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Everything posted by Twenty7

  1. Twenty7


    We're not actually sure that Widmore faked the plane crash. Felix was delivering pictures to Widmore of the empty graves and the purchase order for the plane. These pictures are presumably the same pictures Mr. Friendly showed Michael. Could Mr. Friendly have killed Felix and taken the pictures, so Widmore would not be 100% sure that it was indeed Ben? As for the other team, they could be working for Eloise. Given the fact that we know that Ben, Widmore, & Eloise were all in leadership roles on the island, there probably was a power struggle between them. Eloise lost out first, got banished (as she was not ever mentioned in the past week's episode flashback), then Widmore, then ultimately Ben. All 3 want to protect the island, but still want to use it for themselves. The big "war" everyone is speaking of, is the final struggle when Widmore, Ben, & Eloise ALL return to what they claim as theirs.
  2. Twenty7


    Ben's not dead. The island has a way of course correction. Whatever happened, happened (thus the title of next week's episode). Just like Charlie was supposed to die, Desmond tried to change history, but eventually it would happen. Same with Ben. Ben is always supposed to grow up, help with the Purge, and lead the Others. Maybe Jin wakes up and brings wounded Ben to a doctor. Now we know of 3 people to help him. First off, the really crappy doctor that doesn't know how to deliver a baby. But not likely. Second, our resident doctor, Jack, to save Ben's life again. But to risk exposing himself, probably not. Now we get to our 3rd and most likely candidate, Juliet. She has already shown Dharma that she knows some medical experience by delivering a baby. And if you remember from season 4, the Other's therapist tells Juliet that Ben likes her because she "looks just like her." Older Ben crushes on the woman who saved his life when he was young.