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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Illyria rules all!!! Tisk tisk, RRR. Season 6 was a good season, not the best since season 5 and 3 were better, but it was still good. Why? First off, they tried something new with the series. They were growing up, no more college stuff and it went a bit darker. Buffy was just so damn depressed I loved every minute of it. Even though Buffy was lonely all of the time, she was still happy somewhat. But in season 6, she was torn out of heaven, her "father" left her, Willow was addicted to crack, Xander and Anya broke up, Riley had a new bitch, she was fucking Spike and I mean FUCKING Spike, which was against everything she believed in, Tara dies and Willow goes all crazy. Seeing our hero sad as shit was great because I love drama like that. Then we had Willow, the good girl, become a crack...er...magic addict. In season 2, hell even season 5, would you have thought that Willow would have gone crazy after her lover was killed and tried to end the world? Noooooooooo, which makes it fuckin sweet. We had Giles leave, which makes perfect sense for everything going crazy. He was the one who kept everything together and when he was gone, shit hit the fan. Then bam, he comes back and things come back together again. Dawn was annoying, I'll give you that, but she was SUPPOSED to be annoying. I am sure the writers were trying to make her as annoying as possible. When a 15 year old mom just died, who gets no attention from anyone, is always by herself, whose sister is fuckin a vampire with a chip in his head and is always gets taken hostage, is going to be a little shit. Best of all, you had Xander and Anya's relationship. Did anyone who watched "Hell's Bells" actually think they would get married? Especially in the Buffyverse? Even though I love Anya, I could never marry a girl who isn't the smartest girl on the block, probably just a tad bit smarter than the retard down the street. Their relationship symbolizes the whole season perfectly. Then you have Spike. The vampire who "loves" a VAMPIRE SLAYER, but only gets to fuck her. He wasn't anywhere as cool as season 4/5 Spike, but he couldn't be the same. They had to change his character a little bit and it fit the mood of the season; dark. We got to know Spike better than we ever did. Spike wanted the same relationship that he and Dru had with Buffy. There was no way Buffy would do that, but she got pretty damn close because Spike is the man. Plus we had "Bargaining Pt 1 & 2," "Once More, With Feeling," "Tabula Rasa," "Smashed," "Wrecked," "Hell's Bells," "Seeing Red," "Villians," "Two to Go" and "Grave." Those all are atleast B+ episodes and when half of the season is that good I see a pretty damn good season. Season 5 and 3 are better, but when we get something much different I like it. Same reason I like season 4 of Angel; because it was something a lot different from the others.
  2. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Woah, how can you hate this.
  3. So when did ImpactWrestling become a reliable news site? Call me when WON reports this.
  4. Mole


    Well that didn't work.
  5. Mole

    dicking around a bit

    Too many links?
  6. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Well done Brian, you had the 3000th post. Just for giving me a link to the shirt, you deserve it. However, that isn't the same shirt, but thanks though. EW had an article about Joss and what he is doing next. I'd scan the article, but I already cut up the magazine and put the picture on my wall.
  7. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yup, Joss is a cruel bastard. And I love him for it. On a side note, Angel was wearing a Wolfram and Hart T-Shirt while playing raquet ball. I really want that shirt.
  8. Mole

    Diddy Breaks Up Da Band In Series Finale

    Bad Boy South? What's the deal with that?
  9. Mole

    Network Fall Lineups

    E! is going over all of the fall lineups right now.
  10. Mole

    Network Fall Lineups

    That could be sweet.
  11. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Use Limewire.
  12. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I never get that. Why just watch something to complain about it?
  13. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah that doesn't make any sense.
  14. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    One of my problems is that it set up things and was constantly referenced to. You found Moloch to be corny? Fine. But also accept that I found Dracula to be incredibly campy and UNNESESSARY. No.
  15. Mole

    Diddy Breaks Up Da Band In Series Finale

    You said this yesterday and it had me thinking. So P. Diddy only released the two singles in the New York area, limited at that? That doesn't make any sense. When someone releases a single, it gets played if the song is good or not. Why would Diddy release the single and say "Wait, only play this song in the New York area and don't play it a lot."? That is because he didn't since that is bad business and Diddy isn't a bad businessman. A crossover hit occurs when the people like the song, so it's played on different radio stations (ie CHR and Rap). Da Band's single obviously wasn't popular, so they weren't crossover hits. Do you think Diddy said "No no, I don't want this to be a crossover song. I only want it to be on rap/hip-hop stations only."? No because that is BAD business. Besides, they had a show on MTV. How more crossover can you get? Bad Boy had PLENTY of crossover hits, so why would this be any different? Because they weren't good enough. You made my point. In this day and age, if an artist doesn't sell atleast go platinum, they didn't do a good job. I don't think you understood when I said selling 500K isn't very good. Selling that many albums is good because it is hard to sell that many copies. However, it isn't great when you have a NATIONAL TV show behind you and you are being pushed by a very sucsessful hip-hop producer. Oh really? Hmmm, how about all of those artists that were on National TV and did well? O'Town's O'Town sold over 1 million copies. Kelly's Thankful sold over 2 million copies. Ruben's Soulful sold over 1 million copies. Clay's Measure of a Man sold over 2 million copies. All of them had a TV show and did well. Yes, you are going to ask about the other guy from American Idol, Justin. Why didn't he do well? His album sucked, so no one bought it. And where did you find that Da Band sold 800K? I thought it was 500K? I looked all over the place and I can't find a site for them.
  16. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Since you didn't make 10 lists about Firefly.
  17. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I can appreciate the fact that you put some effort into this list, but I still disagree with you. I think you have an overly negative view of season one. The Moloch concept is a simplistic one. Demon is scanned into computer, demon gains near infinite knowledge from it, demon seeks to have physical body and keep his omnipresent power. He knew how to use computers because he had access to the near infinite knowledge. I see nothing wrong with that. It took an old concept (demons) and put a post-modern spin on it. This was frequent in season one and it may be one of the reasons that season is so dear to me. That and perhaps the lack of many special effects. I don't quite know why, but it seemed more "real" that way. I also think you're vastly overrating Dracula. Besides the "OMG! BUFFY'S FIGHTING DRACULA!!!!111" factor the episode offers little. It seems to put forth a Dracula that is an amalgam of the various movies the character appears in and the Whedonverse. Xander eating bugs? Come on. There's too much parody here. If they wanyed Dracula, they should've done something different. Maybe something closer to the original character. In any case, this is probably my least favorite season opener and my least favorite season five ep. Moloch and the She-Mantis are still vastly more interesting. We've all seen Dracula parodies before. Sorry, Moolach was just too damn corny for me. And "Buffy vs. Dracula" was decent because it set up season 5 storylines. Blood is life, Buffy is stronger than she thinks (helping her Mom, running the family after Joyce dies, and of course, jumping to save the world) Giles being helpful w/Dracula showing that he needs to stay, and Buffy/Riley's relationship starting to downfall because Buffy had that weird thing for Dracula. How is Xander eating bugs too much of a parody?
  18. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Compared to the rest of season 5? I think not.
  19. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Since I am shot from working my ass off these past two days, I am staying home tonight. But to make sure I am an extra geek, I'm going to grade every single Buffy episode and grade the monster from that episode too. Remember, I might be off about a few of these episodes because how good they were/are is from old memories. I only saw some of these episodes once or twice and a long time ago at that. I'll average up each season and rank them below. This is what each letter grade equals to number grades. A+: 100 A: 95 A-: 92 B+: 88 B: 85 B-: 82 C+: 78 C: 75 C-: 72 D+: 68 D: 65 D-: 62 F: 55 Season 1 1. "Welcome to the Hellmouth" - Ep: A, Mon: A 2. "Harvest" - Ep: A, Mon: A 3. "The Witch" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 4. "Teacher's Pet" - Ep: C, Mon: D 5. "Never Kill a Boy on a First Date" - Ep: B-, Mon: B 6. "The Pack" - Ep: B-, Mon: C+ 7. "Angel" - Ep: A, Mon: A 8. "I, Robot -- You Jane" - Ep: F, Mon: F 9. "The Puppet Show" - Ep: B-, Mon: B- 10. "Nightmares" - Ep: B+, Mon: B 11. "Out of Mind, Out of Sight" - Ep: B, Mon: B 12. "Prophecy Girl" - Ep: A, Mon: A Season 1 Average Grade: B+ (84.8) I changed a few grades from my orginal grading because I was being too generous with a few of the episodes. "I, Robot -- You Jane" gets an F because the whole idea is SO STUPID. A demon that is stuck in a book, gets scanned into the computer and stalks Willow? Huh? He leaves the computer and becomes a robot? I didn't know a demon who was from 1418 knew how to use a computer like that. He is one smart demon...No wonder Thomas A. Swyden hasn't wrote anything since 97 and Ashley Gable hasn't wrote anything since 2001. Season 2 13. "When She Was Bad" - Ep: B, Mon: B- 14. "Some Assembly Required" - Ep: B-, Mon: B- 15. "School Hard" - Ep: B+, Mon: A 16. "Inca Mummy Girl" - Ep: C-, Mon: D 17. "Reptile Boy" - Ep: D, Mon: D- 18. "Halloween" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 19. "Lie to Me" - Ep: C+, Mon: B- 20. "The Dark Age" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 21. "What's My Line Pt 1" - Ep: A-, Mon: B+ 22. "What's My Line Pt 2" - Ep: A, Mon: A 23. "Ted" - Ep: B-, Mon: B+ 24. "Bad Eggs" - Ep: C, Mon: C- 25. "Surprise" - Ep: A, Mon: A 26. "Innocence" - Ep: A, Mon: A+ 27. "Phases" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 28. "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 29. "Passion" - Ep: A+, Mon: A+ 30. "Killed by Death" - Ep: C+, Mon:C+ 31. "I Only Have Eyes For You" - Ep: B, Mon: B 32. "Go Fish" - Ep: D+, Mon: D 33. "Becoming Pt 1" - Ep: A, Mon: A+ 34. "Becoming Pt 2" - Ep: A, Mon: A+ Season 2 Average Episode Grade: B+ (85.3) There were a lot of monster of the week episodes that held the season down. But the Angelus storyline was soooooo damn good, plus we had Spike and Dru. "Passion" gets a A+ because, well, it ruled and everyone agrees with that one. Season 3 35. "Anne" - Ep: C+, Mon: C 36. "Dead Man's Party" - Ep: C, Mon: C 37. "Faith, Hope and Tricks" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 38. "Beauty and the Beasts" - Ep: B+, Mon: B 39. "Homecoming" - Ep: B, Mon: B 40. "Band Candy" - Ep: B, Mon: B+ 41. "Revelations" - Ep: B, Mon: B 42. "Lover's Walk" - Ep: A, Mon: A 43. "The Wish" - Ep: A+, Mon: A+ 44. "Amends" - Ep: A, Mon: A- 45. "Gingerbread" - Ep: C+, Mon: C 46. "Helpless" - Ep: C+, Mon: B- 47. "The Zeppo" - Ep: A, Mon: A- 48. "Bad Girls" - Ep: A-, Mon: A- 49. "Consequences" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 50. "Doppelgängland" - Ep: A, Mon: A 51. "Enemies" - Ep: A, Mon: A 52. "Earshot" - Ep: B-, Mon: B- 53. "Choices" - Ep: B+, Mon: B 54. "The Prom" - Ep: B-, Mon: C 55. "Graduation Day Pt 1" - Ep: A-, Mon: A 56. "Graduation Day Pt 2" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ Season 3 Average Episode Grade: B+ (87.6) Wow, I thought this season would do better than it did. Even though "The Prom" had the infamous "Class Protector" speech, the episode itself was pretty weak, so that is why I gave it a B-. "Graduation Day Pt 2" only gets a B+ because the Mayor turning into a giant snake is just too damn corny. Season 4 57. "The Freshman" - Ep: C+, Mon: C+ 58. "Living Conditions" - Ep: C, Mon: C 59. "In the Harsh Light of Day" - Ep: B, Mon: B+ 60. "Fear, Itself" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 61. "Beer Bad" - Ep: F, Mon: F 62. "Wild at Heart" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 63. "The Initiative" - Ep: A-, Mon: A- 64. "Pangs" - Ep: B-, Mon: C 65. "Something Blue" - Ep: B-, Mon: B+ 66. "Hush" - Ep: A, Mon: A+ 67. "Doomed" - Ep: B+, Mon: B 68. "A New Man" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 69. "The I In Team" - Ep: B, Mon: B 70. "Goodbye Iowa" - Ep: C+, Mon: C+ 71. "This Year's Girl" - Ep: A-, Mon: A 72. "Who Are You?" - Ep: A-, Mon: A 73. "Superstar" - Ep: B-, Mon: B 74. "Where the Wild Things Are" - Ep: C+, Mon: C+ 75. "New Moon Rising" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 76. "The Yoko Factor" - Ep: A-, Mon: A 77. "Primeval" - Ep: B+, Mon: A- 78. "Restless" - Ep: A, Mon: A+ Season 4 Average Episode Grade: B+ (84.8) I am not a big fan of this season. "Hush" doesn't get an A+ because I have seen it SOOOO many times its grade gets lowered. Plus, it isn't as good as the other two A+ episodes so far: "Passion" and "The Wish." And I gave "Superstar" a B- because it never did anything for me. I am not a big fan of it, unlike most people who seem to like it a lot. Season 5 79. "Buffy vs. Dracula" - Ep: B-, Mon: C+ 80. "Real Me" - Ep: B-, Mon: B 81. "The Replacement" - Ep: B, Mon: B 82. "Out of My Mind" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 83. "No Place Like Home" - Ep: B+, Mon: B 84. "Family" - Ep: A-, Mon: B+ 85. "Fool For Love" - Ep: A+, Mon: A+ 86. "Shadow" - Ep: B, Mon: B- 87. "Listening to Fear" - Ep: B+, Mon: B- 88. "Into the Woods" - Ep: B, Mon: B 89. "Triangle" - Ep: A-, Mon: A 90. "Checkpoint" - Ep: A, Mon: A- 91. "Blood Ties" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 92. "Crush" - Ep: B+, Mon: A- 93. "I Was Made To Love You" - Ep: C+, Mon: C+ 94. "The Body" - Ep: A, Mon: A+ 95. "Forever" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 96. "Intervention" - Ep: A, Mon: A 97. "Tough Love" - Ep: A-, Mon: A 98. "Spiral" - Ep: A, Mon: A 99. "The Weight of the World" - Ep: B+, Mon: A 100. "The Gift" - Ep: A+, Mon: A+ Season 5 Average Episode Grade: A- (89.5) Of course this season gets a A- because it rules. The only episode to in the C range was a "I was Made To Love You," and it wasn't even that bad. I gave "Dracula vs. Buffy" a B- even though most people don't like it for two reasons: a) I like it. b) It set up the most of the season's themes, blood being life. "The Body" didn't get an A+ because the vampire ending was out of place. And if you couldn't tell, this is my favorite season. Season 6 101. "Bargaining Pt 1" - Ep: A, Mon: A 102. "Bargaining Pt 2" - Ep: A, Mon: A 103. "After Life" - Ep: C+, Mon: C 104. "Flooded" - Ep: B, Mon: B 105. "Life Serial" - Ep: B, Mon: B+ 106. "All the Way" - Ep: C+, Mon: B- 107. "Once More, With Feeling" - Ep: A+, Mon: A 108. "Tabula Rasa" - Ep: A, Mon: A 109. "Smashed" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 110. "Wrecked" - Ep: A, Mon: A- 111. "Gone" - Ep: B-, Mon: B 112. "Doublemeat Palace" - Ep: F, Mon: F 113. "Dead Things" - Ep: B+, Mon: B 114. "Older and Far Away" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 115. "As You Were" - Ep: B-, Mon: B- 116. "Hell's Bells" - Ep: A-, Mon: B+ 117. "Normal Again" - Ep: B, Mon: B 118. "Entropy" - Ep: B, Mon: B 119. "Seeing Red" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 120. "Villians" - Ep: A-, Mon: A 121. "Two To Go" - Ep: A, Mon: A 122. "Grave" - Ep: A, Mon: A Season 6 Average Episode Grade: B+ (87.3) This season gets tons of bad rap because it doesn't have a overall story arc like the past Buffy seasons. However, each episode is a stand alone which builds up to thw Willow turn (just like Angel Season 5). Plus it is a darker season, which I am a big fan of. Some people might think I gave "Bargaining Pt 1&2" a high grade, but I love those episodes. I am also a big fan of "Wrecked" since we get to see Willow like we have never seen her before. Season 7 123. "Lessons" - Ep: C+, Mon: C+ 124. "Beneath You" - Ep: B-, Mon: C+ 125. "Same Time, Same Place" - Ep: B+, Mon: B+ 126. "Help" - Ep: B+, Mon: B- 127. "Selfless" - Ep: C+, Mon: B- 128. "Him" - Ep: F, Mon: F 129. "Conversations With Dead People" - Ep: A+, Mon: A 130. "Sleeper" - Ep: B, Mon: B- 131. "Never Leave Me" - Ep: C+, Mon: B- 132. "Bring On the Night" - Ep: B-, Mon: B+ 133. "Show Time" - Ep: B-, Mon: B+ 134. "Potential" - Ep: B-, Mon: C+ 135. "The Killer In Me" - Ep: C+, Mon: C 136. "First Date" - Ep: B, Mon: C+ 137. "Get it Done" - Ep: B, Mon: B+ 138. "Storyteller" - Ep: C, Mon: C 139. "Lies My Parents Told Me" - Ep: A-, Mon: B+ 140. "Dirty Girls" - Ep: A-. Mon: A 141. "Empty Places" - Ep: B-, Mon: B+ 142. "Touched" - Ep: C, Mon: B+ 143. "End of Days" - Ep: B+, Mon: A- 144. "Chosen" - Ep: A, Mon: A Season 7 Average Episode Grade: B- (82.9) This season gets canned all the time because of the continuty of it. I used to defend it at first, but now that I think about it more and not be so damn stubborn, there are some problems. However, that is another discussion. I gave "Selfless" a C+ for two reasons: a) It didn't do anything for me. b) They said that Anya was always stupid, but we were always told that she is stupid because she was a demon for so long. "Him" got an F because I hate it and it is the worst episode ever. And "Storyteller" got a C because I don't like the episode. I thought it was silly and I am not a big fan of Andrew. Top seasons according to AEG. 1. Season 5, A- (89.5) 2. Season 3, B+ (87.6) 3. Season 6, B+ (87.3) 4. Season 2, B+ (85.3) 5. Season 4, B+ (84.8) T 6. Season 1, B+ (84.8) T 7. Season 7, B- (82.9) There were only 6 A+ episodes. (Probably most of you agree with those too) 1. "Passion" - Season 2 2. "The Wish" - Season 3 3. "Fool for Love" - Season 5 4. "The Gift" - Season 5 5. "Once More, With Feeling" - Season 6 6. "Conversations With Dead People" - Season 7 I could have messed up with the math, so if you want to check it knock yourself out. Plus I think I was too generous with a few episodes, but most of it is from memory and I just did 132 episodes in a row. I can't believe I just did all of that, I am such a geek and I love it!
  20. Mole

    Tarantino Wants to Tackle James Bond

    I am not a big fan of Bond movies because it is the same formula for every movie. However, if QT is directing it then I am there.
  21. Mole

    Diddy Breaks Up Da Band In Series Finale

    Bah, I still don't think 500K is enough records sold.
  22. Mole

    Diddy Breaks Up Da Band In Series Finale

    MX, selling 500K isn't that great for a new artitst. What was one of the biggest selling artists of 2003? Outkast and they are rap. Nas' Illmatic sold over 1 million copies. Lil Kim's Hardcore sold over 2 million copies. So MTV is in Puffy's home market? DB was had their OWN TV show which was broadcasted NATIONALLY; how much bigger of a market can you get? R&B fits under the hip-hop category, if I am not mistaken. DB is hip-hop also so they fit under the same category. So, show me some numbers to back up your argument.
  23. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    BAHHH! It was a happy ending. The whole series was about how Buffy was always alone because she was a slayer. But, since there are slayers everywhere she isn't alone anymore.