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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    Ultimate X5 music video

    Piss you bastard, I thought you were coming to my rescue.
  2. Zack Malibu

    Ultimate X5 music video

    Site's down. Can someone PM me the video, or post a new link here?
  3. Captain America was released on video here in the US. I loved it as an 11 year old kid, but now? Not so much.
  4. Zack Malibu

    Booking 4 the 2/3 HD~! show

    Ahem. The *real* happy couple is in action. Against each other. Zack Malibu. Crystal. It all begins...again.
  5. Zack Malibu

    SWF Storm Card, 2-4-05!

    Times have changed though, Spikey-kins.
  6. Zack Malibu

    SWF Clusterfuck Card!

    I sadly, doubt I'll be showing. I had a decent chunk of a match done by Friday night, but a wild weekend and some quality family team (re: dinner with my grams and the cousins today...we Italians love our Sunday dinners) has me stretching for time. It's a longshot that I could get it in, but doubtful.
  7. Zack Malibu


    First Morgan gets given the Blue Print angle since they were grooming a masked heel for 'Taker, now Mordecai as Vengeance. Still, both angles sound good. Can't wait to snag this tape.
  8. Zack Malibu

    Are you Tired of my Shit?

    Well, ain't that a kick in the head.
  9. Zack Malibu

    Are you Tired of my Shit?

    Modern Man's Hustle is forming quite the clique.
  10. Zack Malibu

    Are you Tired of my Shit?

    Would these be "Bud shits" ™?
  11. Zack Malibu

    IWA-MS Anything Goes 2K5 Review, 1/15/05

    The Thomasellis are from Pro Wrestling Iron actually, hence their Wildside name of "The Iron Saints".
  12. Zack Malibu

    I, Josh, take thee Rue

    First a main event run on Smackdown, now this. Yeah, this is better. Good for them.
  13. Zack Malibu

    Serious thread.

    Water as a pet? It's the new pet rock. I think I'll name my puddle "Morrison". Well, that or Higgins.
  14. Zack Malibu

    Tales From The Bar Floor #1

    Well, if we didn't know it before, we know it now. Women+booze=entertainment.
  15. Zack Malibu

    That wacky Joey Styles

    Truthfully, you're missing out on some quality stuff. Even super cynic SK loved the last PPV. The three hour PPV's have not been let down's at all, it's just the booking of the company as a whole that leaves me shaking my head.
  16. Zack Malibu

    Serious thread.

    Puff out your cheeks and breathe hard, hopefully shooting it out of your nostril not unlike an elephant's trunk.
  17. Zack Malibu

    Tales From The Bar Floor #1

    It was Tiffani, actually.
  18. Zack Malibu

    That wacky Joey Styles

    He also said that TNA would have made a mistake in putting the belt on Brown (something I don't see). If he keeps thinking like that, it's going to be a loooong six months.
  19. Zack Malibu

    Tales From The Bar Floor #1

    I don't recommend driving drunk either, don't get me wrong. It's just nice to hear the sheer randomness that comes out of these situations. Such as the psycho ex decking a tree. I may have to make it my life's mission to move to PA and follow JAxl around with a video camera. I will not, however, play wingman to your fat fetish. (just fuckin' with ya, buddy).
  20. Zack Malibu

    That wacky Joey Styles

    I don't think TNA expects JJ vs. Nash to draw. Nor did they expect JJ vs. Monty to draw, and that's why they went with the three way. And they knew JJ vs. Hardy wouldn't draw, so they added the ladder stip and the Outsiders to that match. It's what TNA does. It takes something that no one wants to see, and pairs it up with something that will catch your eye (Ladder match with JJ/Hardy, the last PPV had Ultimate X as it's draw, this one will have the Iron Man and TLC matches). The problem is, on a three hour PPV, there shouldn't be matches we don't care about, let alone major/main event matches. To the person stating that Triple H can work better, I disagree. Jarrett is better in the ring workrate-wise, but lacks the psychology Trips has. Both have their flaws, and I'm not JJ fan by any means, but I'd rather see a match with JJ's ring skills over Triple H's. Let's face it, JJ will always, ALWAYS be in the main event scene since it's his company. We have to deal with that. He just needs to deal with the fact that he's not going to be the answer to his company's survival. The evolution of stars like Styles, Brown, Daniels, Williams, Sabin, etc. will be. It's unfair to lump all the former WWE/WCW stars in one category, because it's wrestling, and you never know who's going to get over on a given day (and by the same token, who people will get sick of). DDP can work, so keep him in an upper card slot. Hall and Nash should be used as a team to cut back on their lack of ability these days, and to help the tag scene (which produces awesome matches, but always finds itself in the cycle of AMW/3LK/Team Canada/Shane and Kazarian). The feud between Dustin Rhodes and Raven is a perfect example of what should be done with veteran talent. Their working against each other, away from the titles and major programs, doing their own thing. If it gets over, take it to the next level. If it fails, you can blow it off quick and pair them off with others. Those are the matches where you should toss something against the wall and see what sticks. Don't do that with the guys you're going to need (note I said need, not want) to build around fairly soon.
  21. Zack Malibu

    Tales From The Bar Floor #1

    You're a newbie too. Aren't you? *dum dum DUM* And fuck it, it was funny.
  22. Zack Malibu

    Tales From The Bar Floor #1

    Fuck taking a break. I want more stories like this. Just make sure everyone lives. Fat-fucking and firings are fine though.
  23. Zack Malibu

    Feedback for the 1/27 HD~!

    Sorry for the Lack of Zack again this week. Reality just caught up with me this week, and I didn't have much time to get anything done on top of what I was already trying to do. I do plan on trying to put together something to hype up all three of my matches by tomorrow night, if I get some time during the day tomorrow.
  24. Zack Malibu

    Psicosis to get a tryout match this Sunday

    Red hasn't been the same post-knee injury, and actually wasn't resigned by TNA because of it (partly...the fact they had nothing for him also helped). Truthfully, as over as he was and as good of matches he had (my favorites being where he teamed with Jerry Lynn, and that 6 man with the SAT's vs. Triple X), I never liked him much. He was sloppy more often than not. No personality or promo skills. He just had that underdog charisma.
  25. Zack Malibu

    I'm sick.

    I care. I just wasn't online last night to do anything about it.