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Hunter's Torn Quad

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Everything posted by Hunter's Torn Quad

  1. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Seven years ago Brian Pillman passed away...

    Actually, it was meant to be a "fuck you" of sorts. Because those in power at the time felt both men were overrated, the idea of giving them 30 minutes was to 'expose' them as not being as talented as people thought they were. Obviously, that failed misereably.
  2. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE Release Gail Kim, Nidia, and Chuck Palumbo

    No more Nidia ? Fuck you Vince.
  3. Hunter's Torn Quad

    White squares on videos I download

    Sometimes when I download videos, usually music videos, they have a square pattern of these little white squares moving around the picture. They sometimes appear to fade in and out as they move around, and don't move in any particular pattern. What are they ? And can they be removed ?
  4. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE issues RAW spoiler in press release

    1Wrestling is a bunch of fucking shit, run by a fat fucking piece of human garbage.
  5. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The Old School questions thread

    Triple H would pin Rock after an errant weapon shot by Austin.
  6. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE issues RAW spoiler in press release

    When they tag up, will they be the new Twin Towers, ala Bossman and Akeem ?
  7. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE Releases Billy GUnn and A-Train

    Maybe T&A can reform in TNA when Test is better. Of course, TNA will probably be dead by then. Silly customer. That would make sense.
  8. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE Releases Billy GUnn and A-Train

    Maybe Stacy dumped the useless lug.
  9. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Dave Meltzer comments on WWE's problems

    You can't have peaks without valleys. To put things into a wrestling perspective, think of it like having an 8 match card, and having all of them ***** classics. By the third one, the crowd are going to be burned out, and it won't matter how good the rest of the card is, because the crowd will be too drained to cheer or clap or do anything.
  10. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Got an answer from Meltzer about HBK/Foley's match

    Vader was meant to be in the Sid spot, beating HBK at SS and dropping it back at the Rumble. However, HBK got it changed to Sid instead.
  11. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The OAO "Does Booker T have a chance in Hell of

    On Byte This recently, Booker was asked about retiring, and he said he was reconsidering it.
  12. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Dave Meltzer comments on WWE's problems

    My point is that every non-wrestling venture Vince has tried has failed. He knew that before the XFL and still went ahead with it. It'll be the same story with their proposed ventures into boxing, etc, that Shane talked about. Vince just cannot get it done outside of wrestling, but he just won't accept that. That is not learning anything. That type of relationship would never have lasted, or worked, because it would require Vince to take on a subserviant role, and his ego would never allow that.
  13. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Got an answer from Meltzer about HBK/Foley's match

    What I don't get is why Sid wasn't inserted in the 4-way --- or simply make it a 5-way. Since Sid was the "number one contender", it would've made more sense to have him win the gold there, rather than forcing somebody to do the 24-hour reign thing. -=Mike I'm guessing because they wanted a marquee match on Raw to compete against Nitro with.
  14. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Dave Meltzer comments on WWE's problems

    If Vince could learn from his mistakes, the XFL would never have happened.
  15. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Dave Meltzer comments on WWE's problems

    Because it would first require the fixing of problems that Vince and co either cannot see or refuse to see.
  16. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Dave Meltzer comments on WWE's problems

    So, you want to give them 5hrs a week, 3 for Raw and 2 for Smackdown ?
  17. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Dave Meltzer comments on WWE's problems

    Because in order to give everyone time on just one show, the talent that could get over would have time taken away from them, thus reducing their chances of getting over. At least with two shows, the talents that could get over are likely to get the air time they need. You really think WWE could get things done with 3hrs ? If Raw went to 3hrs, we'd get more of the same, just over 3hrs instead of 2.
  18. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE News from the 11/1 Observer

    Shouldn't that logically mean Hunter would know to stay away from it beforehand ?
  19. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Dave Meltzer comments on WWE's problems

    Raw is barely getting it done with 2hrs to use. Giving it 3 would be horrible.
  20. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE News from the 11/1 Observer

    And two 'ring generals' couldn't, you know, call it in the ring ?
  21. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Dave Meltzer comments on WWE's problems

    They need some dead weight, otherwise the talent that can get over and draw will have to do more jobs. A little fodder with some name recognition is a good thing.
  22. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE News from the 11/1 Observer

    Triple H and HBK have wrestled each other a billion times, and they still need time to work out their match ?
  23. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE Releases Billy GUnn and A-Train

    Billy Gunn has been useless forever, and had nothing going for him. The guy gasses out after just five minutes. Surprised about A-Train though. The guy wasn't great in the ring, but was good enough to play the bully role. I'd have at least kept him on as a name jobber.
  24. Hunter's Torn Quad

    TNA to run a bus to Victory Road from Nashville

    They could always eat their own young.
  25. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWF files papers against WWF

    Credit - WO.com