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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Mole

    Euro Trip movie question

    According to IMDB she is 18 and a few months by now, so feel free to drool...ya perv Well then... Hey, I'm only 20.
  2. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Well, Angel was dead for those 100 years, so he is still 250 years old.
  3. Mole

    Virus Alert

    I clicked on the buddyprofile virus once, but I learned from my mistake. Or you could just do a system restore, it is a lot easier.
  4. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    And Angel had an overnight of a 2.5. OUCH.
  5. Mole

    Firefly on DVD

    Opposed to "FireFly: Not the Movie"
  6. Mole

    Comcast trying to buy Disney

    So does this mean I will get a free pass to Disney World since I am a Comcast customer?
  7. Mole

    BifEverchad wins!!

    Ha, I remember those days, 3000. Call me when you get to 5000.
  8. Mole

    Problems with A drive...

    How useful is a medium that holds 1.44 megabytes? For my papers.
  9. Mole

    Competitive League Football

    I'd say go for it. Well, how much do you weigh?
  10. Mole

    Bonnaroo 04

    I really really really hope to go, but that all depends on my money situation. The Eagles won't be there; but that would be SO good if they were. String Cheese Dark Star Ben Harper Moe The Dead They will probably be there, and I'd love it so much if Strangefolk was there. I doubt they will though.
  11. Mole

    The O.C.

    THE BEAST will destroy anything in its path.
  12. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Alyson Hannigan having an orgasm.
  13. The first rule is: 1. Flaming is allowed here, stupidity is not. This isn't the "Stupid Crap" folder, so don't post any. This is especially geared towards gimmick posters. And everytime I come here, all I see is crap. Here are just some examples of stupid nonsense. TSM ZOOLOGY, via MS Paint Cockstrider 2.0 The Saga Of Chave My favorite is CWM getting all heated about certain people being mods. My question is, I thought this thread was supposed to get rid of the crap? Why is it still here? Ten bucks says the first few posts will be: "Well this topic is crap." "Mole is a dumbass" "OMG BAN PLZ"
  14. Mole

    Kerry helped the North Vietnamese

    Bush is going to win no matter what. I don't like it though.
  15. Mole


    That never crossed my mind.
  16. Mole

    Happy Birthday Big Show

    That kinda stuff makes me miss Owen too. Does anyone still have fun in this business, or has politics sucked the life out of it? The Rock still seems to have fun. Oh wait, he's gone.
  17. Mole

    Lesnar/HHH planned for WM21

    Maybe in 2000...
  18. Mole

    The O.C.

    Bastard! We don't need your vampireness in this thread. And again, I say...GO LUKE~! THE BEAST is better than Luke.
  19. Mole

    Euro Trip movie question

    Ugh, I feel bad looking at her like that because she is 17 and I remember her from Harriet the Spy. Who am I kidding, she's fuckin hot now.
  20. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    This episode was so-so this week; maybe it was because last week was SO much better. 1. Spike with gold in this episode; it was just like the season 2 Spike, which was my favorite. 2. WE NEED MORE LORNE!!! God Damnit, he gets to be in the "cast" and he gets less time. Blah. 3. I didn't really like Lawson that much. He was just to blah to me. 4. Once again, Spike was GOLD in this episode 5. The Inivitive started in 1943. Hmm, that is very interesting. 6. I like how the episode ended; Spike and Angel "respecting" each other is always good. That is all I have to say. Next week looks great though. I've always been a fan of muppets.
  21. Mole

    The O.C.

    Angel's better :runs away:
  22. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Oh god, that is soooooo sweet.
  23. This is just a question I was thinking of the other day and I am not trying to step on anyone's feet. Of course that won't happen and this will turn into a big argument. And lets save the "I'd figure Mole would ask this" or "Oh GoD, not another question like this from Mole." It is just something I was curious about. There are plenty of people, mostly Republicans, who are for the death penalty but are against abortion. One of the reason people are against abortion is because they don't want to take a human life; but isn't the death penalty the same thing? To me, it is like a oxymoron. Yes you can say that people who are being killed from the death penalty did something wrong, but they still are being killed. Why, for those who believe in it, why is this the case?