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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Ha. This is what he gets for writing crappy ass movies.
  2. Mole


    I'm half way through with the episode and I LOVE the whole part where Hurley is trying to catch the plane. I tried to pick up on all of the times where 4-8-15-16-23-42 were used. And the best was by far the girls soccer uniforms. And it's confirmed that Hurley is my favorite character. Since if it weren't for him, the plane wouldn't have crashed.
  3. Basically, I downloaded an episode of LOST and I want to capture an image from the episode. But DivX doesn't let me do that. Does anyone know a program to do so? Thanks in advance.
  4. Mole

    FBI shuts down Elite Torrents

    I can understand if they don't want people downloading movies since one has to pay for them, but why TV shows? Since we are now in the DVR era, commericals don't really matter. Fuckin pisses me off.
  5. Mole

    The Japanese... confuse me.

    There is no way she is 11.
  6. Mole


    Two questions: What's the deal with Jin's watch again? And what's the reason that Hurley hasn't lost any weight?
  7. Mole

    Goldberg Gets Own Show

    Sweet... Can't wait... Huh... Why?
  8. Mole

    Firefly on DVD

    You heart me.
  9. Mole


    That is from the top of your head? Damn.
  10. Mole


    What? Who did whom's exploring?
  11. Mole


    Alright, it's going to take to long for me to watch the episode again so here are my thoughts: -Ethan COULD be apart of the Others, but 'what if' there is actually a third group of people on the island? Since they wanted Walt all along, why would take Claire? There would have been no reason to. Now that is a big 'what if,' but something I have been thinking about. -The numbers is the biggest theme of the show, which I love. The writers wouldn't be stressing them so much if they weren't that important. I hope/pray the writers give us SO much more with the numbers and let it play out for the whole entire series. I don't want to know right away because it would be a let down. -I don't understand what Jack's problem is with Locke. "There is going to be a Locke problem" or whatever he said to Kate. Fuckin Jack needs to stop being a little bitch when it comes to thing like that. Well maybe not a bitch, but their little feud annoys me because there's nothing for them to be feuding about. -Sawyer is going to do something huge, but I'm not sure what it is yet. -This probably has been mentioned before, but I think the Others want Walt since he can see things in the future. They believe they can use him for something that they need. What the writers should do here is have Walt be gone for 5 seasons or so then show up out of the blue all bad ass or something. -And why are some people so pissed off about not seeing inside of the hatch? Did you think they would give away ONE of the biggest secrets of the show after just one season? Hell no. The big storyline of the finale was what the Others were going to do. We found out what they were going to do. -Meaning of Alex: "Form of Alexander. Helper and defender of mankind." Alex is going to show up next season. But will it be to defend the Others, or the Lost? It's all I got for now.
  12. Mole


    Before I put my thoughts in, I wanted to watch the episode again. But of course I forget to set my VCR and the DAMN US GOV'T had to shut down all of the BitTorrent sites down. So the few that are open take about a year to download something. Fuckin eh.
  13. Mole

    Hey Mike the admin

    I'm so lost right now.
  14. Mole


    Wait. Zack becomes a mod then gets suspended? And who is admin Mike?
  15. Mole

    Box Office Report

    Umm, your definition of bombed and my definition of bombed are completly different. A bomb would be if the movie only made $20 million or less. JNBG cost $25 million to make, so it gave Nick $55 million (not including DVD sales, but we aren't counting that). This movie wasn't a bomb at all. But nice try.
  16. Mole


    For those who might miss it.
  17. Mole


    There was just TOO much going on. The first season was great because the storyline in the beginning of the day went all the way to the end; kill David Paymer. The fourth season's storyline was all over the place and didn't concentrate on one overall storyline. It wasn't believeable. Same thing with season three but atleast season three had more twists and shocking moments. 1. Season 1 2. Season 3 3. Season 4 I never saw season 2, so I can't count it.
  18. Mole


    I don't know. This season wasn't that good.
  19. Mole

    My 1000th post

    It was easier to get to 10,000 when they had the Raw threads here. I compare it to getting 300 wins in baseball, just not as many anymore.
  20. As much as I enjoyed that movie, I'll admit I found parts of it really cheezy and too over-the-top (the Moroder soundtrack didn't help). Plus the fact that it gave Oliver Stone the right to do ANYTHING he wants to. If it weren't for Scarface, Stone would be making porn or something. God I hate him.
  21. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    It doesn't need to be bumped. Just end it, now.
  22. Mole

    Van Halen loves me

    You sent me a message through FM. I felt special.
  23. Mole

    My 1000th post

    Getting to 1000 is like turning 19. Doesn't mean shit.
  24. Mole

    According to this week's Observer

    Sooo, where is the good news from the Observer?
  25. Mole

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Good God, this thread needs to end.