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Big Ol' Smitty

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Everything posted by Big Ol' Smitty

  1. Big Ol' Smitty

    I am starting a TSM Wiki

    YOU'RE A PEICE OF BIGGOT SCUM AND DESERVE TO BE RAPED BY 10,000 BLACK DICKS.... AND A FEW MEXICAN TOO. We're not interested in hearing your perverted fantasies, KOAB. This was a lame comeback, Dobbs.
  2. Big Ol' Smitty

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    At first I thought this said dong.
  3. Although I do like to have emotionally mature relationships with women. And being able to buy liquor.
  4. I would honestly much rather have the benefits of being a kid (primarily the complete & utter lack of responsibilities) than the negatives (not being able to rent, for example). Basically, I hate being an adult.
  5. Big Ol' Smitty

    high school shenanigans

    tru Heh, maybe not so much incineration, but i'd advocate disarmament, drastically reducing military and defense budgets, and actually adhering to international law. I'm cool with nuclear disarmament, not total disarmament. The other two are okay with me, too. Although I think the US should do more for veterans--I don't know if that counts as part of the defense budget.
  6. I don't think so, because there are logical reasons that children have less authority and are treated somewhat differently than adults, many of them raised by Special K. There weren't really any logical reasons to deny negroes or women the right to vote, keep them out of positions of power, etc.
  7. Big Ol' Smitty

    high school shenanigans

    Eh, Bacon's alright. I think he and I probably agree a lot about right-wing things that we don't like (the war in Iraq sucks, Guantanamo Bay is a disgrace, George Bush is an embarassment, etc.), we probably just don't agree very much on what the solutions to those things are. For instance, on war issues, I would expect Bacon to propose something like a global ban on war and throwing all bombs, guns, knives, & rocks into incinerators, whereas I would maybe propose a more realistic and well thought out foreign policy than the current, primarily neoconservative one. Smitty-->liberal Bacon-->socialist
  8. Big Ol' Smitty

    Dark Tower 7

    The Drawing of the Three being the best.
  9. Big Ol' Smitty

    Dark Tower 7

    I only liked the first 3 books very much. I thought the 4th was okay, then I thought the rest were just kind of there.
  10. Big Ol' Smitty

    high school shenanigans

    This C-Bacon post brought to you by Noam Chomsky. You can purchase Noam's new book, Why America Sucks: Part 12, Electric Boogaloo at Border's and other fine retailers.
  11. C-Bacon makes me feel like a stodgy old conservative stick in the mud.
  12. He's like a younger, reactionary Jack Black.
  13. Big Ol' Smitty

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Wait, so Kingofthe909 is Clique A?
  14. It sucked not being able to book a hotel room before age 21, unless it was a very crappy hotel room (Knight's Inn...blech).
  15. Big Ol' Smitty

    Carbonated drinks.

    I've been really into Coke Zero lately.
  16. Big Ol' Smitty


    I kind of have the same problem of having a lot of good games to play too. I'm currently playing Viewtiful Joe 1, Zelda Wii, & Shadow of the Colossus. I also have VJ 2 & Paper Mario (GC) waiting in the wings.
  17. Big Ol' Smitty

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    ViciousFish:The TSM Poster Tournament Rodney King::The United States
  18. Big Ol' Smitty

    Scorsese's THE DEPARTED

    Dignam could never be a rat.
  19. Big Ol' Smitty

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    I think we can waive the miracle requirement in this case. We'll have to take this up with Cardinal Mole.
  20. Big Ol' Smitty

    Biggest Train Wreck of a Life

    DO IT He's going to take her on a riverboat ride.
  21. Big Ol' Smitty

    4,000 dead Americans

    Also, like how he brings up that Lincoln suspended habeas corpus. Well, ya know, the Constitution actually says that habeas corpus can be suspended in times of rebellion or invasion. What it doesn't say is that it can be suspended whenever the hell the President, the VP, or the Attorney General feels like it.
  22. Big Ol' Smitty

    The Greatest Rapper of All Time

    I spit hot fire. I was afraid I was going to see that Dave Chapelle's impersonation of Dylan was dead when I clicked on this.
  23. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    To be fair, if I was making the decision based on experience, I would choose Obama over Clinton. I value his experience as a community activist over Clinton's experience as a pol.