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Hunter's Torn Quad

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Everything posted by Hunter's Torn Quad

  1. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The OAO "Does Booker T have a chance in Hell of

    I agree that the blame for Bradshaw's horrible reign isn't with him. He has improved to where he's decent in the ring, and he is by no means bad. He's just not World Champion level, and from a talent perspective, there were a number of better candidates at hand on SD. And even if I did hate Bradshaw, which I don't; I hate the way he's been booked, I would have disliked whoever was booked as Champion like Bradshaw has been. As for putting the title on Big Show, I don't think they should. For one thing, he can't deliver in the ring. I don't mean that World Champions should work **** matches all the time, but WWE fans have come to expect a certain level of match quality, and if they put the belt on BS, then match quality will drop even more. Not to mention that putting the belt on BS limits the number of potential challengers, because his size makes it hard to take anyone seriously as a challenger, and that alone hurts the drawing power of him as WWE Champion. Another problem is that in order to set up title matches, they'll either have to beat him or have him beaten down a lot, and monsters doing that don't stay monsters for long. For BS to be utilised the best he should be kept away from the title as much as possible, because a program with the champion will either necessitate a screwjob finish, which will hurt the belt, or a short reign, which will also hurt the belt, and hurt BS as well.
  2. Hunter's Torn Quad

    wwe suspension

    Whats that meant to mean? It means start posting intelligent and relevant contributions.
  3. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Your WWE Changes

    You do realise that it was overdoing gimmick matches that killed them in the first place ? Not to forget that the last PPV had a gimmick with every match. Gimmick matches are meant to draw extra money, but they won't do that if they're done all the time. It'd be nice to have a few PPV's with no gimmick matches for a while.
  4. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The OAO "Does Booker T have a chance in Hell of

    Yes, because World Champions should be laughed at. Bradshaw, as he has been booked, and for his talent level, would have been fine as US Champion. But as a World Champion. as the top guy of one of the rosters, he has been horrible. A World Champion should not be laughed at, mocked, or portrayed as a joke, three things that have personified Bradshaw's title reign. Such things make him out to be a complete joke, and while that may be fine for a midcard heel US Champion, it's wrong for a World Champion to be portrayed like that. What is so hard about the concept of a serious World Champion for people to grasp ? Do you really think if Austin had been booked like this during his 1998 run, that things would have been as hot ? Do you really think that such a World Champion, under any circumstances, could do good business ? If you want a joke champion, give him the US belt, but don't make him the World Champion. Joke's don't draw. As for Booker T being overrated, that's laugable. He's better than Bradshaw in just about every department. He's a better worker, got more charisma, and actually gets a pop for something he does in the ring. His style is more condusive to having good matches with the SD roster, and, even if everything else were equal with Bradshaw, I'd still go with the guy who could have better matches, because then at least there would be a consistantly good in-ring product.
  5. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The OAO "Does Booker T have a chance in Hell of

    Bradshaw was portrayed as a joke for most, if not all, of his reign. That's not a good world titleholder, no matter how much people want to spin it.
  6. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE's best segment ever

    !!! What was this about? Mr Perfect stole the WWF Title belt, and, on the Brother Love Show, used a hammer to smash it up into pieces. Hogan later took the broken belt in his hands, and began to cry. Supertar Billy Graham and Bob Backlund did the same angle back when SBG returned to the WWF during his second big stint. Backlund lost a ton of heat with thhe crying, because he came off as so babyish.
  7. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The OAO "Does Booker T have a chance in Hell of

    If it means anything, the latest Observer says there are forces who want a title change, so we may get it. And HSJ, nobody is more overrated than Bradshaw as WWE Champion.
  8. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Raw rating

    WWE got some good news this week in the Raw rating, as it did a 3.7 cable rating, with a 5 share, according to Nielsen Media Research. That is a nice jump from last week's 3.0. The one negative thing about the number, however, is that it saw the second hour decrease from the first as the show did hours of 3.8 and 3.6. Credit - PWI Well, it pretty well had to rise from last week's number.
  9. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The Bret Hart Appreciation Thread

    I'm loving the IC Title match. I really dig Santana from that era. I can't wait to see the full Hart Steamboat match. The main event looks all kinds of fun. The rest looks a tad unappealing, except for the Ted Arcidi match, because I've heard that he was really really bad, and I want to see that for myself.
  10. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The Bret Hart Appreciation Thread

    That was actually done a dry run for WrestleMania 2 before they decided to put Bret in the battle royal instead. Excellent match, too, and worth finding a tape of that show. What are the other matches on the card ? Just the card, no results. Thanks.
  11. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The early 2004 "classics"

    I don't doubt Hogan would have loved to have retired Champion, but not at WM VII. He was still fairly hot then, and he had plenty of drawing power left. Hogan's ego is driven by the money he can make, and he had a ton of money still to make at that point.
  12. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE's best segment ever

    Didn't they have one with the Bills choking? -=Mike I'm pretty sure they did. They had some classic comedy segments with the flash photography deal. That was the highlight of Raw for me in that period. RAW was amazing, until Oct. of 2000. -=Mike ...The conclusion of the who hit Austin angle killed the show... For me, it died with the botched ending of the love triangle storyline. The driver angle was dirt on the coffin.
  13. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE's best segment ever

    Didn't they have one with the Bills choking? -=Mike I'm pretty sure they did. They had some classic comedy segments with the flash photography deal. That was the highlight of Raw for me in that period.
  14. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE's best segment ever

    "And now, for the benefit of those with flash photography....." Those segments were gold. Especially them and Kurt dressing up as hicks at Judgement Day 2000. Also good was their Bitchlanta Braves one.
  15. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The early 2004 "classics"

    I don't buy the 'Flair in Toronto' deal at all. At that time, Flair was still content to stay in WCW/NWA, and was willing to stay. Sure, that changed a year or so later, but he had no reason to negotiate with Vince at the time. He was still on top of the WCW/NWA, and he knew he'd always be on top there. With WWF, at that time, it would have been too much of a risk to jump, let alone risk being seen in the crowd at WM VI. If this was true, it would have come out long ago. You doubt Vince's inflated opinion of his own ideas ? He thought for sure the Slaughter angle was hot enough to draw 100,000 fans. The fact that Slaughter and Adnan needed bulletproof vests would have convinced him the heat was strong enough. As crazy as it sounds, Vince really did think Hogan v Slaughter would draw 100,000. While I'm here, I'd like to revise my earlier post. While Warrior v Hogan II was indeed tentatively planned for VII, at least at the time of VI, it was going to be face v face. Of course, that changed when Warrior bombed as a top face, and the Slaughter angle was devised. Naturally, this means Hogan was never going to retire at WM VII, regardless of how it all panned out, because he was going to get the WWF Title back, whoever he wrestled.
  16. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Todd Gordon answered me

    No way is it Austin. Austin has too much pride to be associated with a rinky dink group like 3PW.
  17. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The early 2004 "classics"

    I guess the Warrior is a liar, because the original plan was he paid Hennig & Flair to help him win the title. By not wanting to turn heel, McMahon wanted to shove him into a mid-card feud with Nailz, someone who was a worse worker than he was. Warrior left probably afraid he'll lose his heat working with such crap. I don't know what Warrior was on if he said that, because that wasn't the original plan. It wasn't in any plan at all.
  18. Hunter's Torn Quad

    wwe/f on dvd

    BRATAH has a couple of decent matches in Flair v Santana and Rockers v Nasties. The rest is missable. Haven't seen UK Rampage in ages, but there was Rockers v Orient Express match on there, and I'm guessing that had to be at least a *** affair. I don't remember much else from there, but I think it had a Hogan v Slaughter rematch as well, though I can't be sure. It does show the fireball attack on Hogan from right after WM VII, however.
  19. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The early 2004 "classics"

    Warrior didn't refuse to job to Hogan. There was never going to be Hogan v Warrior II, because it was recognized that their WM VI match, emotion aside, was pretty dire. The plan was always to transition the belt to Hogan through Slaughter. And Warrior was never going to get the belt at SSlam '92.
  20. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Best Damned Wrestling Show Period Spoilers

    According to Keller's latest audio update, Luger showed up in such a bad condition, that he didn't know where he was, and didn't even recognize familiar faces. They managed to get a taped promo out of him, but even that was hard work.
  21. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Smackdown Spoilers 10.26.04

    -Vince McMahon called WWE production today and informed them that he wanted the footage to air "as is" regarding Big Show. After discussion among several people that saw the raw footage, the feeling was that Big Show was never made to look weak even though some of the contestants didn't know how to properly sells his moves. "It looked like he killed them," says one source. The feeling today is that Stephanie overreacted when she argued that some of the footage exposed the bodyslams as fake looking. Vince, of course, has the final word, and he made it clear today that he wants the entire footage to air, apparently because without editing, he feels it makes for good TV. Credit - The Torch Melter's latest update also confirms that Vince has decided to air the footage uncut.
  22. Hunter's Torn Quad

    If Rock returned full-time

    His return would mean something for a very short time. Then, they'd either fuck it up through incompetence, or through sabotage.
  23. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Favorite submission finisher/hold

    The Gokuraku Gatame ?
  24. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Favorite submission finisher/hold

    The best looking sharpshooter I saw was Choshu's on Akira Maeda back in 1988. It looked good because Choshu was really clamping down hard, and Maeda's legs were really being pulled back. I've never seen it applied anywhere near as good in the US, outside of the Bret v Owen at WM X and Bret v Perfect at SummerSlam 1991. I don't know why that is, but I put it down to the Japanese style being more snug than US stuff.
  25. Hunter's Torn Quad

    D-Von Dudley involved in altercation w/ fan

    According to the latest Observer, the guy used racial slurs. It also says that D-Von got out of his car because he happened to notice the fan outside of the arena.