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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    Review ROH: Night of the Champions

    Yeah dude, OVW needs props. It's great stuff. I'll up the stakes -write stuff or I'll stop idolizing you...for a little while Yeah, like THAT would happen. Bow down, lil' Doring!
  2. Zack Malibu

    Review ROH: Night of the Champions

    I'm not anti-ROH (I'm pretty much in Tom's league when it comes to feelings on them). Now I just have to get off my ass and review some OVDub or something for the site.
  3. Zack Malibu

    Storm Booking Thread

    Well if Mike says it's OK, it's OK. I just wasn't sure if you were throwing your own idea out there. He's got as much right to speak for the team as I do, so I'm cool with whatever.
  4. Zack Malibu

    Storm Booking Thread

    That's news to me.
  5. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Crystal Thread~!

    Bitch, if you don't think I'm an effective heel, you need to re-read the last few months of work. You can't even get X-Pac heat!
  6. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Crystal Thread~!

    ::steals Fresca. Realizes it's Hoff's, and hands it back.::
  7. Zack Malibu

    AngleSlam Feedback!

    Not true. Sly was the first feud post title win, when I was teetering on the turn. It was that feud that transitioned me into a heel role, and Sly into a face. Honestly, I feel the whole angle, with the reluctant partnerships of the faces (Sly, Crystal, Northstar had all had feuds at one point), the formation of the Thrillogy and Zack's turn on Crystal...it all flowed flawlessly. There was actually a time when I wound up getting the second job that I feared I wouldn't be able to devote enough time to the angle, but I pushed on. Hell, some of those Zack tirade promo's that turned out so well and were liked I wrote in quickie spans of like ten minutes. Still, I almost hate to see the angle end since I had so much fun with it, but I'm glad to hear you guys feel my title run went out with a bang. And nothing to obsess over? Oh ye of little faith, Thursday shall prove you wrong!
  8. Zack Malibu

    Favorite beer....

    Ah, gotcha. To each their own.
  9. Zack Malibu

    Favorite beer....

    All right, out with it, Inc. Before someone else asks. What evidence or circumstance brought you to your conclusion?
  10. Zack Malibu

    Storm Booking Thread

    Hey, if you're gonna steal, steal from the best. As for the Empire, it's a full-on face run, although keep in mind that Cortez has always been willing to fight anyone. While he's leaning more towards the face side, he's still an intense competitor, so if he had to go up against a face, so be it. I mean, Landon's face now and I did beat him a few shows ago, wink wink, nudge nudge .
  11. Zack Malibu

    Carlito Carribean Cool

    What is it with the company trying to recreate the old stars? I'm all for waxing nostalgic, but it seems every guy on Smackdown lately is based off of someone from the past. Carlito-Razor Mordecai was a new Undertaker JBL is DiBiase, complete with a Virgil Dupree shows hints of "Model" Rick Martel ...it's like a roster of Fake Ramon's and Diesel's. Yet original characters like O'Haire get shit on or scrapped before they can fully develop.
  12. Zack Malibu

    The Nation

    Well, Undertaker is still friends with Bryan Adams. I can see it now... CUE: tune of old Demolition theme Here comes Matt Morgan And Brian Adams New Demoltion Unwanted hosses Pain and destruction for viewers at home
  13. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Crystal Thread~!

    Oh yeah? Well, even as the bastard heel that I am, I get more cheers than you EVER did!
  14. Zack Malibu

    Who's not voting in this presidential election?

    I'm not. I'm not a very political person to begin with, so it really makes no difference to me.
  15. Zack Malibu

    Favorite beer....

    Of course I can. It's noon on a Monday. We need to invoke SOME excitement into people's lives.
  16. Zack Malibu

    Favorite beer....

    Did she chase it with a beer afterwards? (trying to steer this back on track)
  17. Zack Malibu

    The Nation

    Wasn't this a rumor that got squashed a few months ago?
  18. Zack Malibu

    AngleSlam Feedback!

    While having only skimmed the show and several matches, I'd like to briefly toss out props to Cal/Sly, PattyStar, I mean, Shattered O'Green, I mean...yeah him. As well as Hoff, Papa, Parka, and everyone else. We had a hell of an effort going into this, which shows when you read it. The matches were very well done, some surprises to get the ball rolling for fall, and SICK graphics from Papa, who outdoes himself every month. Now, as for my match, Crystal winning was a long term plan that myself and several others got behind nearly one YEAR ago. The time and effort put into everything from the Thrillogy formation, my heel turn, Adam, Sly and Northstar's involvement/turns, and of course CC's part all made the AS main event possible. It has been one of the best stories I've gotten to write in my near three years here, and I had a hell of a time writing this match. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did putting it together. The OAOAST is at a high right now, and I for one don't want us to come down. Kudos all around.
  19. Zack Malibu

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Thread

    I'm just DOMINATING with the Dolphins in my Franchise. The first few games were tight wins with close scores (as I was getting used to the control handling), but lately I've been blowing out teams. I just beat the Seahawks 49-7, with Ricky Williams rushing for 6 of the 7 scores. This was all with minor roster tweaking too (got rid of some lesser players for some free agents, etc.) I'm currently number one ranked in the division, with no losses and only one tie, which was against the one team I can't stand (Patriots).
  20. Zack Malibu


    Kendo Ka Shin did dark matches for them, and that never led anywhere. Plus, I think Lyger would make a LOT more in Japan than he would on a WWE contract.
  21. Zack Malibu

    Feedback for the 8/26 show

    Yeah, I hope that the segment with Zack and Northstar finally allowed Zack to make the transition from cocky heel into egomaniacal, psychotic heel. I've based him off of two of my heroes, Shane Douglas and Brian Pillman, and I really think that that angle, along with some of my other recent work is making him look that way.
  22. Zack Malibu

    Happy Birthday Tim and Vitamin X

    Have a good one, the both of ya.
  23. Zack Malibu

    New "Classic Superstars" Action Figures

    Actually, my days tend to go like this: Work 8:30-8 (I'm a teacher assistant for handicapped kids until 3pm, then go to WSS). Get online whenever I can during the day. Write for OAOAST AND SWF, actually. Watch my near 400 DVD's (actually watched one of my new PWG DVD's today for a while) Social life whenever. Other than the incredible lack of sleep it all brings, life is good .
  24. Zack Malibu

    New "Classic Superstars" Action Figures

    I've got the proposed lineup for Series 5 from my job (Wrestling Superstore): Paul Orndorff Terry Funk Brutus Beefcack Iron Sheik Nikolai Volkoff King Kong Bundy Other new upcoming releases will include Eugene (Ruthless Aggression 11), and the Bashams (Adrenaline 10).
  25. Zack Malibu

    AngleSlam predictions thread

    SURVIVE OR SURRENDER OAOAST CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Crystal vs. Zack Malibu © -EvenflowDDT, who subs for Crystal after The Thrillogy destroy her in a pre-match promo. It'll be SHOCKING~! TLC TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Black T vs. GPX vs. NNMX © -Here's hoping for my boys, the GPX BARBED WIRE PERGATORY Sly Sommers vs. Calvin Szechstein -Cal E. Fornia TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR FOUR WAY TAG CHALLENGE MATCH (The winner gets Ten grand.) Bryants vs. The Tethers vs. Frankensteiners vs. Skull Kid & Skull Mask -Frankensteiners 24/7 TITLE MATCH Hoff © vs. Gunner -Hoffstepper ALMOST FAMOUS MATCH Chicks Over Dicks vs. The Saints -Chickies CAGE MATCH Panther vs Chris Bryte -Panther X-TITLE MATCH Rick Edwards vs. J. Arthur Edwards -Rick Judas vs. Christopher Cain -Judas Drek Stone vs. Leon Rodez -Rodez The Mad Cappa vs. Stephen Joseph -Cappa