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Big Ol' Smitty

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Everything posted by Big Ol' Smitty

  1. Big Ol' Smitty

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

    Of course racism isn't confined to one region, but anyone who tries to argue that all areas of the country are equally racist is full of shit. 1960 1968 Entire states voted for segregationist candidates, and many of the people who voted in those elections are still alive, and they probably reproduced.
  2. Big Ol' Smitty

    At least Bush loves the enviornment....

    My bad. I'm really poorly informed in this area. I DO remember reading that *somehow* global warming could lead to global cooling.
  3. Big Ol' Smitty

    Kerry's still campaigning for President

    You're really gonna call a guy out on MISSPEAKING? When the other option is this guy?
  4. Oh yeah, and the DoL didn't announce the (early January) agreement with Wal-Mart until forced to by the NY Times investigation more than 30 days later. Oh yeah, and Wal-Mart is a very significant corporate GOP donor.
  5. Connecticut AG Richard Blumenthal has also weighed in on Wal-Mart's sweetheart deal:
  6. Kudos to you on bringing the pompousness and arrogance HARDCORE STYLE~!. Congressman George Miller: A veteran DOL inspector was also rather perplexed: OSHA prohibits inspectors from warning employers about planned inspections, unfortunately, child labor laws do not (which they should). And way to hijack the thread and make it about Castro (WTF?). Bitches.
  7. Big Ol' Smitty

    Holy Shiite

    Mind elaborating on this? I'm curious as to how, this will give me and perhaps others around here better insight on whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. Shi'ites believe that there were only a few infallible imams after the death the prophet Mohammed. There are different sects within Shi'ism--"12ers", "7ers", & "5ers" are the main ones-- that each have a different number of sacred imams in the post-Mohammed era. Some sects believe in the coming of a mahdi, or the 13th imam, which is a messiah-like figure. I think I read that some of the tombs of one or two of the sacred imams had recently been blown up in Iraq. Shi'ites also place emphasis on different hadiths (sayings of Mohammed [kinda like how different groups of Christians emphasize different Bible verses]) and have a different system of jurisprudence.
  8. Big Ol' Smitty

    Holy Shiite

    Er, uh, um...don't know what to say.
  9. That wacky Wal-Mart is up to its old tricks. Pretty sweet deal secret deal they cut with the DoL.
  10. Big Ol' Smitty

    MikeSC...too cool for rules

    ...with a "liberal poppycock" on the side.
  11. Big Ol' Smitty

    At least Bush loves the enviornment....

    Q for EricMM: Everyone is saying that volcano eruptions pollute much more than humans. Isn't part of the thinking behind global warming that it can lead to increased seismic activity which could lead to things like volcano eruptions which could lead to global cooling. Sorry, I'm not very well read in science/ecology.
  12. Big Ol' Smitty

    Another Topic That Fell Through the Cracks

    He references the memo in the interview w/ Wilson. Other news agencies didn't have access to the memo when the interview took place. Gotta bounce. 8 mile long run today.
  13. Big Ol' Smitty

    Another Topic That Fell Through the Cracks

    He was an Africa expert w/ ties to the Nigerian administration. And, man. I wish I could get an all expenses paid trip to Niamey. That would be sweeeeet. A nobody conservative activist w/ no press credentials w/ exclusive access to sensitive classified government documents. A nobody conservative activist w/ no press credentials involved in the outing of a CIA operative. Nothing to see here folks, move along.
  14. I think the real story here is... You went to college?!?! Egads, man, I hope you got a refund
  15. Big Ol' Smitty

    Another Topic That Fell Through the Cracks

    LA Times, 7/15/05, Senior CIA official: -On the Plame outing WaPo, Oct. 2K3: "Gannon" bragged about his role in outing Plame on forums of the ultra-conservative website freerepublic.com, posting under the subtle nom-de-plume, "Jeff Gannon" -On "Gannon's" hyprocrisy in running gay military escort services: He referred in one of his articles to John Kerry derisively as potentially the "first gay President". -McClellan has admitted that he knew "Gannon" was working under an alias
  16. Big Ol' Smitty

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

    KY isn't racist for the most part, but we have our holdouts--older folks & redneckish types for the most part. I've witnessed both forms in the past 2 months. Hell--I have both in my own extended family. I was working out at the gym and this young black guy, probably around my age, asked this older white lady if she minded if he changed the TV channel. She said okay..."as long as you don't change it to that BET stuff! I don't like that!." I guarantee you she would not have said that to me if I had asked her that, and I like rap music so I wouldn't be opposed to some BET. Last weekend at a super bowl party I experienced type 2. This fat, drunken, loud white guy w/ a country accent somehow got to talking about time travel. He said if he could take anything w/ him back in time he would go back to when the slave trade was going on and take videos of rappers on TV. That would convince the slave traders not to bring the black people over here.
  17. Big Ol' Smitty

    At least Bush loves the enviornment....

    Good book on this topic.
  18. Big Ol' Smitty

    Czech Republic

    Why don't you like me?
  19. Big Ol' Smitty

    North Korea says they have Nuclear Weapons

    But the White House doesn't. And the SSCI report didn't establish that that the yellowcake story was true. All it did was state that it couldn't be disproven.
  20. Big Ol' Smitty

    Czech Republic

  21. Big Ol' Smitty

    Czech Republic

    1. player hater someone who dislikes or resents or disapproves of a player (the term is used to criticize people who are jealous or who don't respect successful people). -The only reason all this girls like to talk to Big John is he's a famous rapper(=rap star). –Shut up, stop being such a player hater! Source: Fangsta, Mar 19, 2003 2. player hater n. possibly the lowest form of life or if not right under paramecium or slime mold. Takes great measures to prevent true players from having sex with women they have just met. Every time I go to the club with Karim he's gotta player hate. Source: not a buster, Feb 8, 2003 3. player hater One who is jealous and does any and everything possible to hold down the next man. He saw me with this bad bitch so he went and told her I was fucking shorty from across the street. Source: 1che, Oct 21, 2003 4. player hater One who is jealous of another person's possessions, wealth, success, etc. Don't be playa hatin on my shit, eat a dick! Source: anonymous, Jul 24, 2003 5. Player Hater N. A person who hates players. E.g. ( player haters ball on chapelle show) One who dislikes other forms of the same sex.
  22. Big Ol' Smitty

    Czech Republic

    Who the fuck are you? "A horrible poster," according to Czech Republic.
  23. Big Ol' Smitty

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

    You could become skilled! They offer training, ya know, they don't just throw you out on the battlefield. So your excuses for not signing up to serve in Iraq are that you are not very brave and not a very good person. Judges? *glances over shoulder* We'll accept that answer.
  24. Big Ol' Smitty

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

    I just think that if you believe in something that strongly, then you should be willing to sacrifice something to support it. Lots of other young men are making huge sacrifices over there. During WWII, assloads of young men were signing up left and right because they believed in the cause. Crime is something that happens all the time. Everyone is against crime. Not everyone vehemently supports wars. So yes, I am saying that, if you are a young, healthy man and you strongly believe in a war, then you should sign up to go fight it. So, because you're not a cop, you are gung-ho in support of crime? Got it. -=Mike Things like crime, rape, disease, tyranny, etc. are things happen continually and that all normal people agree are bad. I don't think that everyone should have to become a doctor/police officer/freedom fighter because these things are bad. War, however, is not continous and everyone doesn't always agree upon it. Fighting in a war is a major commitment, but unlike becoming a doctor or police officer, it doesn't require a lifetime or a career commitment. It would take the commitment of a few years of one's life probably, but if the war is that worthy and noble then that time would be well worth it. If you think the war's cause is just enough that it would be worth sacrificing the lives of your peers, then you should be willing to make the same sacrifice. Or keep your mouth shut.
  25. Big Ol' Smitty

    Another Topic That Fell Through the Cracks

    In an Oct. 2003 interview w/ Amb. Joseph Wilson (Plame's husband), Gannon asked the following question: The Washington Post has stated that no other new outlets had access to the memo in question at the time of the interview. Gannon was subpoenaed by a federal grand jury investigating the Plame outing. And, yes, I can easily prove the rest of what I said.