Big Ol' Smitty
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Everything posted by Big Ol' Smitty
Apparently Rudy was roundly booed at the Yankees game last night.
My wife made a pizza with eggplant and bison meat on it a couple months ago and it was the fucking bee's balls.
That's what you call winnin'? A nigga's nuts in your face? Soul Plane! Soul Pla-a-ane! We gon' fly on the SOUL Plane!
What are you a Marxist now Invader?
This whole SCHIP debate reminds me of a Simpson's episode when Bart ran for Class President. Martin was walking around with a sign reading "A Vote for Bart is a Vote for Anarchy!" The camera then pans over to Bart, holding a sign that reads "A Vote for Bart is a Vote for Anarchy!" The Republicans are furiously hammering home the argument, "This is just the first step in the Democrats' plan to establish universal health care, paid by the government!" The Democrats respond by arguing, "This is just the first step in the Democrats' plan to establish universal health care, paid by the government! http://www.pollingreport.com/health3.htm
Insuring 10 million kids~40 days in Iraq
This is horrible, Czech, and I'm definitely not a music snob. That being said... http://youtube.com/watch?v=_sF6CSSg5J8 (it's hilarious to me that this song actually used to make me sad after a breakup when I was around 20-21...I'm serious) http://youtube.com/watch?v=0aL_awH7vog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ateQQc-AgEM I have countless guilty pleasures...maybe it's just bad taste in music? ftw
That's the worst crap I've ever seen in my life. I'm never watching another Universal movie again in my life. I'm also going to tell ten friends not to ever watch Universal movies and have them tell ten friends do the same, and so on.
I love that movie!
Read this. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html...agewanted=print
Um, if they had fantastic health coverage that covered their family then they wouldn't need SCHIP. Seriously, Jingus, it's a program for uninsured children. For instance, my wife and I make a little less than $80K/yr so we don't qualify for KCHIP (Kentucky's SCHIP program). We would have to make around half of that to qualify (the limit is up to 200% of federal poverty line in Kentucky). If we did qualify, we wouldn't need it. Because we work for the same employer, if we had children, we could insure our children for $10.90/month (yes, I have a sweet health plan from my employer). The monthly KCHIP premium for families making 150-200% of the poverty line is $20, so we would just use our employer plan. If my wife didn't work (let's say she gets very sick, heaven forbid), I would be supporting a family making less than $40K/yr. Health insurance for the two of us (under my employer plan, with only me working) would be $400/month. If we had kids and added them, it would be $532/month. I would qualify for KCHIP in this situation, so I would sign my kids up for that and pay the $20/month rather than an extra $132/month (which I wouldn't be able to afford) to insure them through my private plan. Whew...figuring this out makes me glad I don't have kids.
Well, as far as this thread goes, it came from you. I'd say you probably got it from Marney at the Pit. Marney at the Pit got it from the Bush Administration. The Bush Administration pretty much made it up. It's a vicious cycle. Here's where the Bushfolken got their talking point, which trickled down to Jingus: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...toryId=14962685
I actually don't like the way the Democrats have used the whole "save the children" emotional angle to sell the SCHIP thing. It reeks of GOP "support the troops!" style faux emotional pandering. The bill should be promoted on its merits, not through that type of crap. But, Slayer, if your post was mocking me, you failed, because I simply described what the bill provides sans emotionalism: health insurance for middle class children.
The poll describes exactly what the bill does, the cost, & where the money comes from.
If Bush & the Republicans continue to block the SCHIP bill, it's going to be a wonderful cudgel to beat them over the head with come 2008 considering: A.) All major Republican presidential candidates have endorsed his veto B.) The bill's crazy high polling numbers: I think Bush's three vetoes really encapsulate his presidency very well. The three bills he's vetoed are: 1. stem cell research 2. withdrawal from Iraq 3. health insurance for middle class children
The good Democrats in Congress will. The Democrats that are afraid of the big bad (30% approved~!) Bush won't. Bullshit. Nice Bush talking points, though. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/homepage/story/20169.html
I said this too. It seems like they're trying to make Ryan unlikeable, but with him having to deal with Kelly and Michael, it was hard not to feel sorry for him. Kevin running up and messing up his hair was awesome.
He smells like I imagine Pierce Brosnan smells like. I also liked Kevin hanging around with and aping Andy.
McCain is older than Golf Cart Fred.
I support universal health insurance, not government health care (a la Britain). I think the strongest argument for it is the fact that we spend more money than any other country in the world on health care, yet have mediocre health outcomes and a public that is very unsatisfied with the system. Simply having Medicare cover everyone instead of just the old farts seems like a simple plan to me. It actually seems like France probably has the best system from what I've read.
Either him or the crypt keeper.
On Burma. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml...5/wburma425.xml