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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    It's her red hair. F-I-R-E C-R-O-T-CH. And on eBay someone is trying to sell this. A "RARE" Angel poster, which is funny because this "RARE" poster is on my door right now.
  2. Mole

    OaO 7/7/04 TNA PPV Thread

    He runs against the ropes and jumps into the person. G-H-E-Y.
  3. Mole

    The Rejected Real World contestant of doom

    I liked Yoga Fire better.
  4. Mole

    The Rejected Real World contestant of doom

    So did Hoff get rejected?
  5. Mole

    Happy Birthday Lindsay Lohan...

    Thanks for my new sig.
  6. Mole

    OaO 7/7/04 TNA PPV Thread

    I watched Monty Brown this past week on Impact and he didn't impress me at all. And his finisher has to be the worst finisher ever. So why does he get a win over D'Lo? The world hates me, that's why.
  7. Mole

    Firefly on DVD

    Go, or you are the biggest herb ever.
  8. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I actually laughed out loud with that remark Raven. *CLASSIC IT*
  9. Mole

    Firefly on DVD

    Well he went across her body, and he hit her heart. Wait, why are we talking about this?
  10. Mole

    Firefly on DVD

    No, it was more like a clean cut down the middle of her body. I am sure her heart was split into two.
  11. Mole

    Alf's talk show

    Woah, Alf has a talk show? What channel?
  12. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

  13. Mole

    Firefly on DVD

    Oh we appreciate you Anya.
  14. Mole

    For the Whedon fans here

    I've gotten my hope up so many times, so I won't believe this until a better source reports it.
  15. Mole

    Firefly on DVD

    The one with Mal is gang star.
  16. I've seen Mean Girls 4 times now. Plus I saw most of it on a bootleg a few weeks ago. One problem with seeing it 4 times is the stuff I didn't like (The African fantasy scenes, Lindsay's speech with her dad) I REALLY don't like. Plus you start to notice a lot of plot holes. But I still love it and think Tina did a wonderful job. I would've loved to have seen what Mean Girls would've been like had Tina been giving carte blache with the screenplay. What are some of the plot holes?
  17. Mole

    DirecTV drops TNA

    Your digital cable provider could drop it just like Directv. I don't even order the PPVs.
  18. Mole

    so . . . anyone blog?

    No blog, but I journal it. Here
  19. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    She was a bad guy at the end of a level and I remember it being a pain in the ass to beat her.
  20. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    You are making me shudder talking about "Puppet Show."
  21. Mole

    DirecTV drops TNA

    Reason #586 to have digital cable.
  22. Mole

    NWA:TNA Video On Demand

    I only get A.J. Styles vs JJJ Steel Cage match and JJJ vs Chris Harris. Are any of these worth my time?
  23. Mole

    TNA News & Notes

    Ha, Fairplay is a herb but that is fuckin funny.
  24. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The thing with season 1, not as much with 2, but the lighting was different. It was a lot darker because I think they were going with the horror effect more than anything.
  25. Mole

    Pauly Shore is Dead

    I think everyone clicked on this thinking he was dead and were fooled into this movie. I'll see this movie on HBO, but that is about it.