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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Mole

    Where should WM XXI be?

    I am sure they will pick a dome of some sorts; even if business is down they will be able to sell it out. IE WM 19.
  2. Mole


    Damn that was a good episode, hopefully they can keep it up for the whole season. I liked how each story was narrated by the character of the story. I've never seen that before in a series. I found a new favorite show; it's still no Buffy though.
  3. Mole

    So who loved

    I wasn't a big fan of Family Ties or Family Matters but loved Full House. I like Full House better than GP.
  4. SCSA vs Undertaker Summerslam 98 Brock vs Big Show Survior Series 02 There are more but my brain is farting.
  5. Mole


    This show is pretty phat so far, but I believe it is just commerical free for the first show. Harris just said shit too, that is the first time I heard shit said on ESPN.
  6. Mole

    So who loved

    I defiently used to love the show, sometimes I see it on some channel and I always catch it.
  7. Mole


    I thought it was a movie, but I found out today it was a series. I'll be checking it out.
  8. Mole

    Why is it that...

    My FYE does the same thing, and it is the only store around my area that sells DVDs and such, other than Wal Mart.
  9. Mole

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    There are a few new shows that have my eye too.
  10. Mole

    Two Towers DVD

    As am I.
  11. Mole

    Raw Rating Rises

    I know it was preseason, but it was on this past Monday and was a pretty good game.
  12. Mole

    Castration Keith's Summerslam Rant

    Amen to that. I thought Coach did a pretty good job, he was getting some heat.
  13. Mole

    Phish bassist caught with 9yo girl

    Please tell me you only love 18-and-older Phish... That makes no sense.
  14. Mole

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    In a few weeks one should be opened, I'd say by mid September.
  15. Mole

    Someone doens't like Dames...

  16. Mole

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    It seems like we are running out of things to talk about. Umm....new season of Angel starts soon. What do you think will happen this year? Who is going to be the big bad?
  17. Mole

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    It actually says 1 PM, but it is all the same.
  18. Mole

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I looked at FXNetwork.com and I don't see any advertising for it, so we'll see.
  19. Mole

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    What episodes are showing?
  20. Mole

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Angel when Angelus and Cordy were bad, but I think you mean outside the Buffyverse.
  21. Mole

    Granny wins lotto, leaves husband

    That's one thing I hate about this country....
  22. Mole

    Everyone pisses me off....

    You don't like gangstas?
  23. Already a thread about this...
  24. Mole


    I was hoping Jericho would win, but I'm not going to loose any sleep over this.