode is.
  24. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Aww, "AN" on commentary was the highlight of my week. And I went back to school the same day.