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Hunter's Torn Quad

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Everything posted by Hunter's Torn Quad

  1. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Make a statement

    Rebuttal: They can rebuild anyone given enough time. If they wanted Jericho to main event WM XXI, with him pinning Triple H clean to win the 'Raw' title, and actually wanted it to draw, they could make it happen. That's what makes things so frustrating at times with WWE, is that they can do so much better with the talent they have, yet are either unable or unwilling to.
  2. Hunter's Torn Quad

    What now for Nick Dinsmore?

    That's like the episode of Small Wonder where the girl gets hit in the head so she gets amnesia, so they hit her in the head again and she's normal again. It doesn't work that way! Maybe not in the 'real' world, but this WWE we're talking about, where we aren't meant to take things seriously. I think this is the sort of thing they'd go for, because in their mentality it makes sense.
  3. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Does Bischoff add anything to the show?

    HLA? Hot Lesbian Action. You mean you were spared that ? Or did you, thankfully, forget ?
  4. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Favourite/Least Fav. Regular Spots

    I loath the Stinkface, don't like Undi's Old School, and I have to say that I'm not keen on the Flair Flop either. I get a kick out of The Rock, when he mimics his opponents mannerism before decking them. I like Benoit snotting his opponent. And I like Samoa Joe's Ole Ole Kick.
  5. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Make a statement

    Great on paper but it's all in the delivery. Just as well the delivery was excellent then.
  6. Hunter's Torn Quad

    What now for Nick Dinsmore?

    Maybe they could do a gimmick where Triple H winds up literally beating some sense into Eugene ? The beating was so brutal that it somehow knocked Eugene's brain back into alignment, and he's normal now. That way, Dinsmore could come back as Nick Dinsmore, having 'shed' the Eugene name and personality.
  7. Hunter's Torn Quad

    What are you watching?

    IIRC, he had a bit of cult deal going, as an 'out of touch old geezer we laugh with" gimmick on the late night talk show circuit; kind of like the character "Coach" Ernie Pantuso on Cheers. Vince thought it would be cute to have him on the show. Yes, I don't get it either, but Vince was high as a kite on painkillers at the time.
  8. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Does Bischoff add anything to the show?

    Does anyone else remember that aborted angle where Eric kissed Stephanie, and then they promptly dropped it, and never said a word about it ?
  9. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Orton is a ratings DRAW~!

    Because he wasn't ? Did you hear the lack of real reaction at Spring Stamepede 1999 when he won the belt ? The guy was the Ronnie Garvin of WCW.
  10. Hunter's Torn Quad

    100 Reasons..

    He won the belt in early July, and his PPV status was: Bash At Beach in July: Beat Curt Hennig in a sub-4 minute match in the semi-final spot, while Hogan/Rodman beat Page/Malone in 25 minutes. Hog Wild in August: Won a pointless sub-8 minute battle royal in the semi-final spot that also involved The Giant, Scott Hall, Curt Hennig, Konnan, Lex Luger, Kevin Nash, Scott Norton, and Sting. The only one Goldberg didn't toss over was Nash, who eliminated himself. Not only did this piss away a lot of the lure for any future World title matches with Goldberg against the rest, they also gave away the first ever jackhammer on The Giant in this match. The main event was Page and Leno beating Hogan and Bischoff in 15 minutes. Fall Brawl in September: Did not wrestle, and I don't even think he appeared. The main event was that truly horrible 'War Games' match where nobody submitted or surrendered. Hogan was in that too. Halloween Havoc in October: Beat DDP in the main event, but the Hogan v Warrior match got the lions share of the hype beforehand World War III in November: Did not wrestle, and might not have even appeared here either. Starrcade in December: Dropped the belt to Big Lazy. And you can add in numerous midcard Nitro matches against virtual jobbers, where he won clean, and a few main events, where he got few clean wins over any major names. Yeah, they really booked him like a major star(!)
  11. Hunter's Torn Quad

    When is TNA going to wake up?

    Probably not, and while I don't find it off-the-charts funny either, it just seems like a natural nickname to give Jeff. I don't believe that Jeff has done a clean-as-a-sheet job at all in TNA. I might be wrong, as a lot of TNA has been so horrid that I've blocked it out, but I don't recall one off the top of my head.
  12. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Weird WCW booking

    The 'net people who complained had probably deluded themselves into thinking that they were somehow part of the decision making process, which they almost were with how Russo based his booking off the internet, and so, when Dave criticised the booking, they took it personally. As for why WCW allowed it to go on for so long, I think that is simply down to Russo being a damn good bullshit artist.
  13. Hunter's Torn Quad

    When is TNA going to wake up?

    I don't believe it's the first one, simply because I firmly believe it's a variation of the second one. That being JJJ makes sure to build everything around himself, and, because everyone else knows that he would erase their ass if they upstaged him, they just tone themselves down a lot. It also doesn't help that JJJ and Dutch flat out suck at booking for TNA.
  14. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Make a statement

    Rebuttal, sort of: While I can see the logic in that statement, I can also see the logic, and agree with more, that in order to get the most out of a new monster as soon as possible, you push him to the moon right out of the gate. While this does have the potential, which can be offset with great booking, of limiting what you can do with them after, say, a year or so, if you book well enough, you can use the spark of the monster to create several new players, so that by the time the monster starts to seem stale, you can offset that with one of the new main players you will have hopefully created in the proceeding year.
  15. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels Late 97

    I think that may stem from the fact that The Hart Foundation truly came across as believing what they said, and you could really believe that they were standing up for something they felt was right. And that is something that Americans can relate to, even if it was an anti-American heel. With DX, before they had that "cool heel" vibe going, they came across more as a group just doing what they did purely to annoy, which came across as much more of a heel persona, and that is why Shawn would have been booed a lot more outside of the US if the feud had gone on past Montreal. The reaction would have changed eventually though, with DX being the prototypical "cool heels", and The Hart Foundation being seen as "old timers", simply for their more traditional heel persona.
  16. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Nash's "Heart Attack" from 97

    The Hogan/Patrick thing...was that for Patrick to make his "fast count" not so fast? Because while Patrick always counted kind of slow, that match came off weird because when Hogan pins Sting it seems to be a normal count. That is the match. Somehow, Patrick fudged a fast count, which you can't really do without trying. He later claimed it was an honest mistake, but few buy that.
  17. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Weird WCW booking

    Somewhat combining this and the Kevin Nash thread, I remember an angle during the Giant-Nash feud where Giant came out and powerbombed Nash. While it made sense in that it gave Giant a bit of a boost, I remember Nash being unhappy about it, and wanting to get it nixed, but Hogan insisted that it happen.
  18. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Weird WCW booking

    The match where Hogan jobbed to The Giant that you're talking about wasn't the infamous 'Robin Hood' match. That one actually ended in some sort of screwjob. The match where Hogan jobbed to The Giant took place around March of 1998, and it featured a run-in by Randy Savage, which allowed Giant to hit the chokeslam and get the win. As for why it happened on TV with no build-up, think about that one for a minute.
  19. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Make a statement

    I think Benoit can do some incredible sports-style promo's, as was evident by his work just before the 2003 Rumble. Benoit's problem is that he can't do great SE promo's, which I think is probably down to him not being able to take it seriously, for whatever reason, and it's that seriousness that makes his sports-style promo's so great.
  20. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Best crimson mask

    I believe that was his BA match with Undi last year. Another great crimson mask was Chris Jericho at SMW's Night Of Legends. That one was one of the best of all time.
  21. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Best crimson mask

    1. In the ref's pocket. 2. Under the ring. 3. In the turnbuckle cover. 4. Tucked in the apron on the edge of the mat. There are literally countless possibilities. This is really your only arguement. You should just say, "Hey, I'm a wrestling fan. I like outdated barbaric acts." So, when huge bloodshed is called for, how do they keep going for the fake blood without it looking stupid ? In the middle of a heated brawl, how do they go for this fake blood without stopping the momentum of the match, and without it looking too obvious as to what they're doing. Fake blood can't replace blading. It's just that simple. Deal with it. And BL is right, in that blading is ok if it makes sense within the match, and if it isn't used all the time. Then it just loses its effectiveness, and is pointless.
  22. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Best crimson mask

    So where would this be kept ? How would they introduce it when huge bloodshed is wanted without it looking so damn hokey ? Fake blood could never be used in place of blading. Because he was 'bleeding internally'. That's different from a wrestler being 'busted open' in the head or back, or anywhere else where they couldn't use a capsule. Fake blood in a match is just not an option.
  23. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Orton is a ratings DRAW~!

    What will prove Randy is a ratings draw is a long and consistent showing of his segments getting the best numbers of the night. Until then, a couple of weeks of apparently good ratings mean nothing. And if the Orton Fan Boy Network still insist on trying to paint the last month as some kind of 'proof' that he is a ratings draw, then they should consider the fact that the final Raw before Summerslam drew a 3.9, and the first one after, with Orton now Champion, drew a 3.4. Starting off like that, of course the ratings are going to rise; they could hardly get worse.
  24. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Best crimson mask

    Where would they keep it ? Fake blood dries too fast to be used in place of real blood. WWE has sometimes used it in backstage angles, because they can get away with it as it looks just like real blood under low lighting, but in front of an audience you can't get away with it.
  25. Hunter's Torn Quad

    OAO TNA thread for 9/8/04

    I'd hate to see that too, but I can see his point of view. A World Title match really should go at least 20-minutes. Of course, a World Title match also shouldn't have Jeff Hardy in it.