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Everything posted by Mole

  1. If Triple-H keeps his workrate up and keeps on putting people over, then I will have no beef with him.
  2. The question is if Tom Hanks and Tim Allen are going to be in the third one.
  3. Mole

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    God, I can't believe it has been 5 weeks since the last episode. I can't wait till 9.
  4. Mole

    Jack Black Vs. King Kong

    I have faith in Jack Black.
  5. Mole

    SNL Review (Yes I know it's 2 weeks late)

    Good review Bob, I just have one beef with it. How come you don't tell us more about the skit? For example, Top O' The Morning skit is an old skit, from what you said, but I don't know anything about it. I don't watch SNL that much, so someone like me who doesn't watch the show might need a little information about the skit. Granted it is a review not a summary, but it is just something that bugs me a little bit. I like reading your reviews, so that is why I read them even though I only watch the show once in a while. Plus I have been watching it a little more this year because Keenan is on it. I used to watch All That all the time when I was younger, so I am a fan of him. And it does annoy me that he isn't on the show that much, since he does have a lot of talent. I find it ironic that this episode was really good and it had Ben Affleck hosting it. Everyone seems to hate Ben, but he is a funny guy and it showed in this episode. Well, atleast you say so and you know your SNL like I know my Buffy/Angel.
  6. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    She did? I thought Joss just said he didn't invite her. She was invited to appear in episode 21, but she was in Japan shooting "The Grudge." She was unable to appear in the episode and this is from one of the articles prooving she was going to appear if her schedule premited it: But yes, Joss didn't invite her for the series finale. From one of the half dozen articles about SMG not showing up on Angel, here is what Joss said: And from Jeffery Bell, one of the show's writers: So, yeah. SMG wanted to be on the show, which is why I don't hate her as much anymore. Ohh okay, that makes sense, thanks.
  7. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yes, someone else agrees with me that Andrew wasn't that great. I mean, he was funny sometimes, but I just didn't get into him that much. Like Naitch said, they were trying to make a new Xander. Which made sense and all because Xander did mature the most. They can't have him be a clown the whole time. And I about the whole Buffy thing not being on Angel; I am glad she isn't. This is the conversation me and my sister had about it: Danielle: You know Sarah Jessica....Sarah....what is it? Me: Sarah Michelle Gellar Danielle: Yeah. Well, you know she won't be on Angel, right? Me: Yeah. Danielle: Doesn't that piss you off? Wasn't Buffy and Angel in love or somethin? Me: No, because it wouldn't make any sense for her to be there. Buffy and Angel are two different shows, and Angel is about redemption. Angel will always fight, and the fight will never end. The show is some meaning behind their love, because if Angel never fell in love Buffy then he would never have gone to LA and this whole thing would have never...ahh nevermind, I could go on for hours and the Sopranos is on in 10 minutes so I have to go. Basically, I don't care. Atleast SMG attempted to go on the show, which makes my hatered for her a little less now.
  8. Mole

    MVP Baseball 2004

    I just went to Blockbuster and they didn't have the game. Then again, they barely had any GameCube games. I might have to go to the other Blockbuster in the other direction, but I owe them tons of money in late fees. Bah, I just want to play this game. I haven't played a baseball game in a good while.
  9. Mole

    U.S. Open at Shinnecock Hills Golf Club...

    If I were to get any job there, maybe it would be the people who hold up the signs that have the golfer's name and how well they are doing. But that is a long shot to get. I work at Old Town Crossing in Souhampton, it is a antique store. If anything I'll just sneak onto the golf course and watch. There are plenty of ways to get on it, even though my pops tells me I'm gonna get arrested for trying it.
  10. Mole

    Little Question

    Do you really have that much beef towards liberals Mike? Damn, you could have just done a little research and you would have found out something about it. It took me 2 minutes, searching in Google, and I found the FoxNews article.
  11. I've taken St. John's Wort for a little while, and it actually worked. I'd say just take some Xanax; that will make anyone happy.
  12. Mole

    Special on The Rock on E!

    I hated the fact that talked about his wrestling career for about 6 minutes.
  13. Mole

    ABC Family gets rights to Smallville reruns

    Actually, it is 100 episodes.
  14. Mole

    ABC Family gets rights to Smallville reruns

    Reruns after 66 episodes? Makes little sense to me.
  15. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Here is a backstage photo from "Smile Time." Click Here I would post the photo, but Buffy.nu doesn't allow their photos to be posted on other sites for some reason.
  16. Mole

    NCAA Men's BBall Tourney DAY ONE!

    That is what everyone says, but that isn't the whole case. From what I have seen of UConn this year, and I have seen about 2/3 of their games. When Ben Gordon doesn't show up to play, UConn doesn't play very well. During the Big East tourney, when Okafor was hurt, Gordon stepped up and brought the team to victory. ND: Gordon scored 29 pts, Okafor didn't play. Nova: Gordon scored 29 pts, Okafor didn't play. Pitt: Gordon scored 23 pts, Okafor plays and scores 11 pts. During the Bama game, Gordon scored 36 pts when Okafor's shoulder was all fucked up. The way I look at it, Gordon is the heart of UConn and when he plays well, they win.
  17. Classic mole Oops, this discussion.
  18. Mole

    Weekend Boxoffice Report

    Eh, Walking Tall will be under $10 million.
  19. Mole

    NCAA Men's BBall Tourney DAY ONE!

    Except the fact that Vitale has picked UConn to win, not Duke.
  20. Kahran, I don't even know where I discussion went to. Basically, PH and Armageddon sucked but they didn't ruin Affleck's career. I blame J'Lo.
  21. Mole

    Weekend Boxoffice Report

    Just like Bryan Singer put a plot into X2 and it ended up sucking. Oh wait, it was one of the best action movies I've ever seen.
  22. Mole

    Weekend Boxoffice Report

    Opening weekends usually aren't what decide whether a sequel will be made, it's the second weekends that usually decide that. Opening weekends get the talks started but those talks have already started on Scooby 3 So sadly, I think "Scooby 3" was already in production and if the Scooby movie holds even 15-20 million next weekend then Scooby 3 will begin. Very true. Look at the Hulk, it made $62 million the first weekend and finished with $132 million. Don't look for a Hulk sequel anytime soon. Hulk 2 has already been confirmed. Whether Ang Lee will be back or not though is a different matter entirely. Really? I wasn't aware of that. That is really sad since the Hulk wasn't very good.
  23. Mole

    NCAA Men's BBall Tourney DAY ONE!

    Yes, everyone and their Mother has picked UConn to win. And I really hate that. UConn hasn't had any tough games so far, so why are they favored so much? Don't get wrong, I love UConn, but I don't see them as the favorite.
  24. Huh? How is that a flaw in a movie? Besides, I thought Owen Wilson's character wasn't that "popular." No, The Core didn't do well in the theaters because it looked like shit. Plus the fact that it didn't get that much marketing, which you can blame Paramount for. And when I saw the movie, I just laughed it off because it was JUST LIKE Armageddon. My pops said to me "It was just like Armageddon except Bruce Willis wasn't there to push a button." We are? Since I have seen a trailer for the movie and all. I haven't heard anybody talk about the movie, nor have I heard anything about it until you said something. That would have NOTHING to do with Armageddon, but it has to do with Fox not marketing the film correctly. Besides, the movie isn't going to do well anyway. Not because it will suck, because we know nothing about it, but because the movies that are coming out around the same time. 3 weeks before, Van Helsing is coming out. 2 weeks before, Troy is coming out. 1 week before, Shrek 2 is coming out. And the week after, Harry Potter is coming out. The competition looks too fierce for TDAT and that is why it won't do well, not because of Armageddon "destroying" the disaster genre. I seem to remember JP3 having lots of hype, same with Tomb Raider. You said PH was one of the worst films ever made, what does that have to do with the hype of the other movies I said? Like I said before, we assumed it would be terrible because it looked JUST LIKE Armageddon. Plus the fact that there was no A-list actor in the movie, which helps draw blockbuster movies.