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Hunter's Torn Quad

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Everything posted by Hunter's Torn Quad

  1. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Best/Worst Looking Championship Belt

    Now this is a classy belt:
  2. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Jaime Noble making ROH debut tonight?

    It didn't take a long match for the fans, or anyone with a brain, to see Iceberg was total crap. Even TNA saw that.
  3. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Man kills daughter in really fucked up incident

    He must be crushed.
  4. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Jaime Noble making ROH debut tonight?

    Notice that the longest post, and the most drawn out one, in this thread, came from the guy complaining about others overanalyzing. And JHawk, I think the anti-RoH sentiment is mostly from people who, not only don't like the RoH product, but are also driven nuts by it doing well, and doing better than the product they do like.
  5. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Best/Worst Looking Championship Belt

    If you mean the red and silver NWA version of the TV Title belt, I thought that was a really cool looking belt.
  6. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Best and Worst Entrances and Music ever

    Best Entrance Music: Ted DiBiase's Best Entrance: Gangrel, Christian, Evolution or Goldberg all had/have great entrances. I especailly like Evolutions when they walked out through the wall of fire. Word Entrance Music: RTC Worst Entrance: Seven. (Dustin Rhodes, for one night, in WCW)
  7. Hunter's Torn Quad

    NWA TNA Action Figures

    Maybe they can out a Kevin Nash figure, complete with detachable quads.
  8. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Kurt Angle was beaten by a TE kid.

    Because when something is real, it has an atmosphere and a tension that you cannot manufacture, and the fans can pick up on that. The fans are a lot smarter than people give them credit for when it comes to picking up on stuff that isn't meant to happen.
  9. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Jaime Noble making ROH debut tonight?

    ...what exactly flew over my head? Apart from what bb has mentioned, the concept of silent heat, being able to differentiate between silent heat and boredom, basic psychology, Philly fans, RoH fans in general, and the concept of having your posts be legible, all went over your head.
  10. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Jaime Noble making ROH debut tonight?

    If you actually read what was being said, then you wouldn't have seen any flaming. All that was done was pointing out the many things that were sailing over cm's head. The grammar and spelling points were just icing on the cake.
  11. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Kurt Angle was beaten by a TE kid.

    Sort of related to this, but Angle broke the rib of Chris Nawrocki, the other guy he tangled with. If he can't continue, then he's out of TE, which would make the second week in a row that a guy has been eliminted without a vote.
  12. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Gene Snitsky: The Next Sid?

    He'll need this then:
  13. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Jaime Noble making ROH debut tonight?

    yeah but roh fans seem to think its the be all and end all of phsychology. Then your judgement of RoH fans is about as good as your ability with spelling and grammar. actully its not as bad as my grammar.its not just roh fans who have this belief. its 90% of the iwc to. And with at least seven grammatical errors, any debate over your grammar and spelling, and your judgement, is over.
  14. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Jeff Hardy

    I'd like to know if you have the same ip as tnamark.
  15. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Jaime Noble making ROH debut tonight?

    yeah but roh fans seem to think its the be all and end all of phsychology. Then your judgement of RoH fans is about as good as your ability with spelling and grammar.
  16. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Jaime Noble making ROH debut tonight?

    and in my opinion fail miserably. considering most roh fans think psychology means working over a body part. Part of psychology is working over a body part.
  17. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    Ernest Miller's entrance at the Royal Rumble. That one made me laugh out loud.
  18. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Best and Worst Entrances and Music ever

    Why do people hate X-Factor's music so much ?
  19. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Best/Worst Looking Championship Belt

  20. Hunter's Torn Quad

    TNA starting false WWE rumors?

    You can call Ryder a piece of shit. Nobody cares about that fuck.
  21. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Jeff Hardy

    If you want to call that a reason..... I assume the TNA section has no Mod because it's pretty light on traffic ?
  22. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Jeff Hardy

    Why did it take so long to ban the guy, when it was obvous from the beginning it was tnamark
  23. Hunter's Torn Quad

    ROH Weekend of THUNDA~!

    From one report I've read, Liger was a total face, and Dragon the heel, because nobody wanted to boo Liger.
  24. Hunter's Torn Quad

    SmackDown! ratings increases

    An increase over one week is nothing to get jazzed about. It's when the ratings don't dip and actually rise over a number of weeks that you get happy. And comparing the ratings between SD and Raw is misleading, because one is on network television, and the other on cable.
  25. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Jaime Noble making ROH debut tonight?

    i never argued that they werent concentrating. i was just arguing that there was not a lot of heat. You said they weren't getting into the matches. They are. They just don't make tons of noise at first.