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Hunter's Torn Quad

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Everything posted by Hunter's Torn Quad

  1. Hunter's Torn Quad

    TNA starting false WWE rumors?

    Vince might care about what a select few of his workers think, but as far as the rest go, I doubt he gives them a second thought. And, as I have already stated, the morale issues in the locker room, and how wrestlers tend to view 'the office' anyway, would still make it hard for them to believe anyone. As for it being so easily tested, what are they meant to do ? Break a leg on purpose ?
  2. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Jaime Noble making ROH debut tonight?

    I see cm is confusing concentration with boredom and disinterest.
  3. Hunter's Torn Quad

    TNA starting false WWE rumors?

    Given the morale situation in WWE, and how officials are seen right now, I don't think many would have easily believed anyone who denied the rumor. It would probably take Vince himself to speak out before the majority of wrestlers would beleive the rumor to be false.
  4. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Smackdown Writer Fired

    Well, if Vince had gotten behind the Morecai gimmick, then his feud with Undertaker would have been stretched out over a few months, probably via a bunch of DQ's and count-outs. Presumably, if that had gone down, other characters would have been introduced into the feud, possibly even the voodoo version of Booker T. And Undi v Mordecai would certainly have been better than Undi v Heidenrape, because at least Mordecai could have bumped well, and sold better than Heidenrape. Yeah, the feud probably would've been stretched out over a few months with with DQ's and count-outs, but what does that do to capitalise on the gimmicks of both men? Adding other characters really wouldn't have done anything to strengthen them as individuals either, and I can't see anyone who'd have a reason to be involved in the feud to begin with, outside of being the token heel with nothing to do, an overly present character in current WWE. Given the SD writing crew's penchant, at the time, for doing SE-stuff, the finishes would no doubt have involved a grandiose special effects spectacular, which would have at least made it look like a big deal to the casual fans. It might have generated some interest with those fans, which would be capitalizing on the gimmicks of both men. And adding other characters to the feud would have, at least by association, made those characters seem more important, because they were involved in what have probably been the top feud on Smackdown. As for people not having a reason to get involved, then give them a reason, and one that makes sense, or just introduce a new character, whose backstory gives him a reason to get involved.
  5. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Smackdown Writer Fired

    Well, if Vince had gotten behind the Morecai gimmick, then his feud with Undertaker would have been stretched out over a few months, probably via a bunch of DQ's and count-outs. Presumably, if that had gone down, other characters would have been introduced into the feud, possibly even the voodoo version of Booker T. And Undi v Mordecai would certainly have been better than Undi v Heidenrape, because at least Mordecai could have bumped well, and sold better than Heidenrape.
  6. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Best/Worst Looking Championship Belt

    It was the UWF's secondary title. Windham won the belt in a tournament on June 20th 1987 in Houston. I'm assuming the decision to create a secondary belt came before the merger with the NWA, and by the time the tournament came about, the merger was a done deal.
  7. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Kurt Angle was beaten by a TE kid.

    It wouldn't generate a lick of interest. They've already played down what happened, to the point that no casual fan takes Puder seriously. Not that anyone took any of the TE guys seriously to begin with. Putting Angle, or any top name, in a shoot situation is a stupid idea.
  8. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Kurt Angle was beaten by a TE kid.

    --The Kurt Angle-Daniel Puder deal from last night's Smackdown is really interesting. On MMA message boards, this has turned into the biggest story in a long time, and the funny part is, many MMA board people don't get the big picture at all and hate pro wrestling. I've seen some talk on pro wrestling boards, but while I've gotten tons of phone calls about it, I've gotten almost no e-mails about it, so I don't think many fans watching saw what really happened. Just to answer a few questions on it. It was real. If you don't follow fighting, Puder had Angle locked in the Kimura, or keylock as Tazz called it, although Tazz didn't let on the move was fully executed. Not only was Angle not getting out of the move, but most MMA fighters would have tapped already. Angle couldn't tap for obvious reasons. The ref counted a three even though Puder's shoulders weren't fully down, trying to end the thing, because the reality was Angle would have been in surgery had it gone a few seconds longer or had Puder not given up the hold. My impression is, since this was a taped show, that nobody in enough power in the company actually understood what happened and let it air, and figured most would see it as a pinfall in 40 seconds. And they were 98% correct, between the commentary and the pinfall, that is how most saw it. It was only when it was all over MMA boards last night that "unknown shootfighter really beats Kurt Angle" and was the hottest topic all night, that they took the footage of it off their web site, and replaced it with copy that said, "Angle mauled Nawrocki, before taking volunteers, next pinning Daniel Puder in a slightly tougher, but still relatively easy match." This is when you know a company is doomed. When God hands them an angle that would get people talking like nothing they've been able to create on their own, given them the potential for legit water cooler talk had they played it right, and they are so blind they go in the opposite direction. Tazz called it like, "well, so much for the UFC." Yeah, and so much for The Invasion angle as well. From Meltzer's latest update
  9. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The One and Only WWE Firing Thread.

    Survivor Series 2002 actually.
  10. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Why does everybody hate Banders Kennany so much?

    I don't hate him, but I could live without ever seeing him post again.
  11. Hunter's Torn Quad

    TNA won't pay for Jushin Liger's plane flight...

    You really are a fucking idiot. Fuck off, asshole. He has an opinion on a match he would like to see. Sorry it isn't Benoit versus Dragon, but if he wants to see it, let him. You're a piece of shit getting angry over a match someone wants to see on a message board. Grow up. Does that make you a piece of shit ? And do you need to grow up ? And to clear something up, I was not angry with him for wanting to see that match.
  12. Hunter's Torn Quad

    British Bulldog's back injury

    Bulldog got into his drug problems by being around in a major wrestling promotion. Don't you think then that, to help get him over that problem, it would make sense to keep him out of the environment that got him hooked on drugs in the first place ?
  13. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE releases Rico

    People need to realise that news about that new releases will just be put in the currently running threads, and don't need a new thread of its own.
  14. Hunter's Torn Quad

    3 MORE WWE Wrestlers released...

    Vince getting rid of Bret had nothing to do with Tyson coming in.
  15. Hunter's Torn Quad

    British Bulldog's back injury

    Well, in the state he was in, DBS was really in no mental or physical condition to be employed in the first place. While Vince isn't directly to blame for DBS's death, he never should have taken him back to begin with.
  16. Hunter's Torn Quad

    War Games at Survivor Series?

    Actually, putting Snitsky in the main event does make it a little more interesting than with Flair in it, at least on one level. With Flair, you know he's either tapping out or getting pinned. At least with Snitsky there is doubt as to how he's losing, because he probably won't be losing by pinfall or submission.
  17. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Dave Meltzer comments on WWE's problems

    I never said it would happen, just that it should happen.
  18. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Since the WWE is on a firing spree...

    When did O'Haire ever do a SSP ?
  19. Hunter's Torn Quad

    War Games at Survivor Series?

    According to the latest Observer, Hunter pitched the idea of making the main event WarGames, because it's a match that he has always wanted to do. Vince shot it down, for the reasons that you'd expect. Also,Vince was behind putting Snitsky in the main event instead of Flair, feeling that it made the match more interesting.
  20. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Since the WWE is on a firing spree...

    One out of three isn't bad. Of course, I would have preferred that one to be Holly and not Stamboli. At least with Stamboli they can do the spot of him military pressing big guys, as he did with Rikishi one time, and that would make him stand out a little.
  21. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Dave Meltzer comments on WWE's problems

    The only way Undi being WWE Champion would be good for Smackdown is if he has a short reign, dropping the title in a match where he puts over the new champion 100%, selling like crazy, getting in little offense, and putting him over clean in the middle of the ring in a near-squash like fashion.
  22. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Since the WWE is on a firing spree...

    Coach gets pops, true. However, as needs to be said on a regular basis, pops don't always translate into drawing power, and Coach has none of that.
  23. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Dave Meltzer comments on WWE's problems

    Kreski booked for most of 2000. Steph took over just before Unforgiven 2000. Just before the love triangle storyline got fucked.
  24. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Since the WWE is on a firing spree...

    I wouldn't mind having Hardcore around in a JTTS role, because he has some small name value. The trouble is his attitude and behavior just don't make it worthwhile to keep him on.
  25. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Since the WWE is on a firing spree...

    Fire: Tomko, Holly, Stamboli Hire: Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Abyss Put Joe and Styles on Smackdown, and put Abyss on Raw.