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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Mole

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, April 22-24

    Ha. A Lot Live Love isn't doing well. That is what you get for having TWO Ashton movies released close to each other.
  2. Mole

    TSM Cribs

    But where is your DVD collection Youth?
  3. Mole

    Summer Movies.

    Star Wars because, well, it's Star Wars. And Bob, I watched the trailer for The Perfect Man. No.
  4. Mole

    TSM Cribs

    My room from last year: Door
  5. I wish I knew who Senses Fail was.
  6. Mole

    Where will you be in September?

    Why would he make a trip to see you when your living quarters is a dorm?... Don't be hatin the dorms. EDIT: And Kotz, Dames, Zack and I are all in different states. But the sad thing is that we are about 3 hours apart from each other.
  7. Mole


    Trailer HA
  8. Mole

    Does the public know it's no longer WWF?

    You mean Bret Hart? And people, just call it WWE. Get over it. WWF is never coming back so stop being so stubborn about it.
  9. I never understood how that could be legal. Does that work for other sports too?
  10. Mole

    N.W.A's Straight Outta Compton

    Wow, people have a lot of times on their hands. Still awesome.
  11. Mole


    So we won't have those random times when the site is down?
  12. Mole

    Ban me

    I hate people who wear those ugly ass wrestling shirts with the wrestler's face on it.
  13. Mole

    Community College

    This is complete news to me. How are the first two years of any college like high school? I go to a small ass college, as of right now there are only 996 kids, and my first two years were nothing like high school. Your college must suck then.
  14. Now maybe I am wrong here, but if one is released, can't they do anything they want? It isn't like he quit, they got rid of him.
  15. Mole

    Firefly on DVD

    I AM SO FUCKIN TEMPTED to read those spoilers from the last page, but I won't. And the trailer will be out next week? AWESOME.
  16. Mole

    Notes from the 4/25 Wrestling Observer

    What is the link to the DVDVR boards? So I can get WON every week. Thanks in advance. EDIT: If it's there every week.
  17. Mole

    How come no one posts WON anymore?

    I don’t do it anymore because it’s just not worth putting all that work in for a group of people who are, for the most part, a bunch of ingrates. You heart me.
  18. I know SD wasn't posting WON anymore because he doesn't get it. Someone said that when HTQ comes back(I think it was HTQ), he would start posting them again. So is someone going to post it again?
  19. Mole

    Where will you be in September?

    Come and visit good ol' CW Post, my new school since my old will be closed. It's on Long Island about 30 minutes outside of the city.
  20. Mole

    First new Family Guy episode leaked

    This had my cracking up the most because of Seth Green. I think it was so funny because it came out of the blue. I'm surprised no one mentioned: When Peter was driving the car, looks down and starts reading the comic book. What he was saying about the guy eating the hamburgers was exactly what he was doing. I was rolling on the floor. Then he had to do the same to Louis. Classic. The creepy old man had me mark out the most because my friends and I always say "CALL ME." Does anyone know if they have all of the same writers/producers? I was looking at the opening credit names and most of them looked the same, but I wasn't 100% sure.
  21. Mole

    New War of the Worlds" trailer online

    Damn good fuckin eye.
  22. Mole

    Brandon Routh as Superman

    I might be the only one who likes it.
  23. Mole

    Does the public know it's no longer WWF?

    When I talk about wrestling, it sounds weird when WWE comes out of my mouth. But when I talk about the past, I'll say WWF.
  24. My friends and I beat SA and wanted to go back to 3 to see what the difference was. Within 5 minutes I had to turn it off because it just wasn't the same.
  25. Mole

    Arizona Cardinals to unveil new uniforms

    Warner is just happy to have a job.