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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Mole

    If I was Johnny Ace...

    Bradshaw - Can't wrestle, bad mic skills, fucks guys in the ass, is a clown backstage and doesn't draw any heat. He sucks.
  2. Mole

    What do you look like...

    This is me at UConn's Spring Weekend. The guy behind was huge, so we took a picture. And I know my hat is to the side and I don't wear it that much to the side. I had to move it over that way the brim doesn't block the flash.
  3. Mole


    The day I get offered a mod job is the day I like the Yankees.
  4. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I had the "pleasure" of traveling 9 hours yesterday and today, so I had a lot of thinking time. These are the few things I came up with: 1. I think Jasmine really was a "gift" from the PTB. Cordy had a vision about Fred in Pylea, which eventually led to Team Angel to Pylea. Pylea's "religion" was Wolf Ram & Hart, and Team Angel messed up the whole religion, making Gru king. W&H was probably pissed off about that, so they said fuck you PTB and TA. Eventually, Knox picked Fred to become Illyria which caused lots of pain towards TA. W&H got some revenge there. 2. Why Illyria was chosen to come back isn't really known because we don't know enough. All I can come up with is that W&H is trying to show Illyria how powerful they are. "The wolf, ram, and hart? In my time they were weak, barely above the vampire" I believe that when Illyria was first alive, W&H had some beef with Illyria. So maybe, W&H had knox bring her back to show her how powerful they are. "The big plans" for Gunn was to sign that paper allowing Illyria to leave customs and enter Fred's body. At the same time, they did their fuck you to TA for fucking up the power they had in Pylea. And they also distracted TA, that way they can work on their apacolypse with TA knowing. 3. Back to the Jasmine was a "gift" from the PTB. Angel was given the choice, once Fred showed him what Jasmine really looked like, on what to do about Jasmine. Either he could live in a world where everyone was happy or he could kill her and end it all. Maybe that was another "test" to see if Angel was a true warrior which might lead to him becoming human again. This is one of the theories that I had trouble with, so it might not make much sense. 4. When W&H gave the amulet to Angel to help Buffy with the First, they did that one purpose. Remember the whole "they don't want another apacolypse happening except for theirs" thing. Well, if the First was able to beat Buffy, the ubervamps would run wild and kill all. W&H didn't want that happening so they had the amulet given to Angel that way either him or Spike, which is still debatable, could stop the First. They didn't want the First ruling Earth before they could. 5. Since I am a big fan of "everything happens for a reason," then you could connect events from BTVS. Angel left Sunnydale because of Buffy and his love. Cordy left Sunnydale to persue her acting career. However, if Cordy's parents didn't loose all of their money because of taxes, she might have gone a different route. Her money might have been a factor in her choices in LA. Cordy met up with that vampire guy, forgot his name, who was a big client for them. Angel killed him, in which W&H started a war with Angel and vice-versa. I believe that W&H and PTB are connected then. W&H brought back Darla, which over time, led to Angel taking over W&H so Connor could have a normal life. That is what I got so far because my brain really hurts.
  5. Mole

    Weekend boxoffice report

    Well, it's a damn good movie with great performances. Dakota is wonderful. I can't believe how talented, yet so young she is. She's gonna be a star. It's not a typical action movie, not even close. I highly suggest it, infact - I rate it as my 4th best movie of 2004 (1. Eternal Sunshine, 2. Kill Bill Volume 2, 3. The Passion, 4. Man On Fire, 5. Big Fish). Check it out. Big Fish is a 2003 movie.
  6. Mole

    Weekend boxoffice report

    Yup, well done Choken.
  7. Mole


    Simple: None of the them were interested in modding that folder. I don't think it needs a folder mod either since a number of the Global mods post/lurk in there regularly so any problems in that folder get handled fairly quickly. Oh okay, makes sense. Thanks.
  8. Mole


    How come there is no mod for Movies/TV thread?
  9. Mole

    Satelite or Cable?

    I have Comcast Digital Cable at home and I love it. My Pops either works, plays golf, or watch TV so of course we have all of the channels you can get, other than the HD channels. The only thing that I don't like is that we only have 4-5 PPV channels. Go Cable.
  10. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Damn, it is 9AM and you guys are making me think too much. Hmmm, this is the question of the day for me. I am not sure about the SP/Illyria/Fred deal. However, Pylea's religion was run by Wolf Ram and Hart. I have two ideas about that. 1) Gunn played a starting role into events that lead up to Connor being born, which eventually caused Angel to becoming CEO of W&H. This is how I look at it: when Wes first started his downhill fall towards his darkside, it was in "Waiting in the Wings" when he saw Fred and Gunn were together. Once he saw them together, he got really depressed and didn't open up to anyone. Eventually he found about the "Father Will Kill the Son" deal but didn't want to tell anyone. Now this is a BIG if, but if Gunn never got with Fred and Wes was the one who ended up with her, then he might have told Fred about the "prophecy." Then he wouldn't have kidnapped Connor, which lead to him being taken away, etc. 2) Remember the whole "distracting Angel while this Apacolypse is coming" deal? Well, Angel will try to get Gunn out of the Hell dimension. He will be distracted from saving the world by getting Gunn. I think she was apart of the PTB. Once Angel killed her, he had no connections to the PTB. Granted Cordy was out cold, but let's forget about that right now. Since Angel made the deal with W&H (the Devil) the PTB (GoD) didn't want anything to do with him. They gave him a "GoD" and he killed it. Why not? It makes PERFECT sense. Then again, I love the whole "everything happens for a reason" bit. Okay, so, these are the events that lead up to Jasmine coming here. Darla is brought back, her and Angel fuck, Darla is pregnent, Connor is born, Wes steals Connor, Connor comes back older, Connor and Cordy bang, Cordy is pregnent, Jasmine is born. Team Angel to to Pylea, bring back Fred, Fred and Gunn get together (which connects Wes stealing Connor). Doyle has the visions, Doyle gives the visions to Cordy, Cordy has visions becomes a demon, Cordy proves herself to the PTB, Cordy becomes a higher being, Cordy comes back and finds comfort in Connor (If Cordy had never been the higher being, then her and Angel would have been together. Connor and Cordy wouldn't have banged then.) Cordy and Connor bang, Cordy is pregnent, Jasmine comes out. I could go on and on, but I have to go to work. I'll finish this later. But since work will be so boring, I'll think of this stuff all day. Damn, I love being a geek.
  11. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Crap, I forgot about that. I am not sure then.
  12. Mole

    More "Bachelor"; a Reality "Gilligan"

    Wow. So they kid rid of good TV for reality TV?
  13. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I never realized how good "Peace Out" was until I watched it again tonight. And while I was watching it, I thought of a few things that came to my mind about the series. 1. If you want to be technical, it was Prof. Sydel(sp) who started the chain in events so Team Angel would be in W&H. 2. Each season, there has been a Big Bad character who was lost. Season 2, Darla. Season 3, Holtz. Season 4, Jasmine and Connor. Season 5, Illyria. 3. Jasmine hid Cordy because she was one of the two people who could kill her. That is why Connor was able to kill her; he was her parent and so was Cordy so that is why Jasmine was scared of her. 4. Season 5 is the first season when the Powers That Be aren't guiding Angel. Well it happened once they signed with W&H, the PTB said "fuck you, we gave you Jasmine." And that whole deal with the Devil thing Areacode was talking about. 5. Angel's mythology is SO much deeper than Buffys. 6. The reason Connor didn't say anything to Angel is because he is happy. From "Peace Out," Connor says something like this, "I knew she was a lie. My whole life is based on lies, but I just thought this one was better than the others.(Jasmine's world) Connor has a GREAT life right now, he knows it is a lie but it is better than all of the others. Damn, I love being a geek.
  14. Mole

    Anyone Pick Up the New Prince Album?

    I like Prince about the same amount I like the OCrap.
  15. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Guys will tell a girl anything to get them in the sack.
  16. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I forgot about this, but I already tried a one man attack against the OCrap thread. Bastard! We don't need your vampireness in this thread. And again, I say...GO LUKE~! THE BEAST is better than Luke. THE BEAST will destroy anything in its path.
  17. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    WELLL, you need to see "Darla" from Angel season 2. Basically after Angel got his soul, Darla didn't want anything to do with him. But Angel came back a year or two later and wanted to be with Darla again. If you notice in "Fool for Love" Angel isn't very happy because he doesn't like what is going on. Angel had been killing/feeding humans, but they were just rapist, killers, etc. Darla noticed that, got him a nice little baby to eat, but Angel didn't want to do it because of the nice soul he has. Quick summary, but make sense?
  18. Mole

    What do you look like...

    Straighten out your hat. You look like a tool. How goddamn hard is it to wear a baseball cap correctly? It looks better to the side.
  19. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Thank fucking god I'm not the only one.. I do too, and I'm 99% sure Mole hates it. Oh GoD, I HATE THAT FUCKIN SHOW!!!!! What really pisses me off is that the OCrap uses the "humor/drama" stuff. If I am not mistaken, Buffy was one of the first shows to use it. Most of the OCrap viewers don't like Buffy/Angel, well the ones I talk to. But little do they know, their shows "formula" is taken after Buffy. Stupid shits.
  20. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    We are talking about Joss Whedon, nuff said.
  21. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    That is why I am here.
  22. Mole

    MTV Movie Awards Nominees

    How bout you read the lists before making a statement. Passions was nominated.
  23. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Well RRR you were right, this season is going DEEP. I was in class today and I was really bored, so I started thinking about the arc of Angel, the show not the character. And if you watch the first episode, you never saw any other episode, and told you where the series is now, you wouldn't be THAT shocked. But how they got there, you would be pretty shocked. If you think about, how Angel got to be apart of W&H was planned out by the senior partners. W&H brings back Darla, Darla and Angel bang, Connor is born, Wes steals Connor, he becomes older later on, he comes back, Connor and Cordy bang, Jasmine is born, Connor goes crazy because of Jasmine/Cordy deal, Angel signs to be the CEO of W&H so Connor can have a normal life. All the events proceed the next.
  24. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Hmmmmm, this was a good episode. Not anywhere near "A Hole in the World" good, but still a good episode. I'm not in the mood to do the list thing right now, so I'll do it later.
  25. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I've been waiting since, last week.