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Hunter's Torn Quad

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Everything posted by Hunter's Torn Quad

  1. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The Old School questions thread

    I don't believe Missy was ever going to appear at WM X. She's never mentioned in the various shoots she's done, and I never read or heard anything about it leading up to the event. Assuming this is true, then it certainly would have been a one-off affair.
  2. Hunter's Torn Quad

    More politics and power struggles

    What? Steroids? What. Well, yeah, they EXIST, but they're not crack-heroin or something. I can't remember the exact quote of that HHH radio interview, but he basically came within inches of defending steroid use inside the business and I imagine Vince must have dropped his head to the desk and banged it several times when he found out about that one. Mind for THE business, yes. Mind for RUNNING business, no. IIRC, he said something along the lines of steroids being no worse than heroin, and he also compared using steroids to using equipment in the gym. Whatever he said, I remember pretty much everyone laughing at it, because he came off as so clueless in what he said. And I agree with Jester, in regard to Triple H's ability to run WWE. He might know how to get himself over, and one or two buddies as well, and he sure knows how to protect his own spot. but I don't have any faith in his ability or willingness to try and get over a large portion of the roster, should he ever take charge. If he ever takes charge, his ego would never let anyone outside of his circle of friends get over really big, and if anyone not in his clique did start to get over big, you know that they'll get their legs cut off right away.
  3. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Vince Russo Responds to Jerry Jarrett's Book

    Russo might have been with the WWE for about a day or so, but he was still supplying the Jarrett's with ideas from the beginning, and he was absolutely behind The Johnson's gimmick, and the midget ibeating off in a trashcan. Yeah, Russo said otherwise, but can you A) Believe him when he lies almost non-stop, and B ) Imagine someone as old-fashioned as Jerry Jarrett coming up with something like that.
  4. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The Old School questions thread

    The first one is pretty much as you had it. He was booked to go long as a rib at his expense, because he had to sell being out of it for so long, after a chair shot. And, yes, he did get made fun of for not being into the drink and drugs scene. Earthquake was still around, but didn't do much. Just after WM X, his main role seemed to be to put over Yokozuna on the road. He wasn't happy with the nature of the matches, which were virtual squash match wins for Yoko, and he also wasn't happy about having to do a series of 'Sumo' matches with Yoko either, and this led him to walking out. This obviously didn't sit too well, and 'Quake was buried upon his departure, which saw Typhoon brought in to take his place in the program with Yoko. Mr Hughes left in 1993 over drug issues. WWF felt he had a problem, he didn't, and was fired/left. It was pretty abrupt, as he was being built up for a program with The Undertaker, which wound up no happening.
  5. Hunter's Torn Quad

    More politics and power struggles

    Nothing short of dropping dead or falling into a coma from which he could never awake will remove Vince from controlling WWE. Vince is probably going to be in control for another 30 years or so at least.
  6. Hunter's Torn Quad

    More politics and power struggles

    Except his other half isn't one of the ugliest bitches on the face of the planet. And Triple H will never be off camera. His ego will make him return time and time again, and that same ego will make sure he's pushed above any of the current top names of the time.
  7. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Bossman passes away

    I remember that. It was on Raw, and Show was being interviewed in a room backstage by Michael Cole; I think Show had just wrestled or something. Anyway, Bossman and Albert are shown sneaking towards the room with a tear gas grenade in hand. They quietly open the door, toss the grenade in, and slam the door shut, and hold it tight so Show and Cole can't get out. Raw went to a break, and when they returned, they showed footage of Show and Cole stumbling out of the room, coughing and spluttering.
  8. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Worse no sell of all time

    If that was the infamous Scramble Cage match, then I don't believe he did the moves through tables.
  9. Hunter's Torn Quad

    How would you have killed Kane's child?

    I would have it revealed that there was no baby, and that Lita was just mindfucking with Kane. Then, when Kane goes to attack Lita, have a new heel debut and lay Kane out, and Lita and the new guy can feud with Kane. This way, Kane gets a big sympathy face push, and he's pretty much a face now anway, Lita gets the spark of a big heel turn, and the new guy is made right out of the gate, and he and Lita are super over for fucking around with Kane's mind. I actually think that this way, it could get over great, because it's something that happens in real life, and that plenty of men can identify with, and they'll go hoss for Kane to get his revenge.
  10. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Heidenreich/Cole bit from SD

    Patterson was sort of involved, but the main culprits were Terry Garvin and Mel Phillips. Garvin liked to have young boys play with his feet while he masturbated. And Lawler probably didn't come as close as people think, because the evidence against him, which was basically just one witness statement, later retracted, wouldn't have been strong enough, especially when the witness in question, the girl at the center of the trouble, later said she made it all up to get a family friend off her back. The friend had a history of trying to act like her big brother and look out for her, and wouldn't stop bugging her about Lawler until she came up with the sex story, so he'd leave her alone.
  11. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Vince Russo Responds to Jerry Jarrett's Book

    Russo was behind the midget beating off in the trash can, the Johnson's, and a lot of the early stuff as well. He was supplying TNA with ideas from the beginning.
  12. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The Old School questions thread

    I thin that would be the main event to Starrcade '90, where Flair was The Black Scorpion, and the Horseman and he beat up on Sting and Dick The Bruiser. And the story behind the Sting-Hogan deal at HH '99 was one of those fake shoots, cooked up by Vince Russo and Hulk Hogan. The idea was that Hogan would 'go against' what he was meant to do, and lay down for Sting, literally. Hogan would then go off on one of his vacations, and come back later. Hogan did this a lot, whenever he saw this drawing power was waning; he'd pull an angle, leave, and then come back at the right time so as to pop a rating, and claim it was all down to him, and that him not being around was why ratings were down. Of course, he'd be the reason behind the bad numbers, because had long since grown stale, but Hogan could/would never admit this, hence the constant leaving and coming back. Sting's open challenge, in the storyline of the fake shoot, was because he knew the promotion needed a big match for its main event, and so came to the rescue. Goldberg answering and winning was so they could do a Vern Gagne, and fake a title switch, and subsequently strip Goldberg of the World Title, and they could then hold that tournament for the World Title.
  13. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE confirms Austins and Hogans return!

    Yes, all of these guys accomplished great things for WWE. In the past. WWE has enough trouble building new stars as it is. When Hogan and Austin are around, WWE focuses too much on them. And neither is the type to say "Maybe you shouldn't put so much emphasis on me" or "maybe I should put over somebody, seeing as how I can't wrestle a full schedule." Let them stay in the past. I know it was 'only April, of this year, but Foley made Orton bigger than he was before. And I know it was way back in 2000, but Foley made Triple H a main event star, by putting him over for three months straight. And, yeah, it was way back when, in the dark ages of 2002, but Hogan was one of the main reasons that WM that year did such huge numbers. And Austin was only the key figure in the biggest wrestling boom ever. So, yes, I can quite understand why some fans are bitter towards these guys for wanting to do thing on their own terms once in a while. It's not like they did anything for the fans. Geez, I can understand why some wrestlers don't like sections of the IWC, when some of them consider 5 months ago as 'the past', and think anything done beyond that doesn't matter any more when it comes to given starst of the past some leeway on what to do.
  14. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE concerned over Raw rating

    Yeah, it's a bad thing that the WWE successfully pushed new talent into the main event. How was it a success if people still don't give a shit about Orton ? People don't give a shit about him as a face. He was plenty over as a heel. Then the push failed if he isn't over a lick as a face. Once they turned him, the push went tits up, and it failed.
  15. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE concerned over Raw rating

    Yeah, it's a bad thing that the WWE successfully pushed new talent into the main event. How was it a success if people still don't give a shit about Orton ?
  16. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE confirms Austins and Hogans return!

    I hear you on that. Fuck them for giving their bodies to wrestling, and paying the price to entertain us. What selfish bastards they are. Damn straight. They're the only two wrestlers in history that have killed their bodies to entertain us. They've earned the right to do whatever they damn well please as opposed to the thousands before them who did what was right for the business. I don't think you could have missed the point any more than you have. Foley has literally shortened his life for the fans, so I'd say he can pretty much what he wants. Not to mention he was one of the few top guys to willingly put up-and-comers over as strong as possible. Austin broke his neck for the fans, and earned himself a lifetime of pain, because he wanted to put on the best performance he could, so if he wants to take some time out every now and then, he can. As for Hogan, politics aside, he pretty much took wrestling mainstream in the 80's in the US, which, like it or not, gave wrestling a huge shot in the arm.
  17. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Waltman and WWE

    How the hell is TNA competition ? If Vince saw it as competition, he'd have raided its roster long ago.
  18. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Eddie's DVD

    Ok, what the hell does Eddie have to do with the Gobblygooker? Because the part was played by his brother. A stretch, I know.
  19. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE confirms Austins and Hogans return!

    I hear you on that. Fuck them for giving their bodies to wrestling, and paying the price to entertain us. What selfish bastards they are.
  20. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Saw Todd Pettengill last week

    Todd Pettengill really annoyed me, with the way he talked down to you. If only he could have been Heidenreiched on SD.
  21. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Madison Square Garden

    It was a house show, so it 'didn't count'. Believe it or not, it actually happened because they wanted to make it up to the fans over not getting Brock v Trips, hence giving them the WM XIX main event. Of course, long term it was stupid, because it just killed the brand split. Well, killed it some more anyway.
  22. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE concerned over Raw rating

    The build up to Vengeance damaged Jericho as well. He got laid out/beaten clean by both Rock and Austin, and Angle as well I think. While that booking can make sense, in that it sets up two big title matches, Jericho wasn't at that level where he could survive such booking without serious harm. Jericho was already seen as weak, and that booking made him seem even weaker, and when he won it didn't do a thing for him. How he got handled in the subsequent months was just pilling it on.
  23. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Heidenreich/Cole bit from SD

    Say again? I think he's referring to the tanning bed incident. I must have missed that. Care to elaborate? Back in 98/99, Taz went to a tanning a salon, and during his stay a female employee alleged that he exposed himself to her. The subsequent charges wound up getting dropped though, so I don't see how could have become a registered sex offender from it, unless he's talking about something else entirely.
  24. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Heidenreich/Cole bit from SD

    Say again? I think he's referring to the tanning bed incident. Something so nice, I just had to post it twice.
  25. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Heidenreich/Cole bit from SD

    Say again? I think he's referring to the tanning bed incident.