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Big Ol' Smitty

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Everything posted by Big Ol' Smitty

  1. Big Ol' Smitty

    State of the Folder

    Which two of you nerds voted for this?
  2. Big Ol' Smitty

    Marney: RIP

  3. Big Ol' Smitty

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't have any problem with grown folks consuming porn. But the encyclopedic knowledge that some posters display in that thread is a little disconcerting.
  4. Big Ol' Smitty

    Gas Price Check...

    This makes me think of this episode of the Simpsons, where the radical left-wing professor that Marge dates rides one of these things around doing tricks.
  5. Big Ol' Smitty

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    If I ever have a "Top Ten Pornstars" for a year, I'm gonna go ahead and suck on a shotgun.
  6. Big Ol' Smitty

    So I woke up to an earthquake this morning...

    That's not really irony. Are you a writer for Alanis Morissette?
  7. Big Ol' Smitty

    The Youtube thread

  8. Big Ol' Smitty

    Cosby to release a best seller?

    I would be more excited if he was bringing back Pudding Pops.
  9. Big Ol' Smitty

    So I woke up to an earthquake this morning...

    My bed was shaking and I started to wonder if some animal had somehow gotten into my house and under my bed.
  10. Big Ol' Smitty

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    I endorse everything the Thread Killer said except this: Let's not have contests to see who can come up with the best way to call someone a doo doo head. It usually just leads to posters sounding like British comic book villains and calling each other oh-so-creative names like "twit", "mongoloid", "cretin" and the like. I don't want to ban people for being a dumbass like this, but I would like to see it frowned upon by the general posting community, not encouraged.
  11. Big Ol' Smitty

    So I woke up to an earthquake this morning...

    I felt it. I had no idea what the hell it was at the time.
  12. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    And have criticized him on those issues. No one ever claimed that Marney hasn't criticized Bush. Pound those strawmen all you want.
  13. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    Neither one can get the nomination without the supers. Again. Your point would be? Right, but Clinton can't win without the superdelegates overturning the will of primary voters & caucus goers.
  14. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    It's a close race. Obama currently only has a 146 delegate lead over Clinton, his 1,644 to her 1,498. While he may have more voter support nationwide, celebrity endorsements, and money, he has to be more careful because mistakes like the one he made in San Francisco may cost him the race. I wouldn't count Hillary out yet, especially if she wins Pennsylvania. Hillary has an infitessimal chance of catching up to Obama in pledged delegates. The only chance she has is getting the superdelegates to throw the thing to her, and this seems increasingly unlikely, as her lead among superdelegates has actually been shrinking. Even more telling is the fact that Obama now leads among superdelegates who are actually elected officeholders. Clinton's thin superdelegate lead comes from unelected party operatives.
  15. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    Vocal supporter? Yes. I admire and love the man, and I gladly worked for him for several years. But I've also criticized more than one of his policies and I resigned from his administration on one of those issues. Don't try to paint me as some kind of blindfolded sheep - it won't work. I seem to remember a post from the pit back when I used to post there from time to time about how W was a saint of a man and he was too good for us as a nation, or something to that effect Is "vocal supporter" going too far? But, the lady doth protest too much, the point of my post was more to point out W's general crappiness than your boosterism.
  16. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    Your point would be? I think the labeling of Obama as an intellectual lightweight who only succeeded due to race is particularly poignant coming from someone who has been such a vocal supporter of W. Bush--an obvious mediocrity who clearly was successful only because of his father's name.
  17. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    People's situations in life are different depending on race and a whole variety of other factors. Speculating about an alternate reality in which Barack Obama was white is a waste of time. Obviously, I disagree with you about Obama--and I would say that it is pretty difficult to get into Columbia University & (as someone who recently took the LSAT & has looked at the acceptance scores for these elite law schools) Harvard Law, and I would say that the University of Chicago is pretty selective in choosing its law lecturers, but I'm sure you had a luncheon with some of the faculty at these colleges last week and they were all mongoloid twits or some such.
  18. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    George W. Bush would never have been president if he wasn't white. Neither would presidents Washington-Clinton.
  19. Big Ol' Smitty

    4,000 dead Americans

    You're shamelessly exaggerating (which is me being nice and not saying "outright lying"). No one has openly endorsed torture. If you want to define torture up, fine. But whether the most senior officials in the Bush administration approved these (deliciously Orwellian-named) "enhanced interrogation techniques" is not in question: ABC News
  20. Big Ol' Smitty

    4,000 dead Americans

    John McCain Personally, I would prefer that my country not follow in the footsteps of Tojo's Japan, the Khmer Rouge, the Spanish Inquisition, & Augusto Pinochet.
  21. Big Ol' Smitty

    4,000 dead Americans

    Journalist Waterboarded by French Forces during Algerian War:
  22. Big Ol' Smitty

    4,000 dead Americans

    Wikipedia Painting by person who was waterboarded in Pol Pot's Cambodia:
  23. Big Ol' Smitty

    The Youtube thread

  24. Big Ol' Smitty

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Look at Kingofthe909, putting that "I think" in there to make us think he's not totally into Ass to Mouth porn.
  25. Big Ol' Smitty

    Post here if you dislike Will Ferrell...

    Did anyone else like Old School as much as I did? I also liked Punch Drunk Love.