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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Mole

    Hit The Penguin With The Mace

    I had this realllly good one, I hit 3-4 bombs in a row without a bounce and I only got 920 something. Do you better scores hitting it a line drive or way high in the air?
  2. Mole


    I re-watched season 1 and I came to this conclusion. I don't like Jack. At all.
  3. Mole


    Of snakes?
  4. Mole

    All vegetarian meal.

    Pussssy. But Subway has some good veggie grinders I hear.
  5. Mole


    What is with this volume crap?
  6. They need a break out star. WWF did well in 1998 because of the storylines AND because of Austin. TNA needs the storyline and the star.
  7. Mole


    When is Marney coming back?
  8. Mole

    Veronica Mars Season Two

    18th? Good God.
  9. Mole

    Regarding Name Changes

    I'd like to change my name to 'Mole to the People' Thanks in advance.
  10. Mole

    Amazon.com won't load up anymore

    I can't see a virus affecting one website.
  11. Mole


    So okay, not to "pick on you" (you poor thing), but do you have any reason for making this comment? Read the rest of the thread.
  12. Mole

    NFL Year End Awards

    MVP: Carson Palmer Offensive MVP: Shaun Alexander Defensive MVP: Ronde Barber Comeback Player Of The Year: Ricky Williams Coach Of The Year: Tony Dungy WR Of The Year: Steve Smith QB Of The Year: Carson Palmer RB Of The Year: Shaun Alexander Offensive ROY: Cadillac Williams Defensive ROY: Shawne Merriman
  13. Mole


    Welsh is a girl? HA.
  14. Mole

    Guiltiest Pleasure of 2005

    Since You've Been Gone I think that is just about everyone's guilty pleasure of 05. EDIT: And "Trapped in the Closet" also. Those songs crack me up and are actually pretty decent. "A midget, midget, midget..."
  15. Mole

    TNA iMPACT Rating for Christmas Eve

    Totally in agreement there with ya. Most of the matches are pretty quick, also, and since Brown/Jarrett they really havent had a main event of significance. Making it two hours could build a decent main event week to week, much like Raw/Smackdown attempts to do most weeks. Is Monty really Main Event material? I'm not second guessing you, I just don't watch enough TNA to know.
  16. Mole

    PS2 Game Reccomendations

    MVP 05
  17. Mole

    What was worse?

    Wasn't WCW losing money in 98? I can't remember what Meltz wrote about WWE's money situation, but I think he said they are doing alright because of their overseas tour. Can anyone confirm this?
  18. What have you heard? Well first off, Ratner's not a good director. And Bryan Singer and the writers had a clear 3rd movie mapped out, but then they went to do Superman Returns and Fox got mad. See Singer was going to do Superman and then the 3rd X-Men movie afterwards, but Fox got petty and said 'screw you Bryan we're going to get a different team to make X3 and realease it before Superman Returns.' So the movie actually has a pretty rushed shooting schedule and isn't going to receive the care it needs. Another problem is Halle 'worst part of the other X-Men movies' Berry. She bitched up a storm and threatened to quit unless Storm got a much bigger part, and the studio bowed down to her. So look forwared to much more crappy acting in this one and stupid crap like The script leaked and although it was a first draft, supposedly all of the major plot points remain. So , the main conflict is rather pedestrian and is a 'been there, done that' sort of issue, and characters like Nightcrawler just don't appear at all in the movie. Oh and Juggernaut looks really crappy (you can see him in the trailer). But then again, the trailer looked pretty bad-ass, so who knows? Well I know the movie is about the mutant cure, which is Joss Whedon's idea. Sooo, it can't be that bad right. I actually thought Singer dropped the X-Men series to do Superman and wasn't going to come back.
  19. Mole

    Billboard charts...

    Mole does
  20. Mole

    WON Notes for Dec 27th

    Ohh, I might watch Raw just to see how good of a wrestler the Miz is.
  21. Mole

    Veronica Mars Season Two

    But the show drops those early obvious clues all the time, we just look past them.
  22. Mole

    Veronica Mars Season Two

    Okay I am watching the first episode of the season right now and while Veronica and Duncan are getting on the bus, Logan says something to Veronica. He says "I'm going to miss you." I listened to it twice, and he didn't say "I miss you." He defiently said "I'm going to miss you." Hmmmmm, what does this mean?
  23. Mole

    What do you do when....

    I just tell them I don't remember that part. So I don't laugh.
  24. What have you heard? Oh and that Pirate movie.