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Big Ol' Smitty

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Everything posted by Big Ol' Smitty

  1. Funny, Howard Dean called Cheney Aaron Burr today on Meet the Press or one of those shows. Didn't have anything to do with this, though.
  2. Big Ol' Smitty


    I've read that the Taino Indians (the ones in the Carribean that Columbus raped and killed) had never made the connection between sex and childbirth.
  3. Big Ol' Smitty

    Cam'Ron plans to confront Internet Pedofiles on new DVD

    This needs to be on TV.
  4. Big Ol' Smitty

    School District Under Fire for Safety

    Yeah. I'm a white teacher at a predominantly black school and I've yet to save shit.
  5. Big Ol' Smitty

    The OAO Sean Hannity Thread

  6. Big Ol' Smitty

    School District Under Fire for Safety

    Cue Coolio.
  7. Big Ol' Smitty

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    I can't comment on the validity of the Popular Mechanics article because I'm not an engineer, etc. but it does take on a decidedly subjective tone at times: That just doesn't sound like the language of someone looking at these things objectively. Couple that with the fact that the lead researcher for the piece was Benjamin Chertoff, Homeland Security Director Michael's cousin, and you have yourself a dubious debunking.
  8. Big Ol' Smitty

    Pictures I Like

  9. Big Ol' Smitty


    This is quite the mean-spirited thread topic. *awaits nomination*
  10. Big Ol' Smitty

    New Bin Laden tape surfaces

    Czech, I think it's best to ignore him.
  11. Big Ol' Smitty

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    neocon=/=guns, gays, God
  12. Big Ol' Smitty

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    Some sort of hovercraft, no?
  13. Big Ol' Smitty

    Things That Annoy Us About Y2Jerk

    He freeze dries his own turds and later broils them over a hibachi grill. He serves them with whole, raw onions to his houseguests.
  14. Big Ol' Smitty


    Sigh? Furthermore, lol @ Delay taking Duke Cunningham's spot.
  15. Big Ol' Smitty

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    Oh yeah...President Washington's electronic surveillance programs also...
  16. Big Ol' Smitty

    Ask Incandenza

    Sideburns were named after Burnside. I'm not sure if there's a name for the sideburns/mustache all-in-one combo. I said Chester A Arthur because that's what Czech named that photo that he doctored. Also, I'm disappointed that Incandenza removed the "downhill like racecars" quote from his signature.
  17. Big Ol' Smitty

    Good games you love

    Return Fire for PS1. It's capture the flag with hummers, tanks, choppers, and APCs.
  18. Big Ol' Smitty

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    I dunno about the 9/11 stuff, but I think it is very wise not to blindly trust the government. Look at all the real conspiracies throughout American history that have turned out to be true. The Aaron Burr conspiracy. The "Business Plot" to overthrow FDR. The Tuskegee syphilis experiments. The FBI's COINTELPRO operations against domestic dissidents. The CIA's MKULTURA mind control experiments. CIA involvement in foreign coups, such as Kermit Roosevelt in Iran. The plan to fake terrorist attacks with Operation Northwoods. The Gulf of Tonkin. Forays into Cambodia. Death squads in Central America. The Contras dealing with cocaine. The whole Iran-Contra deal. et al ad infinitum
  19. Big Ol' Smitty

    Ask Incandenza

    I seriously can't see how that guy can be such a deadly fighter. He's flabby and has sticks for arms. He must be some kind of crazy.
  20. Big Ol' Smitty

    Ask Incandenza

    chester a arthur?
  21. Big Ol' Smitty

    Ask Incandenza

    Yes, I think so. Please get that man an exercise ball, stat.
  22. Big Ol' Smitty

    Ask Incandenza

    Paragon, the flabby guy in your sig in unnerving.
  23. Big Ol' Smitty

    Hamas wins big in elections

    Why are people just now getting angry about the cartoon? Because of our "buddies" in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi government was taking a lot of flak because its poor planning leads to hundreds of pilgrims getting stampeded to death every year. To take focus off of the hajj debacle, the government declared jihad on the Danish press over the old cartoons and, voila, manufactured outrage courtesy of our "partners in peace".
  24. Big Ol' Smitty

    The OAO Sean Hannity Thread

    Not quite, but I'm hoping someone tries to defend him. As unlikely as that is... Fun Hannity Links: http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1158 http://www.lewrockwell.com/vance/vance16.html http://mediamatters.org/items/200508310004 Its really hard to find pages devoted to defending Sean Hannity. Most people who like him resort to "you just don't like him because he's a conservative" without backing up why he should be treated as anything other than a partisan joke. Scorpius, Scorpius. Posting links to far left smear websites to besmirch the good name of Mr. Hannity? Fie on thee, sir. Fie, I say.
  25. Big Ol' Smitty

    Brokeback Mountain
