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Big Ol' Smitty

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Everything posted by Big Ol' Smitty

  1. Big Ol' Smitty

    The Biggest Disgrace of the 21st Century

    Invader, you are all over the place on this.
  2. Big Ol' Smitty

    The Biggest Disgrace of the 21st Century

    Just wondering, King...what makes this such an important issue to you?
  3. Big Ol' Smitty

    The Biggest Disgrace of the 21st Century

  4. Big Ol' Smitty

    Pictures I Like

    This is real.
  5. Big Ol' Smitty

    Outrageous Quotes

    Representative Marty Seifert (R-21A), House Minority Leader, on why Republicans lost in 2006 elections
  6. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    Here is the amount of money each candidate has raised in the Q1 of 2007. In millions, obviously. Republicans Romney $23 Giuliani $15 McCain $12.5 Huckabee $0.5 TOTAL $51 Democrats Clinton $26 Obama $25 Edwards $14 Richardson $6 Dodd $4 Biden $3 TOTAL: $78
  7. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    I think such an election would seriously be an opportunity for a 3rd party candidate to make major headway.
  8. Big Ol' Smitty

    The Biggest Disgrace of the 21st Century

    Do you have evidence that Amnesty Intl. or other NGOs are using more of their resources on the abuses at Guantanamo than on Darfur, or is this just standard rightwing boilerplate? Because I'm unconvinced that the fact that Amnesty International criticizes Guantanamo is somehow exacerbating the situation in Darfur.
  9. Big Ol' Smitty

    British Hostage Crisis with Iran

    Haha. Really? What bullshit.
  10. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    The weirdest thing happening right now in the GOP primary is the fact that Mitt Romney is the leading fundraiser but can barely break 5% in polls. Fred Thompson (of Law & Order) just mentions that he's considering running and immediately bolts ahead of Romney.
  11. Big Ol' Smitty

    The Biggest Disgrace of the 21st Century

    Having fun pounding those straw men? Nobody said it was your fault.
  12. Big Ol' Smitty

    high school shenanigans

    Frankly, I'd rather reside there than Invader3K's Lou Dobbs Mexican Work/Death Gulag Dystopia.
  13. Big Ol' Smitty

    Pictures I Like

  14. Big Ol' Smitty

    high school shenanigans

    My main problem with the death penalty is that I simply don't trust the state with that level of power.
  15. Big Ol' Smitty

    British Hostage Crisis with Iran

    I think you're on to something! That's why I said that it was just the first thing that popped into my head, not that it was my Grand Unified Theory of the Oncoming War with Iran. (I will reveal this theory soon.)
  16. Big Ol' Smitty

    British Hostage Crisis with Iran

    Okay, Dobbs, explain why it's irrelevant, then. A lot of people believed that the Gulf of Tonkin incident and other war provocations were genuine and later turned out to be bullshit. Why does this case not have that potential? I'm reading this book right now, so I may be a little jaded at the moment.
  17. Big Ol' Smitty

    British Hostage Crisis with Iran

    Understandable, but not relevant to the situation here. You don't know that. It's interesting to see you apply very different standards of the burden of proof to Britain in this case and Saddam Hussein in the case of Iraq. I have higher standards for liberal democracies than for murderous autocrats. And I didn't make any claim, just said that's the first thing that popped into my head. The USS Maine, too. Now I'm gonna go buy a Lambroghini like Eddie Griffin's with my 98% tax cut.
  18. Big Ol' Smitty

    Biggest Train Wreck of a Life

    Wait there's two KOABs?
  19. Big Ol' Smitty

    British Hostage Crisis with Iran

    Understandable, but not relevant to the situation here. You don't know that.
  20. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    http://thinkprogress.org/2007/03/28/video-...ondents-dinner/ This is horrible.
  21. Big Ol' Smitty

    Pictures I Like

    Did you see Reign Over Me? I have to disagree on the hate for dramatic Sandler.
  22. Big Ol' Smitty

    British Hostage Crisis with Iran

    And I'm sorry, but the first things that pop into my head when I read a story like this are: Gulf of Tonkin, the Thornton Affair, etc.
  23. Big Ol' Smitty

    Pictures I Like

    And Lost in Translation.
  24. Big Ol' Smitty

    Pictures I Like

    I kinda liked it.
  25. Hey C-Bacon. How do you feel about the 2001 war on Afghanistan and the US military intervention in Kosovo in the 90s?